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Names that would not work here in the US.


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In the dunes of a cave
Watching the Olympics, I see lots of different names from the different countries.

Today I thought of Barb and her Anass story when the showed the name of one of the women competing in the ski aerials. Assoli. That's her first name.
Too funny-I just had a story of a student with the name Anas-and I too can't find any way to pronounce it that is not funny!!! Anus or anass!! Maybee Anas and Assoli are sisters?
LOL my real name is stupid, hard to pronounce and I never use it except for legal documents. I got *lucky* and was named after my father's mother. My mom hated the name so I don't use it. My cousins and I talk on Facebook and we all have the same ****ty first name just the girls have an A at the end and the guys have an O.

Come to think of it my cousin's name is worse then mine, its Lucky (Forunata).
I never use my real name on message boards. I've encountered too many nutjobs on the internet. I'll just say a famous actor and I have the same name, he doesn't use it either because people can't pronounce it. I got a change to talk to this actor about our unusual name and we both agreed, American's can't pronounce it so we both go by other names.
Manuel Pfister was one a lot of my college friends posted about.
Mrs. I. P. Rainwater
Mr. Richard Head
eLiciafay can attest to this being true. The school administrator where we went to school was Dr Ross Penix. He actually named his son Richard and they called him ****ie.

Poor little ****ie Penix.
eLiciafay can attest to this being true. The school administrator where we went to school was Dr Ross Penix. He actually named his son Richard and they called him ****ie.

Poor little ****ie Penix.

Oh come on!!! That's just mean and stupid! Poor kid.
Oh come on!!! That's just mean and stupid! Poor kid.

It is horrible. I could never understand it, but we went to a very strict Baptist high school.

I will never forget the day my stepmother messed up and called him "Dr. Penis"
I will never forget the day my stepmother messed up and called him "Dr. Penis"

That's just good stuff right there! :lol:
That's just good stuff right there! :lol:

I know. It is one of my favorite stories. The worst part was they pronounced it like penis with an x at the end. I would at least change how I said it to Pen ix instead of Peen ix. So it would sound less like I was saying penis.
And sometimes your names are a positive reinforcement - my Grandmother was Dorothy Isabella Selina Best

Dorothy IS Best

And yep, she used that name every day once she was married. She was quite the character. Some day I'll have to tell her story.
And sometimes your names are a positive reinforcement - my Grandmother was Dorothy Isabella Selina Best

Dorothy IS Best

And yep, she used that name every day once she was married. She was quite the character. Some day I'll have to tell her story.

Every story I hear about a Dorothy is a good one. So glad we chose the name.
How about the local NBC News guy - **** Johnson
and the weatherman - Pete Sack
I have always cracked up about their names.
eLiciafay can attest to this being true. The school administrator where we went to school was Dr Ross Penix. He actually named his son Richard and they called him ****ie.

Poor little ****ie Penix.

Chris, you left out the best part. Ross Penix's wife's name was ANITA. ANITA PENIX, y'all. :lol::lol::lol: