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My Tuesday Is Dying....


Chief Talker
PF Member
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Bergen County, NJ
.... a slow, painful death, and I don't have a way to fix it (so far)

I started this venue several months ago. The reason I got it was that another place ( For Wayde: Waterloo Sue's) closed down after having a successful karaoke show for over 13 years. Many of these people went to the venue ( close by, and VERY similar in style) and requested that they hire me so that the singers would still have their Tuesday night.

Well, as expected, all went magnificently for awhile. However, it started to get sporadic, and in the last month or so it has become abyssmal ( 5 singers last week, and maybe 20 people in the bar).

First thing that comes to mind, of course, is "how did I screw up?" along with "It's the economy, stupid". The thing is, the singers are all still coming to my other venues, so it wasn't me, and they are still out spending money.

So I started asking around. The general consensus was that they just don't feel welcome there - something to do with the staff... That's as close as I could get to it. No one said the staff was rude or anything, it was just....a feeling.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that?

My ego is involved here as well. I have NEVER failed in a venue ( my definition being at least one full successful year. ) This might be the first, as I've only been here a few months.

Another interesting thing: I advertise in the local entertainment mags, listing my venues as well. I also use group texting ( with permission from the textees) and e-mail.

The venue, on the other hand, wants to make money from karaoke, but keep it secret at the same time. They feel that karaoke doesn't really fit the image of the place ( very high end). This leads me to believe that though the staff may not be rude, they may well be snobby and aloof towards these patrons- a very stupid thing to do, but may not be fixable at this point...

Any thoughts or suggestions gratefully accepted.......
hmm well its time to look for a new place and move from the snobbish association which is pushing your crowd and in the end you out the door shortly after.
Deciding that karaoke doesn't fit the image sounds like a management decision.

Further it sounds like that management decision has filtered down to the staff.

Might be time for a heart-to-heart with the manager who hired you, sharing the comments you have received from patrons.

Depending on the outcome of your discussion, maybe things will change or maybe another venue search is due.

Either way, it's worth a discussion before you move on down the road.
I agree, a discussion make sense.

But the reality is , they need to get off the fence. If karaoke doesn't really fit their image, then don't do it.

If they want to draw the business, then embrace it and promote it and welcome people.

If they can't get off the fence, then you owe it to yourself and to the venue to find another venue that will want to work with you to promote and grow tuesdays.
You were at Waterloo Sue's for 13 years? Hey I've been there for Karaoke, 10+ years ago...but I've been there. You know Boots?
You were at Waterloo Sue's for 13 years? Hey I've been there for Karaoke, 10+ years ago...but I've been there. You know Boots?

First, let me clear up a misunderstanding. I SANG ( and danced) at Waterloo's. I wasn't the host. That was my friend ( and one of my mentors) Allan Carpet. HE made that show go 13 years. Helluva host.

Of course I know Boots, though I was rarely there on his nights ( weekends- workin' myself, ya know..). By "know" I mean we've had a conversation or two at Waterloo's.

As for my current predicament:

I had a word with the owner, and very gently explained this perception as it was presented to me. My read on the owner's expressions and voice leads me to believe the singers may be right. This is along with their " Bring in the customers but don't tell anybody" attitude.

I finally suggested to the owner that he may wish to re-examine the idea of karaoke for the venue. I am lucky enough to have a bit of a rep, which gives me some freedom of movement. Though this is a business, I also do it because I enjoy it. I'm no longer enjoying it there. Plus, admittedly, it's an ego scar.

I have an offer from a friendlier (and better known) venue in Westwood, which is also closer to me. I will be visiting THAT venue tomorrow, per their request, and have promised to give them an answer then.

I will first call the current venue owner tomorrow, as HE requested, and listen to what he has to say. If he wishes to throw some more support into it ( i.e. an attitude adjustment for all, AND some help promoting a "no longer secret" show, I will keep trying. If not, we're done. I see no reason to be fighting him to make money FOR him....
I as Bar and Club CoOwner can tell you one thing:

You can be best Dj on Earth but if the Owner and Stuff dont do theyre job as they need to do it doesnt matter what you do because first contact with people have the stuff.

Dont worry my friend I was also in this kind of situations and it was never my guilt if Bar was going down.(at least owner told me so)
Well, after a long phone conversation, the owner basically said that he didn't want to promote karaoke in association with the venue, but wished me to continue. I politely declined, and will be starting the new venue after the holidays. My will relax on Tuesdays until then...:sqwink:
well atleast you had his respect he just didnt respect the money makers.
Maybe do somethings to keep the non singers. Cut down the amount of karaoke and use a 1 to 1 ratio of karaoke to dance music.

If everything goes well you could end up with a DJ night vs a karaoke night.