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Lighting for Karaoke


Mastermind Talker
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I've been visiting my favorite watering holes lately and I'm finding several variations at the shows: No Lights, some cheesy lights (ie sound active cheap stuff), to top line LED fixtures fully programed (mostly running auto).

What are your thoughts on having lights for your karaoke show: Yes, No, Maybe or Indifferent?
I've been visiting my favorite watering holes lately and I'm finding several variations at the shows: No Lights, some cheesy lights (ie sound active cheap stuff), to top line LED fixtures fully programed (mostly running auto).

What are your thoughts on having lights for your karaoke show: Yes, No, Maybe or Indifferent?

I have three different LED lighting units. I also have a fog machine and a Curtain/Backdrop with white LED lights. They were purchased primarily for private parties but I will take them to karaoke shows in public venues when I feel they are worth "dragging" along.

While IMO, no lighting unit is cheesy, by definition, how they are used might be! And setting the lights on sound activated is often the most appropriate way to use lighting, particularly for karaoke, but there's nothing wrong with leaving the lights on auto, either.

Programmable lights are used for very specific purposes and I can't see how I would need such units for public venues and I am not sure how I would use them at even the biggest private party I now do.
However, when I get more involved with Bar Mitzvahs, Sweet Sixteens and Quinceaneras I look forward to having more lighting options, including programmable units!
Lights are cool if you have a stage or a dance floor.

I do not have either at the 2 locations I have karaoke.

If I had the room, I would use lighting. Washes on the stage and some kind of effect on the dance floor.
I own and carry a small selection of lighting for private events when requested, but work without in bars, except for my Wednesday, where the venue is fully loaded with a top setup for the weekends.

There I use it some for mood, but I don't go overboard just because I have the capability.....
The only time I have ever used lights for a Bar/club show is when the lights are installed!

I don't make enough at a bar show to justify carrying in and setting up lighting! If it were requested the most they would get would 4 par cans on a teebar with sound activation! (cheesy)
Thunder I couldn't agree more . The amount of time it takes to set up lights so they look good but don't interfere with the singers plus the time to run them just isn't worth it to me . The only time I run lights any more is when I'm doing a wedding
I guess if you're focusing you lighting on the singers it would probably be cheesy? If you're using it to light up the dance floor or for washes it's a whole different story!
And I do get a fair amount of dancers
hmmmm.... around here it seems to be expected that you will have lights....

I keep mine simple two color pallets running auto sound active.... no muss no fuss... Turn them on/off that's the extent of programing I use for bar/club venues.

I don't think the bars really care one way or the other but for the crowd it seems to add to their experience. Don't think it makes 'em drink more unless they stare at a spin 'n puke too long and puke... :sqerr:
I have never run into any situation where lighting was expected at a karaoke show. I take lighting along when there is a particular benefit from doing so that may justify schlepping it around. And I review each situation based on the conditions at hand.

I never purchased any lighting BECAUSE of karaoke. I have simply chosen to use it, at times, at karaoke.

The only downside I see with lighting at karaoke is that once you bring it into a venue it is hard to stop bringing it after awhile, if you feel it is not beneficial!
Steve I have to say the show you present cant be typical during economic times. I know you offer the best in your area. If anyone offered equal you would have to create something beyond.

The karaoke session can be made more dramatic and entertaining by creating a separate platform with a special lighting effect on which people sing and be in the limelight for some time. Once the session starts more and more people get involved in it as people start opening up and music is something that attracts everyone.