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Karaoke Haters


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We here in Virginia are on the battlefront of liars, cheats, snitches, tattletales and litigation. Are you the kind of person who would jump at the opportunity to harass, slander and report someone just because you can, not because you have proof of something? Even if you had proof would you go out of your way to rain on someone’s parade?

If you pay as much attention to your own business as some people do to others your business is doomed to fail. Accusing others will not make you a pillar of society or respected in the least, your friends may start to see you as a threat and that's if you have any. Everybody has a skeleton in the closet!

I was one of the first KJ's in Richmond to mix and blend karaoke and music while waiting for the next singer to arrive to the stage 6 years ago. No dead air or obnoxious rude KJ irritating guests.

I have been in Richmond since 1995 always in the music scene, either in a band or singing for fun at home. Along the way I have met a slew of DJ's, none of which were 100% legit. Every one of them had some sort of borrowed something. That's not what Piracy is about, it's about having one individual set of music and copying it for resale or used in a performance. Or as with the reason this has come to our attention, many people getting loaded hard drives and staring a business.

I know of two people right now that are doing that. One is in this forum posing as a legit KJ, truth he is the one guy I know who has no disks at all at least not before last year. He worked for a company here for five years and then one day had his whole thing rocking. Have I turned him in? No. Have I called places where he works? No. He has been named in the law suit and is now trying to sell his business, accuse others and be a general numbskull. Is this what the world has come to?

Now to the topic at hand; Phoenix was the first city to get hit with the SC wrath. I have a friend who travels a lot and he introduced me to someone running 5 systems with a server there and yes it is legit. He helped me to get my server up and mine is much more complicated than his. Fact is it does work; the depth of which I use it is for me to say. It is a trade secret and will stay that way until I figure out a way to package it.

I don’t care if you are still running on disks or not, what I have will revolutionize karaoke and your ability to run more shows at reduced costs. It’s not double dipping or multi-rigging; it is making the best use of your resources. It doesn’t matter how much music you have, there is a guy in my town with 100,000 songs although I have 1/5 of that I am very busy,he can't keep a gig. I’m not bragging, just saying that if you’re good it doesn’t matter how much music you have.

If I wanted your gig all I have to do is ask them to come to just one of my shows = Hired! Believe me it's better to be my friend than my enemy!

He, who hath no sin, cast the first stone!
Funny all the years i've been running the Karaoke industry in Richmond i've never come across you?? All the work i do for NBC 12 and most of the Establishments in Richmond, I'm not on the side of town by champs, maybe that's why....but what were you bragging about again? Bars are small time gigs, I still keep one because i like them, and yes at one point i did 6 nights a week and have run karaoke just about everywhere. I know an establishment in Richmond looking for Karaoke by the way, if you can show me your system works and is legitamite i can hook you up because i am not interested in weekly bar gigs. But I'm still curious where you've been since 1995? Granted i've been running the bars in Richmond only since 2000 when i came to Richmond but i don't believe we've had the pleasure in all those years. My singers have won the NBC karaoke Jukebox 2 years running and i don't believe i've seen you in the contests??? Where are ya hiding?
No I am no johnny come lately. My next karaoke show in downtown is Cha Chas Tuesday. Introduce yourself please.

I was in Charlottesville for four years here for the last year.
You can offer the same job to Smitty (Thunder) See if he can show you his originals ? LOL
I'll bring mine Teusday for you to inspect...
I thought this was a Karaoke haters thread? Can I go on the record by saying that I am a karaoke hater?
DZnutZ said:
You can offer the same job to Smitty (Thunder) See if he can show you his originals ? LOL

I do have to let ya know DZ that I've seen Smitty's originals back in the day.....it's been a number of years but i doubt anything has happened to them.........if he was legit 5 years ago, i don't see why he wouldn't be now?
Loneavenger said:
My singers have won the NBC karaoke Jukebox 2 years running and i don't believe i've seen you in the contests??? Where are ya hiding?

I never have, still don't, and never will run contests....just sayin'...:tricool:

I'm still missing something about this thread, aren't I? :triconfused:
JoeChartreuse said:
I missed something, didn't I..? :triconfused:

Just was making a point , The NBC contest here were discontinued last year but what they did was they picked the 10 most popular Karaoke shows in Richmond and had those singers compete in contests at the establishments where we ran karaoke. We all also got free tv commercials locally on NBC 12 which was a huge plus for us. Then, The finalist from each location got to go on the Morning News and perform a song of their choosing, 2 singers each day for a week. This was run in the news room by a different one of the hosts each year, I believe last year it was Nard's that actually ran karaoke at the station. Then, the public would vote on the NBC 12 website and the winner would be Crowned the Richmond Karaoke King or Queen for the year as well as a nice $1500 check and some other cool prizes. It was a lot of fun, but i don't believe i ever came across Nigel at these events....was just curious why after being good friends with majority of the hosts here we've never crossed paths. But then, he answered the question because he's been in Charlottesville for the last 4 years which answers that question, so it makes a little more sense. Anyways, Like i said, i hope his system is legitimate because i always think new ideas and concepts are pretty cool and it would be cool if the " next big thing " in Karaoke really did come out of Richmond. But only time will tell
DZnutZ said:
We here in Virginia are on the battlefront of liars, cheats, snitches, tattletales and litigation. Are you the kind of person who would jump at the opportunity to harass, slander and report someone just because you can, not because you have proof of something? Even if you had proof would you go out of your way to rain on someone’s parade?

I may elude to someone being a pirate if their actions and words pointed in that direction!

Yes, if I knew for a fact that they were a pirate I would not hesitate to point that fact out!

If you pay as much attention to your own business as some people do to others your business is doomed to fail. Accusing others will not make you a pillar of society or respected in the least, your friends may start to see you as a threat and that's if you have any. Everybody has a skeleton in the closet!

Paying attention to the pirates around us is the only way that legitimate operators will ever keep their business from failing!

I was one of the first KJ's in Richmond to mix and blend karaoke and music while waiting for the next singer to arrive to the stage 6 years ago. No dead air or obnoxious rude KJ irritating guests.

Amazing because I go all the way back to the 80's and I stopped playing music between karaoke songs in the early 90's! I agree with you about the rude obnoxious KJs though! I remember seeing one who would actually stand in front of the women at his show and pull their faces into his crotch, I always thought that was pretty rude!

I have been in Richmond since 1995 always in the music scene, either in a band or singing for fun at home. Along the way I have met a slew of DJ's, none of which were 100% legit. Every one of them had some sort of borrowed something. That's not what Piracy is about, it's about having one individual set of music and copying it for resale or used in a performance. Or as with the reason this has come to our attention, many people getting loaded hard drives and staring a business.

You are correct on this one, I had a KJ come into one of my shows and offered to trade songs with me I told him no and he said he would sell me any songs I would like! I asked him to bring me the disc in and I would take a look, he said he didn't have any disc! This guy popped up on the scene for the first time about five years ago!

I know of two people right now that are doing that. One is in this forum posing as a legit KJ, truth he is the one guy I know who has no disks at all at least not before last year. He worked for a company here for five years and then one day had his whole thing rocking. Have I turned him in? No. Have I called places where he works? No. He has been named in the law suit and is now trying to sell his business, accuse others and be a general numbskull. Is this what the world has come to?

That is sad!

Now to the topic at hand; Phoenix was the first city to get hit with the SC wrath. I have a friend who travels a lot and he introduced me to someone running 5 systems with a server there and yes it is legit. He helped me to get my server up and mine is much more complicated than his. Fact is it does work; the depth of which I use it is for me to say. It is a trade secret and will stay that way until I figure out a way to package it.

We have a couple of KJs here from that area, perhaps one of them knows this guy!

I don’t care if you are still running on disks or not, what I have will revolutionize karaoke and your ability to run more shows at reduced costs. It’s not double dipping or multi-rigging; it is making the best use of your resources. It doesn’t matter how much music you have, there is a guy in my town with 100,000 songs although I have 1/5 of that I am very busy,he can't keep a gig. I’m not bragging, just saying that if you’re good it doesn’t matter how much music you have.

It is an amazing concept!

If I wanted your gig all I have to do is ask them to come to just one of my shows = Hired! Believe me it's better to be my friend than my enemy!

Yes, I know what you mean! I have a guy who has come into every show that I have and has offered to take my shows for less than half what I charge, he even has offered to do a month free just to get into a couple of them! The manager at one Venue (a bald headed bartender) told me this guy has been in 4 times and the Bald headed bartender finally told him not to come back! This same guy took over a show in a club that I had left because they wanted to reduce the pay from $300 down to $150 (I wonder where they came up with that novel idea) and the club was calling me within two weeks wanting me to come back! Too bad the guy sucked so bad that he killed the karaoke at that venue! This guy has gone through just about every bar in town (except for the ones I am working) losing his gigs in a very short time then after he burned through all the bars in Charlottesville he moved to Richmond last year (I think), of course he disappeared from the C-ville area right after the first SC lawsuits!

He, who hath no sin, cast the first stone!

OK who should I chuck them at?:tribiggrin:
Illegal - again!

DZnutZ said:

Now to the topic at hand; Phoenix was the first city to get hit with the SC wrath. I have a friend who travels a lot and he introduced me to someone running 5 systems with a server there and yes it is legit. He helped me to get my server up and mine is much more complicated than his. Fact is it does work; the depth of which I use it is for me to say. It is a trade secret and will stay that way until I figure out a way to package it.

I don’t care if you are still running on disks or not, what I have will revolutionize karaoke and your ability to run more shows at reduced costs. It’s not double dipping or multi-rigging; it is making the best use of your resources. It doesn’t matter how much music you have, there is a guy in my town with 100,000 songs although I have 1/5 of that I am very busy,he can't keep a gig. I’m not bragging, just saying that if you’re good it doesn’t matter how much music you have.

If I wanted your gig all I have to do is ask them to come to just one of my shows = Hired! Believe me it's better to be my friend than my enemy!

He, who hath no sin, cast the first stone!


I will go on record here and state unequivocally that you do not have the right to post songs on a server and stream or download to other systems without written permission from (and presumably compensation to) the intellectual property owners of the song content.

Technically what you are "offering" is easy to do - no "revolution" there. But don't you think that if it were as easy to do LEGALLY, that the karaoke producers would have been doing this a long time ago?

I don't know if you are really that arrogant or that clueless to be admitting running and trying to promote such a scheme in a public forum. But thanks, it makes my lawyer's job that much easier.

"He who hath no clue, shouldn't be promoting illegal schemes".

Kurt Slep
Sound Choice
Things like this are already taking a large bite out of the "Bar DJ" business. Many bars are doing iPod nights. Eliminating the DJ is a logical business move (not that I'm happy about that..it just is). I'm guessing that fully automated karaoke systems aren't far behind. If Sound Choice jumps on this market, they won't have any KJs (legal or otherwise) to worry about.

Amazon.com: IntelliTracks Digital Jukebox Featuring LCD Touch Screen Technology, Supports?@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/415mY-ZF%2BaL.@@AMEPARAM@@415mY-ZF%2BaL
Loneavenger said:
Anyways, Like i said, i hope his system is legitimate because i always think new ideas and concepts are pretty cool and it would be cool if the " next big thing " in Karaoke really did come out of Richmond. But only time will tell

Illegal as HE##! Unless he has obtained rights from publishers and the karaoke producers. Which, I know he has not. As I keep saying "just because you can do something technically, does not mean you have the rights to do so legally."
Loneavenger said:
I do have to let ya know DZ that I've seen Smitty's originals back in the day.....it's been a number of years but i doubt anything has happened to them.........if he was legit 5 years ago, i don't see why he wouldn't be now?

I know we directly sold him a few hundred a few months ago. But we have evidence from your Ebay records that you bought a lot of discs AFTER we filed against you last year, Nigel. So THOSE don't count....
Hank Davidson said:
Things like this are already taking a large bite out of the "Bar DJ" business. Many bars are doing iPod nights. Eliminating the DJ is a logical business move (not that I'm happy about that..it just is). I'm guessing that fully automated karaoke systems aren't far behind. If Sound Choice jumps on this market, they won't have any KJs (legal or otherwise) to worry about.

Amazon.com: IntelliTracks Digital Jukebox Featuring LCD Touch Screen Technology, Supports…

We get requests to put our content into "dummy automated systems" all the time, but we are firm believers that a GOOD host can really make a difference in a show and generate enough additional revenue to pay for themselves compared to the money the bar hopes to save.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself, "What business am I in and what is my function?" If you are just "playing songs", yes, you can be replaced with an automated jukebox (almost) but if you are an entertainer that engages the audience and provides encouragement and strokes your singer's' egos and gets them coming back each week or suggest songs that would make them sound better because they're better suited to their range or style, etc., YOU can't be replaced by a jukebox.