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Learning Ambitions


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So we have a what did you learn today? thread, and I thought about what I would like to learn, no matter how big or small the learning process.

I would like to learn how to make complicated hemp jewelry.
lol about 8-10 foreign languages...... :blah:

(does this need to be realistic and possible?)
how to make MONEY!!!
how to heal greedy ...

or in reverse order
I want to learn to wield the One Power and destroy the World... and then I can decide if I actually want to do it or not :p
i want to learn how to make my own jewelry and pottery. this shouldn't be that hard, i just need more time.
spidergoolash said:
this shouldn't be that hard, i just need more time.

I wish I knew how to make more time.

I need a Time Turner :(
I wish I understood organic chemistry better.
I want to learn more art history/techniques.
I would love to learn VB or C++ programming and I'm just dumb ditzy blonde lol Seriously though, I love tech stuff.
spidergoolash said:
i want to learn how to make my own jewelry and pottery. this shouldn't be that hard, i just need more time.

Actually learning to make jewelry and pottery isn't that difficult to learn, but it requires a lot of time, space, and materials (and equipment) especially the jewelry-making part, which is why I stopped doing it....it was kinda expensive too, but the trick is to make jewelry from different kinds of clay and other natural non-metallic items.

A friend once gave me a string of fired clay beads which were made by some Peruvian women and they were very nice. I've been making things from clay for several years now and there is no limit to what you can do with the gooey slimey stuff and you don't necessisarily need a wheel to make things unless you want traditional pottery items like bowls, mugs, etc.... I make life-sized human heads, masks, containers, animals, fish, alien figures, and miniature scenes...all from clay. Fun.
The first thing I think I would like to learn to do is web pages, and once I learned how to do that, I think I might put up a website which featured some of my artwork and the place where I grew up as a kid. I can buy the Dreamweaver* software for a fairly decent price right now, and I have been seriously considering doing that, but I am not a computer person (actually I am not a person at all, I am an alien, but I almost look like a real person and so far it seems to be working). A friend told me this particular software was the easiest one to learn, but for him very complicated things come fairly easy as he is basically a serious nerd.

I've noticed that if you cruise the net you will see thousands of really badly designed and or downright hokey websites which are put up by what appear to be well-meaning individuals....who like me, probably had little or no experience designing websites...Is it really that hard to do a decent job on something like this?

The second thing I would like to learn to do is get to know a few of these nice attractive human females better. One thing I can say for you earthlings, the opposite sex here is much much nicer than the average alien variety. Don't misunderstand me here...some alien girls are ok, but after a while the same old slime gets kinda old, and alien girls have scaley rough skin which looks and feels more like one of your iguanas, and they have these disgusting tails which keep gettin' in the way when....well, let's just say they're gross.

I had mine amputated by a plastic surgeon from India who claims he once operated on Michael Jackson's nose. It's (my tail, not Mikey's snozzle) in a jar of formaldehyde which is kept here on top of my computer to remind me of my alien roots. I am also currently undergoing extensive skin-bleaching treatments, but so far these are not working so well. I am no longer a rich medium alien green. In fact, I am closer to a very light lime sherbert green with some spotting and flaking, but the sun tan lotion and vitamin E supplements are helping me to cope. I guess what I really would like to do most is mutate into a mature, sensitive, fully functioning human being who has his own website, a sexy human girlfriend, and a late model BMW or Lexus...a jacuzzi would be nice too.