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Most boring sport


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What do you think is the most boring sport of all times? It's probably curling for me. I see no excitement at all in that game...
Have you ever played? Its so fun! But I would never watch that on TV thats really boring. I also hate watching tennis, puts me to sleep. Id much rather watch golf!
I find baseball entertaining to watch. I agree with tmd, golf is one of the few sports I just have never gotten into. I've never been able to watch it.
I have to agree with Jontro, baseball is a fun sport to play but to watch it on TV is one of the most boring activities ever. I don't know kids used to listen to the commentary on the radio back then, it seems like there's a 5 minute break between every single pitch. When I'm watching a sport, I need constant fluidity and action, basketball and soccer fulfill that requirement.
Well I actually find watching any sport on TV boring, but playing them is another story. That's just me I guess ;d
Anything in person is fun, but on tv I think golf is incredibly boring.
I play golf occasionally, but it's very boring to watch on TV. Curling is also not fun to watch either.
Golf...just...why? Old white dudes walking around and hitting a ball for 10 seconds.
Don't hurt me! I'm from America. I think soccer is the most boring sport. It's too hard to gauge how amazing a certain attempt or performances are without the quantitative aspect.
What definition of sport are we using here? Some people view chess as a sport.
The most boring sport to watch... I would say golf. You know why.. 2nd is soccer. We just see guys running around for hours and kicking the ball back and forth. They don't score as much and what does that make it so exciting within 90 mins of the game.... We could be sitting on bench for an hour and someone scored overtime. How nice... but it is fun to play. 3rd is baseball.. I think 9 innings is too many.

Most fun sport to watch.. American Football! Who doesn't?! The guys are tackling each other and trying to score. That is a real sport! 2nd is basketball! Man, it is only fun to watch if it is going to be a good game. For example, Boston vs Bulls with those three overtimes in the series was crazy. 3rd is hockey, who doesn't like hockey fights?
Cant believe no one has said cricket yet! It has to be the most boring, pointless, tedious 'sport' ever. its just dull, dull, dull - so dull if you have ever listened to a match - the commentators talk about what they can see passing the stadium rather than the actual game!
For me it would have to be cricket. I don't mind playing it but I find watching it so boring!
Baseball to me is painful to watch. I hate seeing those out of shape guys getting paid so much to play a sport.
Baseball to me is painful to watch. I hate seeing those out of shape guys getting paid so much to play a sport.

That does frustrate me sometimes too. You'd think they'd keep themselves in better shape. Especially with all the money they make. It's not hard to eat right and work out when you're rich.