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Misinformed Walmart Employee Allegedly Assaulted by Angry Couponer


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Holy schnikes!


ETA my favorite part:

The police report says that, according to “all parities (sic)” involved in the incident, the “assistance (sic) manager” “explained to Ms. Alday that it is Wal-Mart’s policy not to except (sic) internet coupons.”

Well, no wonder Alday got upset – she must be a grammarian who was offended at the police report’s terrible spelling.
Wasn't me! :snort:

I will say that I *rarely* shop at Walmart, especially with coupons, because that is the ONE place that pushes me to the edge of sanity repeatedly with their "misinformed employees." I can totally see this happening, they are infuriating. :p

She does look pretty **** angry. :hah:
She looks exhausted from fighting for her right to couuuuponnnnn!
What's on sale that's good with which $1 coupon at WM this week? :9:
Aren't el monterey burrtos free with the $1/1?

she looks like a free burrito gal.
That is hilarious.......bet her bail was more than the $1 coupon she was arrested over LMAO Though she does look like someone who would be on "People of Walmart" :snort:
I read another article about this, but this one was much more entertaining!!
And the woman who claimed it was Walmart’s policy not to accept internet coupons, roams free.
"Police located her car a short distance away from the Walmart, and she gave herself up politely and peacefully. No, just kidding – the police report says she grabbed the arresting officer, tried to pull out her gun, and got tased."

I will preface this by saving that I am not a regular Walmart shopper. I maybe go there 3x a year, if that much. However, there have been a couple instances where I could have been the "angry couponer" because most of the cashiers there are so unfriendly and just do not know anything about their policies.
Actually this could be a benchmark test for gun ownership.
Actually this could be a benchmark test for gun ownership.

To be fair she probably wouldn't have pulled a gun on them if they didn't follow her to her car. It wasn't exactly like she pulled the gun on them in the store. She didn't shoot them. She probably just flashed it to get the store employees away from her car. The employees are probably lucky she didn't shoot them or run them over with her car.
Shouldn't the title of this thread be "Ignorant Walmart Employee Ticks off Extreme Couponer"?
To be fair she probably wouldn't have pulled a gun on them if they didn't follow her to her car. It wasn't exactly like she pulled the gun on them in the store. She didn't shoot them. She probably just flashed it to get the store employees away from her car. The employees are probably lucky she didn't shoot them or run them over with her car.

Shouldn't the title of this thread be "Ignorant Walmart Employee Ticks off Extreme Couponer"?
Since when is it acceptable to pull a gun on anyone?? Regardless of being followed or not? It's not like her life was threatened. She hit an employee with her shopping cart. Nobody assaulted her, they called the police.

I wouldn't say she's an extreme couponer or she would have had many more of those $1 coupons. She's just a maniac.
The lady will do her time and she should, but the stores in general need to address how they deal with customers. Wal-Mart and a lot of other stores make up their own policy on coupons. The stores have an official policy, but in the policy they always have a "we don't have to follow this policy if we don't want to" clause at the end.

Someone could have gotten shot. The manager who wouldn't take the coupon could have saved everyone a lot of trouble by just taking the coupon as a loss for the store. But they would rather follow someone to their car to get a license plate number than approve a $1 coupon?

I think anyone who has couponed long enough has their own personal nemesis at a particular store. Odds are that person doesn't play by the stores rules and makes using a coupon a confrontation. Ninety-nine percent of people are probably not going to attempt violence. But there is a small percentage of people who might attempt violence due in part to a store that doesn't properly train its employees to properly respect customers.