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Moon Landing... hoax?


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Do you believe man actually stepped foot on the moon or was it all a hoax?
Well, whether or not we actually landed on the moon or not, I don't know.

But i'm guessing you're basing this topic on certain moon landing pictures with various errors.
In that case, those pics are highly suspicious, and if we did indeed land on the moon, then those pics, I think, must've been made afterwards 'cos the original pics turned out poorly.

Of course, there's the matter of the deadly radiation.
They were suppised to be protected by those spacesuits? Then why didn't they use them at Chernobyl? I seem to recall the space radiation being much deadlier.

There are more inconsistencies that i can't remember...
I don't doubt that we could've reached the moon, but I don't have an answer to the pictures, nor does NASA...additionally, we haven't been to anxious to go (back). I guess I'd lean toward believing that we went, but wouldn't be shocked to find out otherwise.
We might have faked the first couple just to beat the Russians, but I guarantee we've been to the moon. It seems to me in all these years someone would've pulled out a telescope and realized the flag and all our junk isn't up there if we didn't.

In my opinion, this was all started by that outrageous FOX special.
Originally posted by Advance
In my opinion, this was all started by that outrageous FOX special.

well, i've been speculating that we didnt go to the moon for about 4 years now. there is just to many things that dont quite fit.
We've been to the moon.

It's easy to twist facts. To the average viewer, if you tell them something, they believe it. For example, tell them that there's no wind on the moon, so there's no way the flag can blow. Seems like a good reason to most people. But there are a few things that they cleverly leave out. First is there is a horizantal pole at the top of the flag, because NASA knew that there is no wind on the moon. Second, the flag was twisted into the ground, putting it in motion, and a small pole was used, which is easy to bend. Let's not forget Newton's First Law here. That flag pole would vibrate, and the twisting motion would also help the flag move. Without air resistance, it will continue in motion for much longer than it would on Earth.

It's easy to feed on ignorance. The moon hoax is just another example where they twist facts, leaving things out that would disprove their argument, and making you believe the message they are trying to get across. Michael Moore does this in Bowling for Columbine, quite successfully seeing how many people believe what it said in that movie. Another one with rising popularity is the Pentagon bombing of 9/11. There was no plane that hit the Pentagon, it was actually a truck bomb, setup by our own government. At least, that's what they want you to believe.
Why then, after years of attempting to write a book to prove it all, has NASA come up empty, time after time, with variuos autors quitting?
ROFL ok... this is one of the most stupid thigns i've heard....

Of course they have landed o nthe moon.. god what is teh point in saying it LOL

and also i thought only Adminds/mods can make threads here...

You're a freak Silverstrand :p
hey, don't be rude

also, i hate to be so ignorant, but what pictures are you guys talking about? (haha can you tell i've been locked in my room studying all week)
The bottom line is that we have been to the moon. It's littered with our junk. The only debate is when we first got there, and whether that actually includes Buzz and company as history tells us.
my politics teacher thinks its a hoax...but i believe it. it is cool to think of it as a conspiracy...but its not
Originally posted by mb90078
Why then, after years of attempting to write a book to prove it all, has NASA come up empty, time after time, with variuos autors quitting?

Prove it to who? The general public who only knows what they hear? I guess we can fool international scientists, but we can't fool the Wal-Mart clerk.
Originally posted by Advance
The bottom line is that we have been to the moon. It's littered with our junk.

Do you know that for a fact?
Have you seen this 'junk' with your own eyes?
Originally posted by Lord Lupus

Do you know that for a fact?
Have you seen this 'junk' with your own eyes?

That's exactly the point, maybe we did but then again maybe we didn't. We can never be too sure. I can say one thing though. The funds that make all this work are taking straight from our pockets. And I don't think some guy landing on the moon has made my rent cheaper, or paying for my car insurance. Its basically just a waist of time, when where talking about landing on the moon.
Most things in life are a waste of time.

Hell, most of Life is a waste of time.
Originally posted by Lord Lupus

Do you know that for a fact?
Have you seen this 'junk' with your own eyes?

You're telling me there are all these theorists out there not believing that we went to the moon and no one ever bothered to buy a telescope, point it at the moon, and look for themselves? Can you imagine how much those pictures would be worth? Or what about the people who watch the Hubble telescope? The moon may be far away, but just about anyone can take a good long look and check it out, and prove once and for all whether or not our stuff's up there. The moon is just an earshot away. It's not like the government's saying we went to Alpha Centuari.
Will someone please tell me how the government could stage people being on the moon, in moon vehicles, depicting the earth, and simulating less than normal gravity in the 60's? You need to open your eyes and think for a minute. Computers were not common back then to help simulate moon scenery. And why would the government spend millions of dollars to lie to you? They spent those millions to go to the moon and conduct scientific research and exploration.
If you have the technology to reach the moon, you certainly have the technology to fake it. They would spend the money to lie to beat the Soviet Union.

Yet they haven't been able to write that **** book proving they were on the moon.