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less crazy things you want to do before you die


Part Of The Furniture
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perhaps not of the peeing on people's shoes and making a run for it variety.
i want to go on a hot air balloon ride. i want to visit something outside of this country at least once. i want to go on a vineyard tour and have enough money to buy some stuff. i want to buy a house and make it homely. i want to have dinner parties in my new house. i want to see my husband being a father. i was to raise kids in a loving environment.
I wanna learn how to play guitar

I wanna go white water rafting in some really good rapids.

I wanna play golf at pebble beach (anyone wanna lend me $500 for the round)?

I wanna travel to far off and exotic places while I'm young enough to enjoy them

I wanna see my daughter get married and have children of her own

kelkel -- I went in a hot air balloon once -- it was an extremely cool experience and one I would do again in a second if the opportunity presented itself.
I want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane with a parachute.

If it doesn't open, it will be the last crazy thing I do before I die :lol:
I can't think of anything :mellow:
i've spent most of my life to this point doing crazy ****...i think i'm done.

I've seen everything but the wind
Gone everywhere but the electric chair

seriously, i've done everything listed above except play Pebble Beach. I'm just gonna take it easy for the duration.
I wanna learn how to play guitar

I wanna go white water rafting in some really good rapids.

I wanna play golf at pebble beach (anyone wanna lend me $500 for the round)?

I wanna travel to far off and exotic places while I'm young enough to enjoy them

I wanna see my daughter get married and have children of her own

kelkel -- I went in a hot air balloon once -- it was an extremely cool experience and one I would do again in a second if the opportunity presented itself.

i've informed steve that he will be taking me at some point. :p they actually have sunrise trips out near the vineyards not too far from here with a champaigne breakfast. The only thing is that i find as i'm getting older i'm finding myself more and more scared of heights and stuff. :p when i was younger i always said i'd be going bungee jumping, sky diving and such. now i'm happier to stand on the solid ground and watch others toy with death. ^_^
although i also tend to value life a lot more now than i did as a teenager... :unsure:
i've spent most of my life to this point doing crazy ****...i think i'm done.

you know you've probably done enough when you look back and question how you're still alive. :unsure:
I want to di... ****. Hmm...

I want to bench 450 lbs.
I want to be able to completely let go of who I am.

Nothing else that I want to talk about, well, that I'm too solid on or that won't make me seem crazy.
Most of mine are things I wanna see.
I want to walk around Augusta Country Club (home of the Masters).
Watch a tennis match at Wimbleton or a night match at the US Open.
See Fenway Park or Wrigley field.
Meet Jennifer Love Hewitt.
but...to answer the question...

the only relatively sane thing I want to do before I die is: take a trip to the land of the cheese-vaginas, and meet Diddy.
I guess another crazy thing I would like to do is going on a rant about how messed everything is. Then try to change it... nonviolently of course. :angel:

Oh and get laid for the first time :mellow:
but...to answer the question...

the only relatively sane thing I want to do before I die is: take a trip to the land of the cheese-vaginas, and meet Diddy.

excuse me for sounding daft, but the land of cheese vaginas??