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My kid's going to college and.......

I went away to school on the other side of the country and my parents thought it was a good thing exactly because it prevented me from coming home often--not that they wouldn't have loved to see me more often but my sister went to school only a couple hours away and was home ALL the time. It kind of prevented her from building her own life elsewhere. I remember I called my parents to tell them I had found my way to Cambridge and my brother burst into the call to tell me that they had made my room into an office--I hadn't even found my dorm room yet.:lol: It was good in the end--I went home for Christmas and usually for at least part of the summer. I tended to go home with the girlfriend of the moment for Thanksgiving.

I think it was hard on my parents in some respect--I remember being home for Christmas my freshman year and my mother bursting out in tears the first time I said something about doing something "when I got home" and meant school, but they thought it was best for me and my education--in the end I think they were right.

Did you go to Harvard?
It has been quite a few years since I sent someone to college. Now I remember garbage bags, but the garbage bag is for the little waste basket. Also kids are not very diligent in changing the garbage bags. In the end, most of the garbage bags came home instead of being used.

Good to know. They did only say 8 gallon size. I'll just send him with one box. Thanks for the tip. :)
I would not be encouraging a school halfway across the country just yet. My daughter goes to school in decatur which is about 5 hrs round trip.They close most dorms down for winter break so kids HAVE to live elsewhere,if money is tight and plane fare pricey where is she going to go? Including drop off in August, I see my daughter 5 times during school yr. Fall break, Thanksgiving,Winter break, parents weekend and spring break. Thats alot of airfare! We do not let her take a car so we drive to pick her up , home for the week,and drive her back.My son is a junior and if he goes the opposite direction, Im screwed.

Got lots of garbage bags, thanks!

She wants to go to school in the south. First choice is Duke. I won't discourage her whatsoever. She has worked hard and if she can get in to her dream school and we can afford it, I will be proud to pay the bill. Also, we fly for free, well we have to pay the taxes. So, as long as there are open seats on a flight she is good to go. We are very fortunate in that respect.

ETA: I went to college 12 hours from home and enjoyed it without trauma. I went home for major holidays and some summers. The school I went to was more of a suitcase college and I enjoyed the weekends because most people cleared out and went home. Nice and quite.
Most of the chairs provided by the dorms are not comfortable. Perhaps you would like to pick up a nice chair from the office supply stores. If your kids are going to school far away, you can always order online & have it deliver to the dorm (of course, you wait until your kid arrives at the dorm before you do this).
How about a bike.

Just a garage sale one. My son used his all freshman year.

He then bought a moped to get around campus.

How did the lock box work out for your DS? Did it meet all of his needs? I have been thinking about going ahead and getting this and now since the global announcement has been made it lit a fire under my arse to find this thread and hunt down the one you recommended.
Well we were able to put it under his bed cause they have those beds that can be raised up or down. Locked it with a cable lock to the frame. Not sure how often he uses it though.