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OMFG LIZ! What a breakthrough! I totally nevah evah realized that I"m totally crazy! OMFG! WHOA! WHAT A REVELATION! Now that Dr. Liz has diagnosed me, because the ****ing **** knows EVERYTHING, can I get a ****bag treatment like YOURS and become JUST LIKE YOU?????? WOOT WOOT! FLUTES IN THE PUSSIES FOR EVERYONE!
OMFG LIZ! What a breakthrough! I totally nevah evah realized that I"m totally crazy! OMFG! WHOA! WHAT A REVELATION! Now that Dr. Liz has diagnosed me, because the ****ing **** knows EVERYTHING, can I get a ****bag treatment like YOURS and become JUST LIKE YOU?????? WOOT WOOT! FLUTES IN THE PUSSIES FOR EVERYONE!

I love you tygr! You just crack me up!

Liz... Tell her to F*** Off! You will be in great company! I'm sure she's heard it a time or two...

OMFG LIZ! What a breakthrough! I totally nevah evah realized that I"m totally crazy! OMFG! WHOA! WHAT A REVELATION! Now that Dr. Liz has diagnosed me, because the ****ing **** knows EVERYTHING, can I get a ****bag treatment like YOURS and become JUST LIKE YOU?????? WOOT WOOT! FLUTES IN THE PUSSIES FOR EVERYONE!

I think they only spas in Tijuana give those.
Wow. Just wow. Too many pages for me to ignore; too many references for me not to be curious.

I don't get any of the bruhaha. Joan, guess it's cuz we are going to Barcelona in a month, I totally didn't get any nastiness from your comment on papers.

Mike, yanno, not everyone knew your daughter isn't a pure white lily - but then I don't know anyone who is. Well, except for my DH's 2nd ex-wife cuz she was born and raised in - oh wait - that's right, she was raised in the country of Ireland, but then emigrated to the place called Ireland but is actually part of the UK, so I guess she's an alien, too. Oh wait, she really is a **** alien and she's not all lily white cuz she has freckles. And she travels on 2 different passports! Whodathunk.

I'm sorry that Arizona passed that law and I'm sure there's lots of us who will have problems when we go there, my DH specifically and possibly even a couple people on this board. Man, what a psycho over-sensitive dingbat.

So, back to the purpose of the thread - I hope you daughter has a great time. I've never been to London but my family who have loved it. I probably will never get there before I die and what a wonderful opportunity for her. Lighten up and let her enjoy.
I love you tygr! You just crack me up!

Liz... Tell her to F*** Off! You will be in great company! I'm sure she's heard it a time or two...


I don't need to stoop to her level. If it's a contest to see who can be ****ier or who can swear more, she will win anyday.
OMFG LIZ! What a breakthrough! I totally nevah evah realized that I"m totally crazy! OMFG! WHOA! WHAT A REVELATION! Now that Dr. Liz has diagnosed me, because the ****ing **** knows EVERYTHING, can I get a ****bag treatment like YOURS and become JUST LIKE YOU?????? WOOT WOOT! FLUTES IN THE PUSSIES FOR EVERYONE!

Then why are you calling me psycho if you admit to being crazy yourself?
I don't need to stoop to her level. If it's a contest to see who can be ****ier or who can swear more, she will win anyday.
YES she will. She is good like that!
Then why are you calling me psycho if you admit to being crazy yourself?
Cause she's proud of it! Aren't you?

I know I'm proud of my crazy ways! Who wants to be normal... Whatever that is?
Maybe you're just reading it like it's a bad thing! Start wearing it like a badge of honor!

I am psycho, yes I am
Say whateva, don't give a ****... ♫♪♫♫♪
Because first off schweetheart..you ARE psycho..you just dont realize it. Secondly, you're trying to allude out the fact that you think I"m a ****. Well I hate to tell you the ****ing obvious dipshit, but I AM a ****, I KNOW I'm a ****, and everyone here **** ****ing KNOWS IT too! No ****ing starry revelation round these parts. Late to the party again ****bag.......Now...on to more important facts...like the Earth isnt completely round...and dogs **** on floors....and mr. clean isnt that great of a deal without those coups I need dammit!
Hey Mike!

How they hangin?
Because first off schweetheart..you ARE psycho..you just dont realize it. Secondly, you're trying to allude out the fact that you think I"m a ****. Well I hate to tell you the ****ing obvious dipshit, but I AM a ****, I KNOW I'm a ****, and everyone here **** ****ing KNOWS IT too! No ****ing starry revelation round these parts. Late to the party again ****bag.......Now...on to more important facts...like the Earth isnt completely round...and dogs **** on floors....and mr. clean isnt that great of a deal without those coups I need dammit!

I bet Liz would send them to you if you were nice to her. :giggles:

She is very generous.
Because first off schweetheart..you ARE psycho..you just dont realize it. Secondly, you're trying to allude out the fact that you think I"m a ****. Well I hate to tell you the ****ing obvious dipshit, but I AM a ****, I KNOW I'm a ****, and everyone here **** ****ing KNOWS IT too! No ****ing starry revelation round these parts. Late to the party again ****bag.......Now...on to more important facts...like the Earth isnt completely round...and dogs **** on floors....and mr. clean isnt that great of a deal without those coups I need dammit!

When did I say I wasn't psycho? I've been very upfront about my issues.
Actually, if it's the BOGO Mr. Clean coupons that you need, I do have lots of them. PM me if you want me to RAOK you some.
Cause, what is the "****es" thread without the London thread???
****, this one went funny quick!
:lol::lol: I LOVE the word ****bag...it's one of my favorites! HYSTERICAL!