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Most boring sport

I hope my opinion doesn't hurt any feelings, but I feel that either Golf or Tennis are the most boring sports. Tennis feels very monotonous. Hearing the ball bounce back and forth can put me to sleep. Golf tends to be boring for me due to the announcers. They speak rarely quietly and don't make the game exciting. These sports are very entertaining in person for me either. This is just my opinion.
Tennis is repetitive, but Golf is just unbearable to watch.
Yeah I cannot stand watching baseball on TV or playing it. But golf is probably the most boring sport of all, to watch on TV, you just watch people walking around hitting a round white ball.
I think figure skating is the most boring sport to watch. In my opinion, it is not fun to sit around and watch people dance on ice. I usually fall asleep whenever I watch it, and I always change the channel when it is on.
To me the most boring sport is golf. Anytime that I ever watch it I usually dose off sleeping. That is one sport that I will never get excited about.
The most boring sport to watch... I would say golf. You know why.. 2nd is soccer. We just see guys running around for hours and kicking the ball back and forth. They don't score as much and what does that make it so exciting within 90 mins of the game.... We could be sitting on bench for an hour and someone scored overtime. How nice... but it is fun to play. 3rd is baseball.. I think 9 innings is too many.

Most fun sport to watch.. American Football! Who doesn't?! The guys are tackling each other and trying to score. That is a real sport! 2nd is basketball! Man, it is only fun to watch if it is going to be a good game. For example, Boston vs Bulls with those three overtimes in the series was crazy. 3rd is hockey, who doesn't like hockey fights?
I'll include tennis in this one. I like playing tennis and watching a few pickup games at the local sports centre; but watching actual competitions, no.
I bet a lot of these "boring" sports are actually a lot of fun when you're playing them instead of watching them. :) I get bored easily with baseball because I prefer more aggressive contact sports like American football. It might also just be that I don't get it yet.
The most boring sport to watch, for me, is gold. Whether in person (wouldn't go anyways) or on TV, I just don't get into it.
I find Golf boring as some of You do and also I hate watching Snoker for example. This is true that when You play the game yourself it is much more entertaining :D
if you consider it a sport, then yes, curling is the most boring. Who wants to watch dudes rub ice?
I would have to say golf and tennis. Both of these sports are so boring to watch. I don't like to play them either. I think baseball is entertaining when you are actually there watching it. It is kinda boring watching it on tv.
I honestly was surprised to see so many sports listed on people's comments. I don't think there is a boring sport. I either know someone playing it, am a fan of the game, want to pick up some tips or learn something else from viewing any sport.
I've done a google search on "not popular sports" and came across a sport called "Jaialai". Seems interesting, but dead boring for me.
If you ask me, then it has to be golf. It may be a nice game for those blokes hitting it here and there on a green meadow. They lot enhance their concentration and patience. But for the viewers? What do they get to enhance? It's like watching a turtle finish a marathon! When will that ever end?
I don't like watching tennis and golf on TV because nothing ever happens (but if it's an anime, tennis is fine). I can also bear watching tennis in real life but I get bored easily. If it's me playing, then I love tennis. Oh, it seems I'm a lot conflicted with tennis.

But golf? Meh!

I like fast-paced action in sports. ;)