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Most favorite and least favorite thing about the hoilday season?


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
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So.......what is your most and least favorite thing about the holiday season?
I hate shopping when it's not me I'm getting stuff for :p

I could deal with the normal family madness that will take place for the next month, but we always get busy at work this time of year which makes it all suck. Theres just not enough hours in the day during the holidays it seems to get it all done

Most favorite: I'll have to think about that and get back to ya :p
I hate when people ask me what I want for Christmas. I feel guilty because I normally want items more expensive than is appropriate for a gift.
I don't find them fun anymore. That and the idea that I don't really have anyone "special" to share 'em with.

Family gets boring after a while :lol:
I hate that I really can't go to a mall on a weekend in case I need something, unless I'm willing to brave the crush of humanity.

I like the days off from work.
My favorite thing is the rare case that the gift I got for someone is also accepted and appreciated by them as I hoped it would be when I selected it.

Everything else is tied for my least favorite.
I'm getting concerned about Eisons mental health :(
I hate that I really can't go to a mall on a weekend in case I need something, unless I'm willing to brave the crush of humanity.
That does suck
most favorite thing.... meeting the nice family members
least favorite thing.... meeting the rest of the family
Most favorite.... Jan. 2nd
Least favorite.... Everyday until Jan. 2nd
favorite - finding awesome presents.
wrapping presents. i love wrapping presents. i like decorating with cool paper, different ribbons, making bows. i don't care if noone else cares, but i like doing it. it makes me happy.
watching people unwrap presents they like. but i get the ****s when they open them carefully. you're supposed to tear the paper off ****!

least favorite - more idiots in shopping centres than usual. there were two occassions that dad brought up about when we went shopping today where he thought i was going to deck some mindless arsehole. i HATE, HATE, HATE people who get to the end of an escallator, then just pause, deciding where to go while people bank up behind them waiting to get past. i want to hit them all with hammers.
-soccer mums in carparks. big **** off cars that they can't park, the wrong way around parking lots, expecting you to reverse when they've driven down a one way lane and can't get past you.

what has annoyed me most so far this season is that i recieved a christmas card in the mail from my mother. it's not the card nor the contact that worry me most, rather that SHE KNOWS WHERE I LIVE. :stern:
i don't know who the **** gave her my address but i'm not ****ing happy.