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Lin Overshadowing the Miami Heat?


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The heat have been on a hot streak recently! And all of the Jeremy Lin coverage has taken over the sports media. Do you guys think that Lin in a sense is overshadowing the publicity the Heat should be getting?
Well right now he is. That's yet another reason why tomorrow's game is important. Lebron and Wade are probably a lil annoyed that this guy just came out of nowhere and stole their public thunder lol
He is taking the spotlight, but I'm sure the Heat love that. It gets the target off their back a little bit and honestly, I don't see a team that has a shot at beating the Heat in a 7 game series right now. If LeBron continues his dominant play they are a PROHIBITIVE favorite going into the playoffs. I would not be surprised to see them get into the conference finals without losing a game.
He is taking the spotlight, but I'm sure the Heat love that. It gets the target off their back a little bit and honestly, I don't see a team that has a shot at beating the Heat in a 7 game series right now. If LeBron continues his dominant play they are a PROHIBITIVE favorite going into the playoffs. I would not be surprised to see them get into the conference finals without losing a game.

Honestly, the Heat HAVE to win. Because if they don't....Miami is going to be one cold place to live. Last season the were just learning to play with each other. But now....if they lose THIS time....my god the fights and finger pointing that will happen....
It's possible for them to lose of course. They do lack depth and any of the big three coming up short would be disastrous. A team really clicking on all cylinders and catching them at a time where they just don't play well could beat them, but I would take the Heat over the field right now if I had to place a bet. They really are playing incredible basketball right now.
Not sure if the Heat love it or hate it. Those guys love attention but hate the media pressure on them (mostly Lebron).
That's what you call Linsanity all over NBA. Let's give him a credit. He is really playing good and staying humble. The fans love him and obviously hot seat after being SI's cover for the 2nd straight week.
He is taking the spotlight, but I'm sure the Heat love that. It gets the target off their back a little bit and honestly, I don't see a team that has a shot at beating the Heat in a 7 game series right now.

They should love that somebody else has the spotlight. The Spurs are the masters at not drawing attention to themselves, for those very reasons. I doubt LeBron actually loves that nobody is paying attention to his team these days. He just seems like a guy who loves the attention but does not like the consequences of said attention.
They should love that somebody else has the spotlight. The Spurs are the masters at not drawing attention to themselves, for those very reasons. I doubt LeBron actually loves that nobody is paying attention to his team these days. He just seems like a guy who loves the attention but does not like the consequences of said attention.

I disagree totally, Lebron DESIRES attention. Just look at how he "entertained" that notion of going back to Clevland when Linsanity was just getting started.
Yeah I read that, LOL. That was what I meant. LeBron just couldn't help it. I said I think those guys SHOULD love being out of the spotlight now, but they don't. LeBron craves attention so bad it's kind of funny.
Lin will get the attention for the next little while because just like Tebow, he makes for a feel good story that lures in not just sports fans, but people in general. Lin, unlike Tebow, seems like he's going to at least be a good player, so the hype will die down eventually because of a lack of polarizing opinions.

When that happens, the Heat will get their due.
Lin will get the attention for the next little while because just like Tebow, he makes for a feel good story that lures in not just sports fans, but people in general. Lin, unlike Tebow, seems like he's going to at least be a good player, so the hype will die down eventually because of a lack of polarizing opinions.

When that happens, the Heat will get their due.

It's hard to compare Lin to Tebow. Unlike Lin, Tebow was EXPECTED to be good and was drafted high. Lin however, was treated like trade bait and was basically un drafted. Lin's the real feel good story because he LITERALLY came out of nowhere
I don't think anyone outside of Josh McDaniels expected Tebow to be good. I think he was the only one on the NFL world that really thought Tebow had a chance to play NFL football.

I think what hurt Jeremy Lin early on was the shortened offseason. With a full training camp and preseason, it would be interesting to see where he would be playing right now. I'm sure it wouldn't be with the Knicks.
I'm pumped up to see the game tonight. Heat vs. Knicks will be a great match up!
If the knicks win tonight there will be a huge morale boost for the whole team.
As long as Lin will continue playing, at least on the regular season, it will always be the NY on the top of the highlight reel.
On the other hand, if the Heat play, man oh man - Can not be compared!!!
If the knicks win tonight there will be a huge morale boost for the whole team.

That's a BIG if, but not impossible. If they even make it a fight it'll be a huge morale boost for the team and it will send a message to the rest of the league saying the Knicks might be a threat to all the other teams. They pretty much said that when they beat the Lakers and the Mavericks. If they can beat the Heat, then that message will echo like never before.
Here is the reason it's happening.

Miami is expected to win a lot of games.

Lin was a nobody, who became a somebody.

Obviously news is going to be something that nobody expected, instead of something people already had expected.

Hopefully I make sense.
Here is the reason it's happening.

Miami is expected to win a lot of games.

Lin was a nobody, who became a somebody.

Obviously news is going to be something that nobody expected, instead of something people already had expected.

Hopefully I make sense.

Don't worry, it makes perfect sense. And it's EXACTLY as you said, the media would rather go with the new and unexpected thing rather than the story we already knew/expected.
Today's game is going to be great, but as it has happened before Lin has always suffered on back to back games. They beat the hawks easy, but the Miami Heat will be a tough one. Hopefully the trainers have his legs healed up and ready to go. I don't see the Knicks winning, but if the rest of the team can do well, there's a chance.