I've never had a problem with any JW's. Ever.
I know a few, sure, but they've never bothered me at all.
As for knocking on doors and crap... well, I would just treat them like every other person I don't know who comes knocking on my door:
- Don't answer the door.
- Be polite as ****, explain to them why I'm not interested.
Then again, virtually everyone around here is a Baptist. The JW's I know married into the family, for the most part. My cousins wife is JW, sure she's not the sharpest tool in the shed but trust me it's not because of the JW thing... not at all. Her family is also JW and they're nice people.
As with anything, it depends on the individuals. Sure, what they believe is important but you'll always have groups that interpret the same beliefs differently.
And as with anything else, you'll have some people who are more relaxed about it and others who are more uptight about it. The problem is no one ever notices the relaxed bunch because they're not being annoying ****s. Everyone notices the ones annoying them and just associates then entire group like that.
Like I can't tell you how much **** I get over being Baptist because of those ****ing blabbering nutcases called the Westboro Baptist Church. People like to conclude we're all like that, just because of those psychos.
Well anyway, I've never really had a problem with JW's. I think they came by our house once or twice when I was younger but that was it.
...then again, I avoid answering the door at all costs, and so does my dad, and my sister just yells at me to answer everything (phone, door, whatever). Unless it's a package we're expecting, no one ever answers the door in my house. Not worth the effort, by the time we get up and turn off the alarm then get to the door the person is gone. So **** it.
Meh. In a nutshell, people are assholes who like to believe in the worst of people, as though they are intentionally doing it all just to annoy them. As opposed to understanding that they're just following their own beliefs and there's nothing malicious behind it even if it can be annoying. Lots of things are annoying. For example, I don't ****ing like how often the phone rings at my house, but I realize it's just a bunch of people trying to do their **** jobs or calling for some cause or whatever they believe in. Annoyed as I am, I don't hate them.
Also, you'd think with the whole notion of tolerance being as popular as it is that it actually be put into practice by the ones preaching it.
But I guess when they say that it means only religious people should be tolerant of others, but other people shouldn't be tolerant of religious people?
Smells like a double standard to me. Point being, annoying behavior or no, they're just people with different views than you. Doesn't mean you should hate them or think they're stupid just for following a particular religion. Everyone is different, and as they say "different strokes for different folks". Some people clearly just like the JW beliefs, just like I like the Baptists beliefs, while others are Jewish, and others are Muslim, and others are fence-sitters, and others don't believe in anything at all. In the end, it's all just a matter of opinion to the individual.
Point is, they're just people trying to live by what they believe in. Even if it's not a religion everyone typically tends to live by what they believe in, which can be just about anything. In can range from low scale to large scale. For example, I do my best to live by honesty. But more than that I live by loyalty. So sometimes those conflict and honesty has to take a backseat to loyalty, but in the end the truth always comes out from me.
But you've got other people who'd think me a fool for being honest, or loyal, or both. Because that's just not what they believe in. Doesn't mean they should think I'm a fool, even if they don't agree with it. Even if they find it annoying.
You don't have to like it, but outright hatred seems rather petty and silly to me. More so though, I think it's a lack of genuine understanding. I mean, you believe them to be fools, they probably believe you to be fools just as well. Because you don't understand where the other is coming from, you just write them off as fools. Oh, but you can think they're fools because you're you and you just know so much more than them, don't you? Just based entirely on what they believe you write them off as being fools. Personally I think that's a show of ignorance.
But silly me, I don't stereotype people based on what they believe. I wasn't aware this was such a rare concept. I'll try harder to be more of a jerkass to the next Atheist I come across then, since I don't agree with their opinions and all. **** they're just all so annoying after all, it gets real irritating having to be so polite esp. when a good chunk of them are not nice to me. But hey, even if some are nice to me, because of the sheer fact most Atheists I know tend to be royal assholes to me because of what I believe in, then I should just be an **** to all Atheists and hate them all because based on how annoying the ones who assholes are I conclude that all Atheists are total assholes who deserve nothing but my blatant disrespect. Hell, they don't even have a doctrine that tells them to be assholes! They just act like that because they're all a bunch of assholes with a superiority complex!
I mean come on, even if they're not directly being annoying jerkoffs to me they still share the same absence of belief as the ones who are being annoying jerkoffs - so the most rational solution is to hate them all.
Yes, yes... that's obviously the most rational and logical thing to do.
Same for Agnostics, make you minds you ****ing fence-sitters! I mean really! We all know you're closet Atheists. But, hell, at least you guys recognize the possibility an afterlife or God exists. Atheists can't even ****ing do that much!
^So my point is extra clear, the small text is how stupid all you JW haters sound to me. This is what kind of sense it makes if you take a ****ing step back and think about it. That being said, clearly the small text is sarcasm and is being used to illustrate a point. Do not jump down my throat thinking I was being serious, because I was not serious.
I'd like to say more, but I have to go to bed now. This is probably long enough anyway. Anyway, I don't hate JW's, never had any problems with them at all. Don't agree with them either, don't like what they practice, but it's their life and they're just doing what they believe in and no one is getting hurt by it. If people ever do get hurt by it, then it's a bad practice. This doesn't mean everyone involved with the religion is bad, however.
That said, peace out suckas!
*note: When I say "haters", I don't mean dislikers, I mean actually haters.