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Moon Landing... hoax?

the other inadequacies that someone in this thread referred to was there was a shot that showed the flag that an astronaut had in his hand that was waving... the problem here is that it's impossible for a flag to wave with zero gravity ;) so... that picture obviously was not on the moon because there was wind present
Originally posted by d2alio
the other inadequacies that someone in this thread referred to was there was a shot that showed the flag that an astronaut had in his hand that was waving... the problem here is that it's impossible for a flag to wave with zero gravity ;) so... that picture obviously was not on the moon because there was wind present

If it's in his hand and his hand is moving, the flag would move too. And, because there's virtually no atmosphere on the moon, it's going to "blow" because of inertia for a very long time...

Besides, the moon has gravity. :p
The only way you can really know is to speak to those who 'went' to the moon, but they would say they went even if it was faked.

Personally i think that they did. i wish they would land on the moon again soon.
No-one landed on the moon in the 60's. If you lot are talking about the picture I am thinking of, then the landing was a hoax. First off, look in the background, why were there no stars? Second, how did a moon-buggy the size of a mini fit on the space craft? Where did it come from, I doubt it was a self-assembly box. Third, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" backwards sounds like "Man never space walked". Forth, why was the flag moving. Fifth, the suits the astronauts were wearing wouldn't of fitted in the spacecraft they landed, they were huge. Sixth, why did they take a camera? Seventh, again with the size of the craft, 3 men could not of fitted in the tiny vessle..

And on that note, no plane crashed in the pentagon.
This is the first time i've ever heard of the moon landings beinh a hoax. This si a shiload to digest. Gimme a few minutes and maybe i'll figure out what I think:p
I believe the moon landing was possibly a hoax, I really don't know. The point that there were no stars is the most convincing.

And how did they make themselves look like they were on the moon? Quite easy if you play back the tape in slow motion. They supposedly shot the whole scene in a desert.
Originally posted by assassingod
No-one landed on the moon in the 60's. If you lot are talking about the picture I am thinking of, then the landing was a hoax. First off, look in the background, why were there no stars? Second, how did a moon-buggy the size of a mini fit on the space craft? Where did it come from, I doubt it was a self-assembly box. Third, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" backwards sounds like "Man never space walked". Forth, why was the flag moving. Fifth, the suits the astronauts were wearing wouldn't of fitted in the spacecraft they landed, they were huge. Sixth, why did they take a camera? Seventh, again with the size of the craft, 3 men could not of fitted in the tiny vessle..

And on that note, no plane crashed in the pentagon.

No stars because the picture got printed retarded? the camera was on focus on something else, therfore, back then maybe the background could not be seen well?

The ship was actually quite big, it was "crowded" though. If you look at video's when they leave the ship and stuff, you'll see how it all fitted.

And i haven't researched this quite yet, but the moon buggy i believe was assembled on the moon.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
that quote sounds more like... "Kind man for leap giant one, man for step small one"

Not man never spaced walk... that has nothing to do with it... OBVIOUSLY :p

and the suits fit also, they werent THAT huge, just like shoving a suit in a large briefcase ;) and puting a helmet under the bunk bed :p

They brought a camera to PROVE that they were on the moon?

And 3 men did fit, the vessel wasn't that small :p

And no, I don't believe it happened but i don't deny it... i simply dont care :p

Just what you wrote proves nothing :p
Originally posted by assassingod
And on that note, no plane crashed in the pentagon.

That is the stupidest and most disgraceful thing I have seen in this horrible thread! Who told you this? The evidence is there! People all over saw it. Even this jerky moon argument is more convincing!
This is for anyone who believes the moon landing was a hoax. Many questions about the so-called missing stars, waving flag, moon backdrops, shadow issues and more are answered here along with many other questions.


Originally posted by assassingod
No-one landed on the moon in the 60's.

Uhm, yea they did. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon (yes, humans did IN FACT land on the moon) in 1969.

They would spend the money to lie to beat the Soviet Union.

This would be my mistake (although it wasn't a lie:rollseyes). I learned this not long ago. The race to the moon was more for political reasons. Guess I need to read up more on that.
Lots of quotes by me here.

I still think no-one landed on the moon in the sixties (I do believe however we have been to the moon, and landed on it), it was hoaxed to be Russia in the space race. I stick with my evidence, also about the comment Niel Armstrong, I do not have a reliable source on this, but 'Dniknam rof peal tniag eno nam rof pets llams eno', true it does look like Man Never space walked, but play it backwards, you will be pleasntly surprised:)

There are some other things that are so obvious that it was fake, but I can't remember

And again, no plane crashed into the pentagon, read the facts, it was a coach.
Of course the moon landing was a hoax. No way the astronaughts who landed on the moon would come back normal after going through the heavy radiation Van Allen's belt. too much radiation for a man to handle with only alluminum as a barrier. Also to much flag movement in the moon landing footage.
Originally posted by David_TheMan
Of course the moon landing was a hoax. No way the astronaughts who landed on the moon would come back normal after going through the heavy radiation Van Allen's belt. too much radiation for a man to handle with only alluminum as a barrier.

Wow, uh...have you checked this site that I posted earlier:

Also to much flag movement in the moon landing footage.

You contradicted your own sentence right there. :rollseyes
More facts about the mood landing hoax:

Double the speed of the film and it looks like the astroNOTs are running normally, same with the buggy if you speed the film of that up it looks like its driving normally.

Theres also the fact that theres no blast crater beneth the ship.

Cross hairs were put on the picture when devolped, which means that they would be infront of everything, yet they are behind some things in some photos (flag, spaceman, equipment)

Then theres what David_TheMan said, the radiation was at its highest in 1969.

There also other things, like they had to leave the buggy on the moon, which means it would still be there today, why has no other space mission seen it?

moon landing = haox:)
After looking at the site posted by ziroi, I have to agree that they did probably land on the moon. All popular theories are disproved.
ees. To even hing that it was a hoax degrades you as an American. This was one of the U.S.'s greatest accomplishments. Sorry if I am not respecting opinions, but c'mon. 0_o