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Kids and flat sheets

DS has 1 fitted sheet and 1 conforter in the winter and 1 flat sheet in the summer.
That's it. Same for us except we do not share sheets or blankets, except I am a sheet/blanket hog. I never make either beds.

How about those beds they show on TV with a million pillows, anyone have that?
I washed my kids bedding earlier this week. I am not a fanatic about "Make your bed" but have been known to inform them their bedding could use some attention. Well, until this week. On the day I did the wash, my children were sniping and rude and pissed me off. I informed them they needed to make their own beds, I gave up. After seeing this thread, I have an update. Not only do they not give a hoot about a top sheet, this week we are going sheet-less, completely. In their opinions, I guess sheets do not matter.
My kids - 12,10,7,6 - have just begun to value the feel of the sheet in the summer months. Until now it was always bunched at the bottom (sometimes for days at a time). I didn't even put a comforter on my boys beds for that reason. A favorite blanket was enough and fit in the washer better. I wash those blankets as often as the sheets.
A BIG FAT NOPE HERE!! they are all stored under their beds in rolling storage containers. have not used them for years. we use comforters and microfiber blankets here. my mother in law is the only one who gets top sheets. she is of course a queen in her own universe. she bathes/never ever showers, perhaps once a week and washes her hair even less. she is an avid washcloth abuser, and uses bubble bath, drives me nuts! we all take showers just before bed and go to bed super clean. if we did not, i could see the need for top sheets and rigorous bed changing. i wash the comforters as need be and the blankies as well. and for that matter, we only use bar soap here, no shower gels or washcloths. we have those buff puffs to scrub if there is a need. everyone has their own.
DS has 1 fitted sheet and 1 conforter in the winter and 1 flat sheet in the summer.
That's it. Same for us except we do not share sheets or blankets, except I am a sheet/blanket hog. I never make either beds.

How about those beds they show on TV with a million pillows, anyone have that?
no, i have a body pillow that i love and one flat pillow. the guest bedroom has a million pillows (for the monster in law) lol
DD16 hates a top sheet. She does put it on TOP of the comforter at night so when the dog jumps up there she does not 'ruin' her comforter.
Huh, this is all very interesting! :lol: I guess my kids are more "normal" than I thought. :9:

My DH likes the top sheet tucked in tight at the foot of the bed and I have to kick it out on my side.
No top sheets in my house:) my mil thinks its funny. And another secret: we don't make the beds! Unless people are coming over. My kids have blankets so they don't sleep with the comforter as much

this is the way we are too
this is the way we are too
haha, my so called 'low maintenance" actually very high maintenance ma in law sleeps in our pretty plush guest bedroom and fussily demands a lot of pampering. she was on a roadtrip and was sleeping on the way down to florida and back at our house, she says on her intial departure sa as to appear easy going (since she only slept in the fresh clean guest bed a mere few hours) "we will see you on our way back, do not even bother to change the sheets since we only slept in them a couple of hours." so...............on her return trip up north she calls just a few miles away (never actually telling me which day she would drop by) " we are in harvard, can we stay tonight?" i am a lil put off because i do like more than 40 mins warning, and of course i knew she was coming sometime, "yes, i left the room exactly as you left it." DEAD SILENCE AND HEAVY GASP AFTERWARDS...."ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,we are gonna pass and just drive home then" SERIOUSLY!!! it was nice and clean, she just wanted fresh sheets. it would not bother me if i did not know for a fact that her guest bedroom sheets have been used several times without changing with DIFFERENT GUESTS! what happened to the golden rule?
A BIG FAT NOPE HERE!! they are all stored under their beds in rolling storage containers. have not used them for years. we use comforters and microfiber blankets here. my mother in law is the only one who gets top sheets. she is of course a queen in her own universe. she bathes/never ever showers, perhaps once a week and washes her hair even less. she is an avid washcloth abuser, and uses bubble bath, drives me nuts! we all take showers just before bed and go to bed super clean. if we did not, i could see the need for top sheets and rigorous bed changing. i wash the comforters as need be and the blankies as well. and for that matter, we only use bar soap here, no shower gels or washcloths. we have those buff puffs to scrub if there is a need. everyone has their own.

I love this idea. I have a closet upstairs so not really needing the room, but love having it so close.
Ok, since no one uses their flat sheets you can all send them to me and I will make good use of them!:lol:
Ok, since no one uses their flat sheets you can all send them to me and I will make good use of them!:lol:

Or bring them to your local animal or human shelters, they always need stuff like that. :)
Apparently I am the alien here...we all want and use top sheets. In fact the top sheet on our bed got torn and I took it off to repair it and DH asked me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT when it was going back on. And we use a flannel covered duvet year round, so it wasn't like there was nothing between him and the ceiling.

We make our beds everyday, too. We're all strange like that.
Tents for the kids to make and play with in the backyard!!!!!

Lol I was just thinking the same thing! Last week DS10 dragged 3 flat sheets out of the linen closet to make a fort in his room.:lol:
Nah...my kids have never liked the top sheet. I just don't even put it on now...one less thing that needs to be washed :)
I can't stand top sheets... they make me feel trapped, and in the winter, I like to tuck the comforter around my feet. When I did use them, my dh would somehow make them end up on the floor anyway. My son overheats, so no top sheet for him either. As for making the beds, I don't, and keep my bedroom door closed when company is over. I have my son straighten out his comforter though, because Spots sleeps with him, and is not allowed on his sheets, just on top of the comforter.