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More big news!!!!!!


Now I have to wait until July to do that shot with you that you owe me? Pft.

:lol: Congrats!!
:hesaid::shesaid: What they all said so much better than I :) Congrats on the baby or babies :)
congrats! Another CW baby how exciting!

With all these CW babies, can you make this one gay? I could use some help around here, because I'm not getting any younger!:quiet:
Uh Denise to whom are you rolling your eyes at?

Lol Steve I'll see what I can do. You of all people should know you can't MAKE someone gay (or straight for that matter), lol but maybe if I think lesbian thoughts...or hang out too much with my sister and her gf, or my gay karaoke bffs, it'll rub off in utero. :lol:

LOL Charlie, remember when I told you it might be awhile until we do shots? I didn't specify that it would be around the 9 month mark, but I did say it would be a ways away lol! But I'm looking forward to it already! I'll be a super lightweight!
My emotions are impossible to control. Whatever the mood, it is amplified sooo intensely. If I'm sad, I'm bawling. If I'm happy, I'm like a bi-polar giddy. If I'm mad, im furiously outraged.

Anyone else experience this? Is it (hopefully) a first trimester thing or is this for the whole pregnancy? Any ways of coping??

Thank you!!!
I wish I had some suggestions for you....I am feeling the same way with the hormone thing...ups and downs...it's crazy....I find myself talking to DH when he gets to work in the morning....uhm, hey sorry about last night....you know, when I was all emotional....well.....you know, I'm sorry, right?....................

Yes, dear...I know that you are sorry....and "I still love you!"

then I am all better......for a while. LOL

I hope the hormones level out quickly for you!
Congratulations!!!! No advice for the raging hormones, but extra sleep always makes everything better! Not that your 2 little ones would ever let you catch any extra zzzzz's, LOL
My emotions are impossible to control. Whatever the mood, it is amplified sooo intensely. If I'm sad, I'm bawling. If I'm happy, I'm like a bi-polar giddy. If I'm mad, im furiously outraged.

Anyone else experience this? Is it (hopefully) a first trimester thing or is this for the whole pregnancy? Any ways of coping??

Thank you!!!

I was snapping at everyone the whole first trimester. Got a lot better once I hit the second trimester.
.... Oh boy......
Dun dun DUN!!!!

I had heard that #3 was a breeze... Now I'm afraid. Lol
Totally agree 3 is a challenge because u are short one hand now:) I think anymore after 3 is a breeze! I always feel like what's one more? Can't get any crazier than it is now lol
I was always told that #2 was hard but after that, what's one more? Oh boy was I lied to?

Seriously gonna have a panic attack LMAO.
I was always told that #2 was hard but after that, what's one more? Oh boy was I lied to?

Seriously gonna have a panic attack LMAO.

No No - I don't want to make you nervous ROFL - it's great! But three is really different, it's a gang now LOL! But in the long run they all start to help each other along too :sheep1: and that's a big benefit. It's all good!
I'm hoping DD4 will start helping out soon- right now her two favorite things are whining and not listening. So if I ask her to help unload the dishwasher or folding small towels, she might if she really feels like it. Or she'll find a way to tease her brother that she can help and he can't.

Right now she is pouting in the corner bc she can't have cookies for breakfast. @@ have we EVER had cookies for breakfast? But that doesn't matter, does it? Lol a gang- I'm really screwed!! :lol: