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Last TV Show You Watched

I was going to swear there was a thread on that already.. ut now i cannot fin it o_O

oh well anyway.....

Currently watching Game of thrones, it's all I have time for at the moment.
But the last one I completed was Sherlock BBC (well, only 1 season but the second is not out yet).
I am watching Hannibal and I really like it. Most of my friends think it is boring but I like the actor who plays Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The last one I saw before this is The Americans. That was another awesome show.
The Wonder Years

Hannibal is awesome, by the way.
Need to watch my recordings of that soon. XD
I ****in love Hannibal. Best show on TV right now.

Just watched Maron. Pretty funny I reckon.
Pound Puppies

"Bondo. Just Bondo."
"Fly, car, fly!"
"Where are we going?" "London." "London?!" "Yes. London."
"Puss Puss Galore"

Love this show~
Defiance, we've been watching it all together since it started. Decent enough sci-fi.
Wallander. It was awesome but too SHORT. :c