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Karaoke for Haiti !

Paul Widlund

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Tonight - Karaoke for Haiti - 9 - 1 at the Bayview Inn

Karaoke Friends - I think most everyone wants to help our neighbors
in Haiti - Monster Crisis there - even the President of the Country is

The best thing most of us can do is dig into our pockets a little and
contribute whatever we can afford......


Tonight We'll have contribution jar for Haiti Relief - I'll match
you dollar for dollar - up to $100 out of my pocket total, and we'll see
what we can do to help this situation - I guess every dollar counts....

I'll make sure all the money gets to the Red Cross or appropriate

Thank You...........Paul
I'm against hepling other countries how about we help THE USA?

There are people starving, out of work, and living in poverty right in our back yard. How about we dig in out pockets and fix whats wrong in our own country.
I'm against hepling other countries how about we help THE USA?

There are people starving, out of work, and living in poverty right in our back yard. How about we dig in out pockets and fix whats wrong in our own country.
if you were in trouble,wouldn't you want someone to help you? the whole world is in a recession right now.they are the poorest place in this hemisphere and because of the hurricanes and earthquake etc which affected them so badly places like England,America,France and other Caribbean countries have stepped in to devote time/money/volunteers/food/medicine to help in the situation.you might not know but the body count is up to about 90,000 dead right now.if they get no help,don't even think of what can happen when an out break takes the world.

Tonight - Karaoke for Haiti - 9 - 1 at the Bayview Inn

Karaoke Friends - I think most everyone wants to help our neighbors
in Haiti - Monster Crisis there - even the President of the Country is

The best thing most of us can do is dig into our pockets a little and
contribute whatever we can afford......


Tonight We'll have contribution jar for Haiti Relief - I'll match
you dollar for dollar - up to $100 out of my pocket total, and we'll see
what we can do to help this situation - I guess every dollar counts....

I'll make sure all the money gets to the Red Cross or appropriate

Thank You...........Paul

I know what you mean to convey but the way you have worded your message it seems like you will match each donor/donation with up to $100.00. What if 50 people each donate $5.00? you will have to match it with $5.00 each = $250.00
I know what you mean to convey but the way you have worded your message it seems like you will match each donor/donation with up to $100.00. What if 50 people each donate $5.00? you will have to match it with $5.00 each = $250.00

Yes, I realize it could have been worded better - I changed it in the facebook
thing I posted, and clarified it also on the receptical I'm using for the
cash - will also make that clear at the show......... and who knows if 50
people donate $5 - maybe I will match it with $250....Money is not that
important to me - but people are....

I know the US has to take care of a lot of stuff in it's own backyard, there are a lot of homeless people that need help and a lot of these are veterans or disabled veterans. There are a lot of institutions that do this and need our donations to try and mitigate the bad things.

However we need to look at the human tragedy taking place over there. I lived through something similar during the 8.1 earthquake that struck Mexico City on September 19th 1985.

Haiti is the poorest country on the Western Hemisphere with crime running rampant a real state of havoc that nobody wants to address. But for all the bad people over there there a ton of good people that are just trying to survive after losing relatives or everything they own. This morning I went to buy supplies that I delivered to Haiti's embassy down here and was glad to see people who remember the tragedies we lived in 1985 where dropping off as much as they could.

So if you find it in your heart to donate whatever you can I'm sure you will have helped save the life of somebody you'll never meet but you'll know it was the right thing to do.
I know the US has to take care of a lot of stuff in it's own backyard, there are a lot of homeless people that need help and a lot of these are veterans or disabled veterans. There are a lot of institutions that do this and need our donations to try and mitigate the bad things.

However we need to look at the human tragedy taking place over there. I lived through something similar during the 8.1 earthquake that struck Mexico City on September 19th 1985.

Haiti is the poorest country on the Western Hemisphere with crime running rampant a real state of havoc that nobody wants to address. But for all the bad people over there there a ton of good people that are just trying to survive after losing relatives or everything they own. This morning I went to buy supplies that I delivered to Haiti's embassy down here and was glad to see people who remember the tragedies we lived in 1985 where dropping off as much as they could.

So if you find it in your heart to donate whatever you can I'm sure you will have helped save the life of somebody you'll never meet but you'll know it was the right thing to do.

Well said!
Well - It wasn't much, but we raised $40 tonight - I'll match it, and send
at least 80 to the Red Cross for Haiti...... like someone said above - sometimes we do things just because it's the right thing to do - and that
can be comforting.... Thanks for all the comments, pro and con:sqwink:
I really do feel for the people in Haiti, but I am also know that the U.S. send billions of dollars down there every year to "help" the poor people of that nation and 90% of it never reaches someone who needs help.

Those problems are already surfacing in this disaster!
Steve I agree with you about aid money that we both send every year not making it but there are reputable orginizations that will get it there in this case. The Red Cross, World Vision, UNICEF, CARE, and many others are pretty upfront
I'm against hepling other countries how about we help THE USA?

There are people starving, out of work, and living in poverty right in our back yard. How about we dig in out pockets and fix whats wrong in our own country.

Well said!
I am also against helping other countries while we have people in our own who desperately need our help. Most of these people are in the situation they are through no fault of their own.
It saddens me to see people jump on the bandwagon when a tragedy such as what happened in Haiti hits and then send truckloads of money, food, and other aid out of our own country and then watch as these very same people pass a cold, hungry homeless person on the street without so much as a second thought.
Think of it this way:
Would you give the last existing meal in town to your neighbour's kid and let your own starving child go hungry?
Why not?
By those same standards, that's what everyone is doing! Passing our own "children" by!

Yes, what has happened in Haiti is a tragedy, but as long as there are hungry dying and homeless people in my own country, (and there are! Much more now than ever before) I will seek out those organizations such as the local food bank, Salvation Army, etc, and they will get my donation.
How many others will do the same?
How about matching dollar for dollar what you send to Haiti with a donation to the local food bank?
I would rather see ALL of it go to our loacal hungry families, but some is better than none!
I don't see why one should preclude the other. Many people with a generous spirit will do both.
Diafel said:
Well said!
I am also against helping other countries while we have people in our own who desperately need our help. Most of these people are in the situation they are through no fault of their own.
It saddens me to see people jump on the bandwagon when a tragedy such as what happened in Haiti hits and then send truckloads of money, food, and other aid out of our own country and then watch as these very same people pass a cold, hungry homeless person on the street without so much as a second thought.
Think of it this way:
Would you give the last existing meal in town to your neighbour's kid and let your own starving child go hungry?
Why not?
By those same standards, that's what everyone is doing! Passing our own "children" by!

Yes, what has happened in Haiti is a tragedy, but as long as there are hungry dying and homeless people in my own country, (and there are! Much more now than ever before) I will seek out those organizations such as the local food bank, Salvation Army, etc, and they will get my donation.
How many others will do the same?
How about matching dollar for dollar what you send to Haiti with a donation to the local food bank?
I would rather see ALL of it go to our local hungry families, but some is better than none!

I guess the question with homeless people is.....are they truly destitute or are they living that way by choice. Are they addicted to drugs, alcohol, or simply don't want to help themselves.

I'll give my money to a shelter, before I give it to the guy on the street....

I'm not saying that every homeless person is there by choice....What happened in Haiti is definitely not by choice.
Steve LeBlanc said:
I guess the question with homeless people is.....are they truly destitute or are they living that way by choice. Are they addicted to drugs, alcohol, or simply don't want to help themselves.

I'll give my money to a shelter, before I give it to the guy on the street....

I'm not saying that every homeless person is there by choice....What happened in Haiti is definitely not by choice.
So blame the victim, huh?
It's attitudes like yours that stop people from donating to very worthy LOCAL causes.
I'm not saying you need to hand the guy on the street money, but think about donating to your local food bank, Salvation Army, women's shelter, etc.
I'm also not talking about people who have put themsleves in that position.
I have very little pity for the drunk who would rather drink than get a job or the drug addict who chooses to shove a needle in his arm or coke up his nose rather than earn a living.
On the other hand, is the guy a drunk because he's been beaten down by the system so much that he thinks there really isn't anything left for him?
Did his drinking put him on the street or did the street cause him to drink?
You have no idea.
And not every homeless person is a drunken drug addict, you know. Some are just people who happen to fall through the cracks.
Some may have mental health challenges but again, fall through the cracks of a system that is so broken it barely rolls forward.
Some are victims of abuse, such as battered women who leave a terrible situation, often with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Many of them have children to feed as well.

I know someone in California right now who, through no fault of her own was evicted from her apartment and only just found another place a year later! Rentals were obviously tight in her area. There was simply nothing to rent. But through it all, she managed to keep her job, but she spent a good portion of that year living in her car! She was homeless! She spent Christmas on someone's couch who was good enough to welcome her for the holidays. Not in her own home, because she didn't have one.
She's not a drunk or a drug addict. Just someone that something unfortunate happened to.
Before you blame the victim. think about it. You know NOTHING of that person's true circumstance and what led them to where they are.

And before you tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about, think long and hard, because I too, am one of those who fell on hard times and was homeless. And while I had nothing but the clothes on my back, through no fault of my own and two hungry children to feed, I watched people send money and aid to other countries instead of giving locally where it was desperately needed because our own government cutback on social aid to its own people!
And I also listened to people who blamed me and others like me for our predicament without knowing ANYTHING about me and what had happened.
My daughter is currently struggling because of things beyond her control.
I KNOW more than most what it's all about.
Yes, this is a subject which touches me deeply.
the street,the government,the system does not do anything to anyone.if you have ambition in life you can make something of your life.this country has so much things in place to help EVERYONE.the fact is there are MANY CHOICES here,i know because i work for the government. many walk around placing blame on the system and the government in general when they do nothing to help themselves.there is no homeless person in this country can tell me they have been through poverty as much as many countries out there.i know many cant imagine living without the basic necessities in life.i'm truely happy that so many countries across the world have come together to help whenever there is a crisis anywhere.selfishness does not put them anywhere,so i'm happy that they can unite to help in a crisis or tragedy.
First, you are assuming I am American. I am not.
What is wrong with you people that you won't help your own neighbours and countrymen?
i help my neighbour and countrymen and women each and everyday.
Dropped some more stuff off today. And other people are also donating more stuff. It's true money donations are very blurry regarding how the money is used. However food, water, diapers, basic medical supplies, etc. make a huge difference.

As I said before if you want to do it that's great if you don't it's your choice.