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Movies with GOOD sequels


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What movies do you think had good sequels?

The only two that I thought had sequels better than the originals were:

Alien & Aliens
Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Aliens was MUCH better than Alien cause it had a lot more aliens and a lot more variety, and really, a lot less bloody.... I don't think you need blood to have a good movie....

Terminator 2:Judgement Day involved a lot more futuristic parts and a lot more history on the whole terminator thing that the first one did, i think.... it went into a lot more detail and wrapped everything up pretty good too....

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
Back to the Future Part 2

Though Part 3 wasn't as good as either of the first two.

"May those who love us love us. And those who don't love us-- may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping." -- Keeping the Faith
Oh yah, good one, I loved the Back to the Future movies..... I really actually don't like BttF 3 at all though, heh..... I do like the first two a heckofa lot....

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
I can't think of many...
but Free Willy 2 rocked over number one...even though number three ranked somewhere between Lost In Space and that Russian romantic comedy that was on last week at three in the morning...

Lister from Red Dwarf -
"I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
Scream 2 had a discussion about this, and I believe they brought up The Godfather Part 2 (though I haven't seen any of them yet)...

"May those who love us love us. And those who don't love us-- may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping." -- Keeping the Faith
Star Wars :: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Trek, The Motion Picture :: Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan

Rocky :: Rocky II

My knob tastes funny.
I agree with you on the Wrath of Khan... that is was better than The Motion Picture.... but really, Wrath of Khan sucked compared to all the others,

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
To *all* the others? I hope you're not implying that Star Trek 5 (the one with that abominable "quest for God" storyline) is actually better than Star Trek 2...

Say it ain't so!

My knob tastes funny.
Austin Powers, I'd have to say -- Fat **** only came into being in the sequel, and everyone knows that any character with lines such as "Git in my BELLY" has to be a sure sign of a good movie

Also, I enjoyed Nat'l Lampoon's European Vacation more than I did the first movie...

Just a few

En fuego, bebe.
Weekend At Bernies 2 ruled!

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would like you to wonder your eyes toward another one of Napoli's posts, for it will complete your life
I admit number 5 was kinda crappy,
, but it had a lot more effects and stuff than number 2 did, i thought Star Trek 2 was a complete waste of all the valuable Star Trek material they could've provided.... at least ST 5 had a combination of new characters and good special effects and stuff....

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
Sleepaway Camp 2 was much more entertaining and enjoyable than Sleepaway Camp 1.


"Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed

"The quickest way to a woman's heart, is with a pickaxe." - Cryptkeeper
So is this thread about sequels that are superior to the original or just that are good?

Godfather I & II are both great, I can't pick a favorite there.

Austin Powers II sucks in comparison to I. Mostly because FB is too disgusting to be funny. Although Mini Me is funny.

Star Trek II is imho the best of all the Star Trek movies.

I like Star Wars episodes 4-6 equally. They are all great.

If you consider Mallrats and Chasing Amy to be sequels, then they are great sequels.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
hey! haven't seen jourgenson for a while!

i agree that all those sequels (esp the ones i've seen) were better than the origs, but i think star wars VI was the best one except for the ewoks

matrix 2 & 3 **** well *better* be good, or i'm gonna be real mad

"...Another casualty of applied metaphysics." - Hobbes
Let's see. Star Trek II is the best of the Trek flicks followed by First Contact. Haven't you noticed the pattern of the Trek flicks? The odd numbered ones suck while the even numbered ones are always pretty good? Jab, that movie did way better than the first one. What's up with that whole V'ger mess, anyway?
I actually think the effects in Star Trek II were pretty good considering the budget they had. There is a scene where the Reliant passes over the top of the Enterprise, and you see the Reliant's shadow cast on the Enterprise. THAT, IMHO, is a sign of effects wizardry.

Austin Powers II is a GREAT flick...even better than the first, IMHO.

Aliens, IMHO, is better than Alien (and that is a REALLY good movie)...but the other 2 sucked.

The Star Wars series, of course.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

I'm just a quick pee. - liltaz, fastest pee in the West!

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by JHowse on January 02, 2001 at 01:18 PM</font>
rocky - rocky II
terminator - T2
friday the 13 - friday the 13 part 2
psycho - psycho 2
jaws - jaws2
back to the future - 2
city slickers - city slickers 2
and buch of asian kung fu-yyy movies
et - et 2 leaving home... got cha

"When do u no ur ready 4 1 thing or anything?"
I'm sorry, but Kahn was a horrible character when he was FIRST introduced into the Star Trek scheme, making a movie featuring him.... well....

A lot of the more modern day ST movies have been pretty cool, Insurrection was kind of a bore though, hehe.....

I didn't really like ST 4, I mean.... its Star Trek, they got this whole load of futuristic ideas to come up with.... who thinks of.... "I know guys! Lets defeat the whole purpose of being in the future, and go back in time to save the whales!!"

Sorry, no,
.... I thought Star Trek 3 was good, just because I like the whole Genesis Project and the concepts behind Spock's regeneration and all that.....

******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
Khan was a great character. His evilness and quest for revenge made the movie exciting and fun to watch. He is like Captain Ahab hunting his whale. In fact, the movie makes all kinds of Moby **** references.

Anyway, Star Trek III is ok. Kind of a dissapointment after II. I see it more of finishing up where II left off and bridging to IV. Of the odd numbered Trek films, it is the top ranked one. Even Generations was more dissapointing than this one. Why wreck the Enterprise D on it's maiden voyage on the big screen?

IV was great. Kind of a comic relief for Star Trek, really. Most non trek fans enjoy IV the most out of all of the trek films.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

I'm just a quick pee. - liltaz, fastest pee in the West!

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
Now I'm a fan of horror/suspense and I'm surprised that nobody mentioned any of the Exorcist sequels. Especially Exorcist 3, there's one scene I still get chills watching.
