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Kids. Worth it?

I do have to say that it's an extraordinary love--incomparable.
Life never gave me the opportunity to have any of my own, but I love my nephews like they are my own, and have helped take care of them from birth. Same with my youngest brother (we were a family of 8). I have done my share of diaper-changing and floor-walking, believe me.

To all of my family who had kids, that I might have the joy of them myself, I thank you from the bottom of a full and grateful heart.
Really only you can answer that. My sister is 14 years older than I, she has four kids (one girl, three boys), and her daughter who is the oldest was born when I was eight, and her youngest is four. I've had enough experience to know kids are expensive, noisy, demanding, and at times can be frustrating. But they can also be alot of fun, and there is nothing in this world that can compare to the imagination and love of a child. But oh my god then these children turn into teenagers and the experience that is.
But it's up to you. I'm 24 and do not want them. I may one day, but as of now I am enjoying life too much for such a burden, and I want to at least get far along enough into my degree program to at least have a job that will set me up to start my career before I even consider having a child of my own.
They are a huge responsibility, and if you don't want a child just now or ever then don't let anyone pressure you. The only two bigger life altering events I can think of that can happen are your birth and death.
Just reitterating, I'm not interested in advice, I'm interested in hearing other people's perspectives. :)

I've already made my mind up either way.
My nephew came to me one day when I was washing an apple to eat, and said, "Did you know there are stars in apples?" I said, "What?"
"Do you know there are stars in apples?" He repeated.
"What do you mean?" I asked, thoroughly puzzled. He was 7. He could have meant anything.
He took my apple, took a steak knife, and sliced down through its circumference. When the apple fell open the seeds in it made a clear star pattern.
"See?" He said. "Apples have stars in them."
So yeah, kids are worth it. They change your vision. Suddenly you can see things like stars in apples.
I already see stars in apples. :)

My nephew was over the other day, he said "Aunty Chase, you have a lot of lovely flowers in your front garden.". I smiled and thanked him.

Note to self: mow lawn. The weeds are getting embarassing.
I have lived by this motto and given this advice to my children as well. If you want children some day, first get a good education, work, save money for a car and home and then have kids. Not only do children make your life fulfilled but can also be trying at times. I thank God I have three wonderful children and grandchild to enjoy.
^ I would strongly disagree- everyone has the choice on how they wish to live their life. Not everyone is cut out for that, or wants that in their life.


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I've already decided on having at least 2 kids, maybe more! but I'm young and things can always change.
for me, having kids is the average persons way of making a mark on the world. its also important to continue the family name (i think so, anyway)
I have lived by this motto and given this advice to my children as well. If you want children some day, first get a good education, work, save money for a car and home and then have kids. Not only do children make your life fulfilled but can also be trying at times. I thank God I have three wonderful children and grandchild to enjoy.

It seems to me that there is never a perfect time to have kids. While it's nice to have a good foundation, if one waits until they have the perfect career, financial and living situation they never do it. Not that I'd recommend everyone who's interested have kids in a cardboard box at 15, but you get my point.
I have lived by this motto and given this advice to my children as well. If you want children some day, first get a good education, work, save money for a car and home and then have kids. Not only do children make your life fulfilled but can also be trying at times. I thank God I have three wonderful children and grandchild to enjoy.

It seems to me that there is never a perfect time to have kids. While it's nice to have a good foundation, if one waits until they have the perfect career, financial and living situation they never do it. Not that I'd recommend everyone who's interested have kids in a cardboard box at 15, but you get my point.
I was 16 when I met my boyfriend. We both finished high school and I went off to college and received an associates degree in child care. My boyfriend started a landscaping business. After I finished college I opened up a nursery school. With both of us working we were able to purchase a house together. I moved my nursery school into the house we purchased and he ran his landscaping business from that house as well since it had a huge garage separate from the house. During that time we were able to go to bars, vacations and just take off and do things together when ever we wanted to. When I turned 27 we decided to start a family. I ended my day care center. We married and I became his secretary for the landscaping business. I have three children my last one I had when I was 35. I had so much fun....I mean lots of fun in my teens and twenties, that I was so grateful I waited to have kids.

When I was 18 my biological clock was echoing in my ears to have a kid. Since so many of my friends were having one, I wanted one as well. I look back and was grateful for not having one at such an early age. I would of missed out on a lifetime of adventure and fun. Once you have children you can't go out on the weekends staying up until 1-2 in the morning. Your life is for your children.

I have a niece who at 17 decide to get pregnant and who took care of her baby but my in-laws because all she wanted to do was to go out and party. She was to young to have a child and she didn't have the motherly instincts. Now all three of my children have noticed how my niece ran her life. And some of my daughters friends are having babies and she knows that you are literately strapped down for life if you have a child at an early age.

This is why I tell my children get a good education, job, set yourself up financially (since babies are very expensive) have fun while you can and then settle down with the person you love and have a few children. Believe me you will not regret it. And on that note....just for your records when I met my boyfriend at 16 and I married him we have been together for 37 years. :)
lol, yeah, I got engaged at 21, which was pretty unheardof in my circle.

Again, wasn't thinking of regretting it, just interested in other people's perspectives.

And for your records, we're having a bub early next year. :)
I was 18 when I had my first daughter[she's 3 now]. I got expelled from school, and got my GED. I had to find a job to support my new family, and I did just that. I worked hard, and survived, now I have to fight for visitation rights for my daughter. I'll say it time and time again. If you want a kid, make sure its with the right person - that way you don't enter any road blocks in the future and such. But, with that said, I don't regret anything. Raising a kid is an experience I'd never change for the world. Its nice seeing them come out their mother's womb, and growing up right before your eyes.. From crawling all that way to talking. It's amazing.

Do I want another kid? Sure, in the future.

lol, yeah, I got engaged at 21, which was pretty unheardof in my circle.

Again, wasn't thinking of regretting it, just interested in other people's perspectives.

And for your records, we're having a bub early next year. :)
I was married as well at the age of 18. Engaged at 17. Fighting for the divorce now.
I was 16 when I met my boyfriend. We both finished high school and I went off to college and received an associates degree in child care. My boyfriend started a landscaping business. After I finished college I opened up a nursery school. With both of us working we were able to purchase a house together. I moved my nursery school into the house we purchased and he ran his landscaping business from that house as well since it had a huge garage separate from the house. During that time we were able to go to bars, vacations and just take off and do things together when ever we wanted to. When I turned 27 we decided to start a family. I ended my day care center. We married and I became his secretary for the landscaping business. I have three children my last one I had when I was 35. I had so much fun....I mean lots of fun in my teens and twenties, that I was so grateful I waited to have kids.

When I was 18 my biological clock was echoing in my ears to have a kid. Since so many of my friends were having one, I wanted one as well. I look back and was grateful for not having one at such an early age. I would of missed out on a lifetime of adventure and fun. Once you have children you can't go out on the weekends staying up until 1-2 in the morning. Your life is for your children.

I have a niece who at 17 decide to get pregnant and who took care of her baby but my in-laws because all she wanted to do was to go out and party. She was to young to have a child and she didn't have the motherly instincts. Now all three of my children have noticed how my niece ran her life. And some of my daughters friends are having babies and she knows that you are literately strapped down for life if you have a child at an early age.

This is why I tell my children get a good education, job, set yourself up financially (since babies are very expensive) have fun while you can and then settle down with the person you love and have a few children. Believe me you will not regret it. And on that note....just for your records when I met my boyfriend at 16 and I married him we have been together for 37 years. :)

Bravo, rosebud. Wisdom is in short supply these days and you are proof of its benefits.