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Last Thing You Purchased

Couple of movie tickets to a drive in theatre. I took my nephew to see Green Lantern and X Men First Class last night. And then afterwards I bought us a Monster.
Two books--"Still Missing", by Chevy Stevens, and the first of a new series by Alexander McCall Smith called "Corduroy Mansions".
Some maple walnut ice cream and colored ice cream cones. The pink ones are my favorite. I have to stuff a few in my face right away because they're the kids' favorite, too. Fortunately, this is not a hardship.
iced mocha latte with whip cream and extra mocha but i didn't buy it. it was for me though. lol
iced mocha latte with whip cream and extra mocha but i didn't buy it. it was for me though. lol

Yummy-yummy! I am drooling.

I last purchased some modelling clay for the boys. We are in the middle of another mega-creation involving a small stuffed animal, this time for the younger nephew Alex. A two-room stables. Apparently Captain Cook (a small stuffed reindeer) only eats peanuts, so I had to get some modelling clay, blend some colors together to make light brown, and make two dozen teeny tiny peanuts about 1/8 of an inch long by hand. Didn't turn out too bad if I do say so myself. We're putting the stable "shelves" up tomorrow. Thank goodness for tape and cardboard. And raffia, because we needed "hay"--apparently the stall was too uncomfortable for Captain Cook to sleep in without it. I was assured he wouldn't eat it, though. Ah, kids. Thanks to them I travel worlds that don't even exist.
Yesterday I bought three movies at least two will be sent to Georgia: Love Actually, Elizabethtown, and Shaun of the Dead.

I got my mom on Verizon's data plan while it's still unlimited data, and she got my Crackberry and I got the iPhone 4. Once the iPhone 5 is out I'm getting that and she will have the iPhone4.

Last night at trivia 4 beers and little cookie.
ha, must be nice

the most I've made from DR/veg is 16$ one month :p

which is one thing I'll need to set back up here :rolleyes:

I've been doing pretty decent so far my largest month was ~$130 but I was also pushing aff links like a mad dog.