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Learn to tell the kids no


Chief Talker
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I'm so glad this forum is here so I can rant and rave and not have someone flame me for getting pissy.

I work for a man worth multi-billion dollars and here I am working hard to get by day by day. Well, this man's wife brings his kid in tonight and as they're leaving the kid goes by my desk (where I have my food by my desk because I never had time to put it up) and takes some. Someone's sitting there and she asks him if she can have it. He says yes. So I see the brat walking out with MY food and asking her mother if she can eat it. Her mother never asks where it came from or anything. She just says "sure". I go to my desk and ask the guy sitting there if that was my food the little snot just took and he says yes, that he didn't want to tell her no. Hello? Don't her parents have the money to buy her food? Aren't I the one trying to make it day to day? I told him to either buy food himself to hand out to rich little brats or tell them no when they want my food.

That's the problem with kids today. No one wants to tell them no. They're too worried about losing their friendships with them and too worried about the boss getting mad about it.
i feel your pain. next time make brownies mixed with ex-lax and distribute them freely. that'll learn em ...

i tell my kids no and they hate me anyways - so be it - you don't like it - move out ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Holy Jebas.. What is wrong with that child's mother! She would just let that kid eat food from some unknown location!?!?! The little brat might have taken it from a guy that's got the flu or something! BAH! WHAT A BAD MOM!! AND WHAT A STUPID KID!!

"Gecko-In-A-Can... It's mmmm-mmmm good!"
What's even scarier is that this guy who was afraid to tell the brat no has 2 kids of his own.

This is the guy who asks the bossman (this little kid's dad) if he can get his hair cut or dyed (no, not blue or pink, just dyed normal colors)...he has NO balls.
How difficult is it to say "I don't know who that food belongs to, so you shouldn't take it"?!?

Your coworker is afraid of a child. Put it to him in that light and tell him to get some balls the next time he's at the corner store.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
Yikes! Makes me glad to work at a university where they pay me next to nothing but don't take away my food!

You're absolutely right, people who try to be "friends" of all the children are so lost it's not funny. Not that it's a bad thing to be nice to kids, but come on here, they need boundries in life!

The co-worker who "gave away" your food to that kid should look into surgical implants that are now available for nutless dogs. The "small" size just might do for what he needs.
*roflmao* Thank you. I agree completely.
But I think that parents now-a-days a WAY too afraid that their kid'll hate them, or maybe push a lawsuit in their face later in life, because of some BS "emmotional trauma". The truth is that if you don't control yer kids now, then EVERYONE will hate you because of them.

"Democracy used to be a good thing, but now it has gotten into the wrong hands."
AUGGGGGGHHHHHH! Mother of one 5 year old having a heart attack here! Never ever would I let my son take food from a stranger and eat it. I wouldn't care if it was the president! No way!

You just never know these days and there are to many people you can't trust!

And to top it off, how does that guy know how much spending cash for groceries and stuff you really have? It could have been your ONLY food for all he knew! Just incredible!!!

At our house, cat hair is a condiment!
Might I add that most kids will respect their parents more if their parents set some boundries. If they say "yes" all the time, the kid learns to walk all over and disrespect their parents everytime s/he wants something. I would never allow my kids to touch other people's things food or otherwise. it's just not theirs to touch! Geez, teach the kid some manners!

Don't play leap frog with a unicorn
And I have to say I totally agree with you!

I have one friend who comes over most weekends with her daughter. The little girl was two as of April 1st. And I must say I have never, ever seen a more spoiled brat in my life.

My son learned a long time ago that there are things he cannot touch. So my cleaning supplies and breakables are no longer out of reach. I also never leave him unsupervised long enough to get into them just in case.

However this little one comes over and wants to get into everything. Whenever I say something or take something off of her, her mother says "Well if it's in reach she thinks it's ok to touch it!"

So I had enough and last time she was here I said "Well you're in my house now and that is not how it works here!!!!!

"You have to teach this child that she can't touch everything she sees and she certainly can't have everything she sees. Not everywhere you go is going to have a child proof home!"
That's what I told him. Those people are multi billionaires and I'm scraping to get by. People. I swear.
Since I'm hungry and completely without food right now umm, what were you eating for lunch?

I figure if I can't eat, I can at least daydream about whatever food you weren't able to eat either?

Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
food for me now is pudding and jello and smashed potatoes. I have been out for the past few days. I have a stomach virus that won't go away and I had a wisdom tooth removed yesterday...I'm 21 and already falling apart. I hate to see me in 20-40 years...