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Life Goals


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What are your major goals in life? I don't feel like sharing mine, but I've been asking around to see what sort of answers I get.
* Finish Sixth Form with some good A-Levels under my belt.
* Go to University and complete an English Degree.
* Get reasonably decent jobs to earn money before I kick off in the career I want specifically.
* Move out of my home, with Kirk, and begin supporting ourselves.
* Get married.
* Have kids.
* Enjoy my career and family life.

Essentially :p
Get a decent job, move out with Lauren, family etc. I'm a realist/pessimist though and struggle to see how I could achieve that. :(
I'd like to become a composer, and have my own studio.

I also would like to discover the secrets of life through science or music. I believe one can do that.
I want to be amazing at everything I do. Which I will be, eventually. Working on it!
Right now it is making 'Breaking Point' a reality. And if it gains a following too then all the better.
- Finish high school (one year to go)
- CS degree
- Move northwest with my girlfriend, or wherever seems best by then
- Web development or programming job
- Get some corrective surgeries done and pray more medical problems haven't cropped up by then
- Eventually get a house
- Hopefully go freelance with my job and be able to make good money like that

- - - Updated - - -

- Finish high school (one year to go)
- CS degree
- Move northwest with my girlfriend, or wherever seems best by then
- Web development or programming job
- Get some corrective surgeries done and pray more medical problems haven't cropped up by then
- Eventually get a house
- Hopefully go freelance with my job and be able to make good money like that
I just want to get in the emirates airline, go to dubai, pass the flight attendant course with distintion and fly.. fly everywhere
Right now it is making 'Breaking Point' a reality. And if it gains a following too then all the better.
it is a reality :p

get breaking point to as good a state as i can :D
get a it based job with decent pay
move out again
Become a primary school teacher.
Get married.
Have children.
Adventure to countries.
Try different things.