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Kicking the habit........

I only read the OP. Rebekka when you halucinate and kill someone/yourself due to not following the directions....I will not participate in the "omg! Poor Rebekka" thread.

Because an hour out of your day could have fixed it.

Gee, anyone else wish Pam would have seen HER doc when she felt so unwell????

Psst Barb - she went to the Doc today and got a refill. It's all good.
Barb - in this case you have to read the whole thread. She went to the doc and got her new prescription!
Battery Operated Boyfriend

How many do you own? :snicker:

I only read the OP. Rebekka when you halucinate and kill someone/yourself due to not following the directions....I will not participate in the "omg! Poor Rebekka" thread.

Because an hour out of your day could have fixed it.

Gee, anyone else wish Pam would have seen HER doc when she felt so unwell????

Of course you feel better, you are on meds. And the CRASH you can end up with ON A THREE DAY WEEKEND at home with your boys and dh is not even smart.

:fart: I've never halucinated or anything even close. "All" I have/ had is slight depression and some anxiety issues. :rolleyes:

Oh and it's Rebecca. ;)

BTW Pam had PM'ed me about that back in the day. She admitted to me that she wishes her friends and family had literally forced her to get help.................I just pray that they don't feel guilt after her passing. Through PM's she was a great source and friend to me............I miss her. :cry1:
I should not be surprised that many peeps in general take something. Nice to know that we all talk about it openly here.....my problem is I probably should but I am afraid to. I had postpartum bad with my second and I knew I was in trouble. I went to classes and everybody was telling me to take the medication......I did get past it without medication but it was horrible....It really gave me insight to how/why people attempt suicide. I never thought of doing it but when I would go to bed at night I was fine if I did not wake up....I just did not want to do the next day....I only went through it for a few months....I can just immagine what it is like doing it for years. It makes me sad that people suffer like that and think that there is nothing left to live for but I can see/understand how they get there.

I also believe that going through it has made me a better person. More understanding....and I have passed that onto my children. Both of my kids have been in counseling for growing up stuff, you know stuff that even if your mom tells you it's gonna be okay, they don't believe you....well they were the ones that asked to go. Most kids would not do that. They would hold it in and tell no one...which most times turns tragic.
Holy moly....I hope this one slips right out. That's a long ****ing time to be in labor....wow
Swale you're so right! I remember feeling so lost and frankly hopeless. I wondered what the point of it all was. Cliche I know but really............
I too got a glimpse into how people could get to that point.

I'm glad you got through it. :flowers:
Me too...I really had no support just common sense. It was really hard when MIL would say things like...you can't make a meatloaf?...that is the easiest thing to do...She is lucky I did not kill her...LOL

My own mom told me years later that she did not know that I was suffering because I did so well with the first.....

to tell you the truth the person who helped me the most was my father because he understood....he suffered all is life....it got him in the end. He shot himself because he just could not go through another episode. He knew it was happening again and just could not go though it again...... and I think that is why I am so afraid of medication....he would go on and off them...he hated the meds.

Oh boy I might have to avoid this thread for the next few weeks if it gets any deeper.

Since I've been so emotional during this pregnancy, DH once mentioned he was worried that I might get postpartum depression and basically just let me know he was looking out for me. That thought had never occurred to me before then.
Swale you're so right! I remember feeling so lost and frankly hopeless. I wondered what the point of it all was. Cliche I know but really............
I too got a glimpse into how people could get to that point.

I'm glad you got through it. :flowers:

and you too! You know what you need to do in the end and "most times" you do it....LOL

Barb cracked me up....she ripped you a new one....LOL
Oh Swale!!! That's the thing, he should have stayed on them! The body/ mind gets really ****ed up going on and off meds.............if you need it, stay on it! (I recently figured this out lol) I'm so sorry about your dad. :(

I go through the withdrawl thing with my ADHD DS10. He's great on his meds, but doesn't eat. So on the weekends I wouldn't give him the meds. He eats, but is a monster..............totally angry, emotional, just can't handle anything and hates life in general. So now we give him half a dose on the weekends. It's still not perfect, but the best we have right now. :surrender:

Oh boy I might have to avoid this thread for the next few weeks if it gets any deeper.

Since I've been so emotional during this pregnancy, DH once mentioned he was worried that I might get postpartum depression and basically just let me know he was looking out for me. That thought had never occurred to me before then.

You are gonna be fine...you know why? because you DH said he is looking out for you. Mine....uhm, not so much...in the throws of it all, I was so upset because I could not breast feed my second and my first was a piece of cake...I told DH that I was going to go to formula...his response was that I was not gonna like bottle feeding...WTF...he was just afraid that I was going to ask him to get up and feed the baby....it was easy peasy for him when I was the bottle for the first. Man, o man....If I could do the second over again...he would have been as miserable as I was...LOL
DH once mentioned he was worried that I might get postpartum depression

Why does he think that? Did you have issues with the first two? Don't worry about it. If it happens, you'll know it, won't be alone because you know about our experiences and at one of your checkups you'll mention it and get the help you need. ;)

Barb cracked me up....she ripped you a new one....LOL

Oh Swale!!! That's the thing, he should have stayed on them! The body/ mind gets really ****ed up going on and off meds.............if you need it, stay on it! (I recently figured this out lol) I'm so sorry about your dad. :(

I go through the withdrawl thing with my ADHD DS10. He's great on his meds, but doesn't eat. So on the weekends I wouldn't give him the meds. He eats, but is a monster..............totally angry, emotional, just can't handle anything and hates life in general. So now we give him half a dose on the weekends. It's still not perfect, but the best we have right now. :surrender:

Thank you, It was not a total surprise...seeing how bad he suffered when the depression/anxiety really took hold.....He went though this on and off for over 30 years. He just got tired and could not fight any more....even though it was the wrong choice.

Hugs....I can immage how you worry...he's your child.....you are doing a fantastic job!
No never had it at all with the first two.

Well you'll prolly be fine, but it's also harder having 3 lil ones.............more stress so things could change. Just don't kid yourself kwim? :flowers:

I was fine with #1, but he was only 2 1/2 when #2 came along and it was much harder and very different.
Thanks. I'm trying to accept help where I can get it. DD's 5th birthday is three weeks after baby's due date. I'm starting to plan and prep now so I won't be struggling with it later. My mom offered to have the party at their house to ease things up for me, and I may accept. She also offered to take DS for a few days, and my sister offered to take DD for a few days as well. I'm so thankful for them!