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Manning with the Broncos - Thoughts?


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I know this is old news, but I would like to see what you guys think on this subject. I personally think it's a bad idea. Manning was doing great as a Colts quarterback. The Broncos are a new team to him, and that could take some time getting used to.

I hope to see him return to his previous form of playing though. Hope the injury didn't have too much effect on him.
eh i don't think he will make to much of a difference. I bet he'll be 7-10th best QB this year and lose in the first round of the playoffs. I just can't imagine he comes back still blowing defenses off the field like he used to be able to do
eh i don't think he will make to much of a difference. I bet he'll be 7-10th best QB this year and lose in the first round of the playoffs. I just can't imagine he comes back still blowing defenses off the field like he used to be able to do

That's what I'm afraid of. I hate seeing him miss last season because of that injury. I'm still hoping he can be as great as before though. He's one of my favorite quarterbacks.
To be honest i cannot stand peyton as a player just for the fact that im a long time Texans fan. Sure it would be fun to have a new contender in the mix but i can just see him somehow messing up the Texans season once again like he always seemed to do.
Manning can only help the Broncos. I think that they won't win the Super Bowl, but they sure have a shot to go really deep into the playoffs. With the defense that the Broncos have proved to have last year, they should be an even better team because now they have attained one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.
Manning can only help the Broncos. I think that they won't win the Super Bowl, but they sure have a shot to go really deep into the playoffs. With the defense that the Broncos have proved to have last year, they should be an even better team because now they have attained one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.

I agree with some of that. But don't you think Manning needs some time to get used to his new receivers? I think that could cost Manning some games.
If the Broncos can get into the 2nd round of the playoffs with Tebow, I have no reason to think they won't do at least that well with Manning, regardless of how long it takes him to adjust.
If the Broncos can get into the 2nd round of the playoffs with Tebow, I have no reason to think they won't do at least that well with Manning, regardless of how long it takes him to adjust.

As much as i love Tebow i have to admit that the playoff win they had was pretty lucky. Really i just don't believe Peyton will live up to his field general days of the past. I really think the Chargers will get their act together and win the division once again this year.
He's a step up, even if he struggles due to being out a full year. Peyton doesn't need to be great to give these guys a legit shot to go deep in the payoffs. He has a decent team behind him now. He doesn't have a bunch of dwarfs on defense. He'll be okay, and it'll be better than what they team had previously.
I think that he will do ok. I'm not to sold on what physical condition he is in. We keep hearing that his arm strength is the same and he is in great shape but I just don't know. I think that the Broncos were looking at the past instead of the present.
I think he will do alright with them but wont do as good as before. I think he will bring a lot to the team though and take them where they need to go.
The Broncos' will be an instant Superbowl contender with Peyton.

Last season the Broncos averaged only 19 pionts a game which ranked 25th in the league. This will go way up with Peyton.

Last season the Broncos coverted on third down only 34%(23 in the league).
Peytons carreer 3rd down coversion perctage with the Colts was over 42% (#1 in the league 49% in 2009)

When you crunch the Broncos numbers only two things stick out as positive for the Broncos last year, #1 time of possession and, #2 they were +1 on turnovers.

Peyton will instantly give them a legit offence to go along with a the stout defense they already have.

The Broncos are indeed contenders folks.
The Broncos' will be an instant Superbowl contender with Peyton.

Last season the Broncos averaged only 19 pionts a game which ranked 25th in the league. This will go way up with Peyton.

Last season the Broncos coverted on third down only 34%(23 in the league).
Peytons carreer 3rd down coversion perctage with the Colts was over 42% (#1 in the league 49% in 2009)

When you crunch the Broncos numbers only two things stick out as positive for the Broncos last year, #1 time of possession and, #2 they were +1 on turnovers.

Peyton will instantly give them a legit offence to go along with a the stout defense they already have.

The Broncos are indeed contenders folks.

Peyton improves their team tremendously no doubt but the system he ran took years to perfect. Look at his stats his first few years they were not very good so to think he can just teach an entirely new group of players this system in one year is a strech.
Peyton Manning can take the Broncos to the promised land (Super Bowl) if he stays healthy and they protect him so that he doesn't stay on his back too long or often.

If the Broncos were wise, they would be investing heavily in more OL for Manning's sake. You give the guy 96 million, you don't want his head falling off! :D

Seriously though, I expect the Broncos to go after some WRs in the draft and stockpile their offense in the post-Tebow era.
Sense Manning's with the Broncos now, I'll be rooting for them this coming season. I can't wait to see how they do.
Peyton improves their team tremendously no doubt but the system he ran took years to perfect. Look at his stats his first few years they were not very good so to think he can just teach an entirely new group of players this system in one year is a strech.

Don't you think that had more to do with Peyton being a young player, rather than the system?