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My sister in the local news

What a moving story. First off I'm so glad her son got over the cancer. They must have gone through a really traumatic time and it's nice to hear that he is still here, well and has got the treatment he deserves.

The race for life is such a good event that provides support with families going through the same thing. I read in the news the other day that cancer patience will soon be getting free home care, which is what they deserve.

So glad he got over it mate =]
Yeah, it was a hard time for everyone, but you rarely saw her without a smile. And Ethan was a star - when they realised he had to have chemo and his hair would fall out, his dad Jon, took him to get his head shaved - made a big party of it so he wouldn't have the trauma of watching it come out in clumps.

Helen's been amazingly strong throughout the whole thing. Think it shows the mettle of a person if they can come out of it and then go on and do what she's doing now with Race for Life, etc.
Awww thats nice to hear they were posative =P Nice idea about the party, nice touch. It really sounds like he has a loving family around him to support the mother, father, and Ethan through the traumatic time.

If you stay strong inside, and have loving people around, it can make the situation so much better, not easier, but it helps =]

Nice to hear some good news for a change.
Cute little boy. And props to youer sister. Children should be childrena, they shouldn't have to deal with those kinds of things.