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Mom is scheduled for triple bypass surgery Dec. 10th.


:huggy: thoughts and prayers for your mom tomorrow. I'm in the Do Not Visit a surgery/hospital patient if you're under the weather at all camp. Antibiotics don't cure everything -- you could have a virus of some kind, or even some kind of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Call your mom often, tell her some funny jokes and positive stories, send her some get well cards with photos, maybe send her a poinsettia. If you must visit, wash your hands beforehand and wear a mask.

When I was six, I gave my younger sister chicken pox right before she had an experimental and extremely risky spinal surgery. It really was almost more than her body could handle. I didn't get it at the time why everyone was so upset that I didn't tell anyone a girl in my Kindergarden class had chicken pox :9: Six year olds just don't think like that, but as adults, we know better.

I agree, your brother is acting like a selfish **** here. But the thing is, you can't control him, you can only control how you react to him. Being angry at him really only affects you and brings you down. I know how difficult it is to do (OMG do I ever!), but try to release it and let it go. His behavior clearly shows he's a selfish jerk. Your desire to take care of your mom when you have so many other obligations and issues says you're a caring, loving person. :foryou:

Sorry this is happening Becky...I have been through several of these proceedures with my mom....the waiting is the hardest part...and I too have a brother like yours....:surrender:.

It's easy to go see someone in the hospital after it is all said and done...the waiting and not knowing is the hardest part.....

I will say a prayer for your mom tonight....but I know she will be fine....:huggy:

Really upset peeps...dad just called and told me mom will need triple bypass on Mon. He was like you'd better talk to your dr. and see IF you are allowed to even come...this really had me crying.....I am going to spend the rest of the day now trying to determine HOW sick I am to see if I can come see my mom or not. They will be deciding if they are going to let mom go home for the weekend or if they are going to make her stay at the hospital. She is at Good Sam in D. Grove. I just pray it all goes well...either way DD will NOT be allowed into the cardiac care unit since she is under 12....Really sad right now.

:grouphug: I am so sorry, Becky! Hope everything go well with your Mom triple bypass!!!! Please take care of yourself too!!!!

:huggy: :huggy: you are both in my thoughts and prayers

I'm so sorry, it's hard to wait all weekend especially. Try to stay calm and talk to your Mom frequently to keep her feeling positive, even if you can't visit. Maybe you could make/freeze some meals for your parents to help them out and keep yourself distracted?

I'm sorry also your brother has you so upset. There are five of us and tensions were really high when my Dad was very sick. We each had different opinions of what the right response was truthfully. I think it just comes with the territory of adult siblings. Try to forgive him, he might not see it the way you do at this point but he hopefully will step up at a different time. ((Hugs))

Well, they are letting mom leave for tonight and go home over the weekend...I talked to my dr. and he prescibed more antibiotics for me...we are going to see mom this weekend and I will stay over Sun. night into Mon. as the surgery is at 6:30 a.m. Mon. morn. My boss was pretty cool and I will spend the day there on Mon. and just do data entry on the comp. I will probably leave down there sometime on Tues. and come back up here for a few days and then go back to see her a few time during the week and over the weekend! Trying not to get upset about it and praying it all works out! She is only 64.

Really upset peeps...dad just called and told me mom will need triple bypass on Mon. He was like you'd better talk to your dr. and see IF you are allowed to even come...this really had me crying.....I am going to spend the rest of the day now trying to determine HOW sick I am to see if I can come see my mom or not. They will be deciding if they are going to let mom go home for the weekend or if they are going to make her stay at the hospital. She is at Good Sam in D. Grove. I just pray it all goes well...either way DD will NOT be allowed into the cardiac care unit since she is under 12....Really sad right now.

If it's any comfort, doctors do this surgery day in and day out. My uncle had it done in the very early 70's and we where scared to death. Everything turned out fine.

Then my uncle had another one years later and the second time (he didn't learn from the first time to lay off meat and smoking) it was so much faster because doctors had more experience and they had him walking the next day!

Prayers for you and your mom. Everything will be ok.

Cabbages [Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts] are very routine, at major hospitals they are done like Ford makes cars...

That said, they can be very scary for the relatives. I've been through this 3 times with my dad.

He had his 1st angiogram & angioplasty in 1985 or so, he was about 53. He never smoked but ate too much crap & never exercised... Post procedure, he complained mostly about the bags of sand they kept on his thigh for hours after the angioplasty.

Dad had a 2nd angiogram following a massive heart attack in 1995. He then underwent a triple bypass. Was up & walking about 2 days later.

Then in 2006, dad was acting odd for a few days, very lethargic. I thought he might have had a stroke. It was only after the enzyme test came back in the ED that the docs realized he had had a mild heart attack. Had him transferred to a the hospital that did the earlier bypass. An angiogram revealed several arteries had major occlusions. A 2nd bypass operation was scheduled. It took hours because it was the second time. We waited at home, they started surgery at 5pm [though it was scheduled originally to start at noon], the surgeon finished stitching him up after 1am. It was a quintuple. Again, a very quick recovery.

He's still doing well now. :)

Just stay as busy as you can the day of surgery, as impossible as it may be. Mom was very calm each time. I was an absolute wreck each time. My bro was even worse. Ignorance truly is bliss at times like that.

FYI, flowers & plants are generally forbidden in the CCU.
I work in CCU and let me tell you, the surgery is not like it wasd years ago.They get you up and moving so quickly now. People do generally well after CABG. Most patients who have had abdominal surgery say that the abdominal surgery is far worse as far as recovery and pain. And it would be scarier to hear that she has this and this blockage , but after reviewing the films there is nothing we can do.
I'm so sorry Becky - you have a lot of people praying for all of you! :huggy:
Thanks everyone, Still so ****ING UPSET W/MY BROTHER! Now he is NOT even answering his phone...I haven't EVEN LEFT him any bad messages but it is just like he is freaking out...he spoke w/my dad earlier this afternoon but never called anyone back after that...I am so upset that he is choking on this as I always thought he'd step up more. Really want to yell at him but figure it will do no good...I did leave him a polite msg. saying that I REALLY think he should TRY to get off work the day of mom's surgery but he has not called back so far. Really pissed at him right now.
Praying for your mom and all of your family, keep positive thoughts and don't let the crap with your brother get to you, just ignore him and take care of yourself and your mom.
My MIL had a quad by-pass this past summer. She has MS (amongst other things) and although she is not in generally good health she came home the next day. She felt so good after that when she woke from the surgery she wanted coffee!
Praying for your mother that all goes well and she has a quick recovery! :huggy:
hugs, :huggy: thoughts and prayers that the surgery goes well and recovery goes fast and easy!
warm thoughts and prayers sent your mom will come thru this just great ;)
