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Laptop vs Desktop

I prefer my desktop, i dont really have a need for a laptops portability so i'll go with having the higher specs.
i rather laptops due to the fact there normally faster, you can turn them into a laptop and they are easy to move around.
I prefer laptop. Laptops are much more comfortable and convenient for me, personally.
Laptop due to its convenience, but I like desktop for not needing batteries. ;P
I like laptops the most. The reason is I like moving my workstation. :p
I like laptops, but I use a desktop computer. :\
I only use a desktop, they seem more stable to me but I also see no need to travel with a computer. I have one at work and I use one at home.
I like both, but if I could only have one it would be a desktop.
I also like using multiple screens.
Personaly, if a laptop was as good as a desktop, I would go laptop all the way. But since that is not the case and the lifespan is way too short, I'll go for desktop.
I like laptops- they are portable, smaller in size, and take up less space at my workstation.
Both, and I'm with Brandon, multiple screens are a must! For just hanging out at home, like I am now, I'm using my laptop, but for work it's the desktop.
Both here too. Desktop being the primary. Laptop for when I travel or want to relax a bit. Never got into the multiple screens thing, I still get lost on my 22" monitor, lol
Desktop for me as well, I can't type on laptops, I need a real keyboard! ;)
I hate laptops. They are too small. They have the gay pads, and I just all around dont like them. Plus for about 500 dollars I can build a desktop 10X the speed and power that a laptop at that price would cost. They just arent cost effective. I mean I guess if you have to bring a computer everywhere, then ok. But I love my 5 desktops and my 3 monitors on my desk :) I know that sounds kinda much but LOL Its how many I have. I have my own computer lab pretty much
desktops - much powerful.

I would agree a few years back.

Now laptops can be almost as powerful as a desktop. Though I find desktops can be customized to a much higher level than a laptop.

So my vote goes to the desktop!