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Let's enjoy some powerful magic tricks #3


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Let's enjoy some powerful magic tricks^^



RE: Let's enjoy some powerful magic tricks^^

Do you own these videos? Please do avoid posting more than 1 video in a post.
RE: Let's enjoy some powerful magic tricks^^

Jason said:
Do you own these videos? Please do avoid posting more than 1 video in a post.

i do not own these videos, but i know how to do these magic tricks, and these videos are public videos on youtube, so it is ok to share, and i will post1 video only next time, thank u ^^
These are amazing, I am trying to learn the first one now :) Thank you for linking us to these amazing card tricks.
Wow those were pretty cool. So has anyone bought any of these tricks?
Nursing Future

So I'm probably going back to Nursing School. I really wanted to do PA but I really can't afford it. There's just too much to get into the school much less the actual coursework of the school. Therefore I am planning to work up to the level of Nurse Practitioner. I have to raise my GPA however so a semester is in order at community college this fall. Hopefully my plan will work out well. Anyone else a nurse or interested in nursing?
Good luck in your endeavor!!
I hope it all works out for you.

I've always admired the work nurses do. It takes a special kind of person to be a good nurse.
barbarap said:
Good luck in your endeavor!!
I hope it all works out for you.

I've always admired the work nurses do. It takes a special kind of person to be a good nurse.

It does. It took a long time to decide what I wanted to do and how to mature up enough to get there. I made some bad choices out of high school in 2006. I've gone to college before, a few times, and even once for nursing, but left for various reasons - mostly ones my parents would like to know but I'm too ashamed to admit to them. Took nearly 3 years in the USAF and working in a hospital to decide what was best and to get over a lot of what held me back. I hope it all works out as well lol. My first hurdle is leaving the military.
Frost, I have had a lot of interaction with medical staff of all kinds due to my family situation. I have to tell you that it was always the nurses who made my pain and worry bearable. Their compassion and competence is not only reassuring, it offers strength to make it through difficult times.

I have no doubt you will reach your goal.

We may butt heads when it comes to politics, but my words here are sincere.
I'm an aged care nurse, (you might still call it geriatric nursing in the US) very different to ER which seems to be what you want to do.
Currently entering my 3rd year in pharmacy school. Let me know if you ever need help with pharmacology! Good luck to you. A lot of people in my family are nurses, and having completed a few rotations I have a ton of respect for nurses and everything they do. They truly are the backbone of health care in the US.