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Nascar bans smoking in the stands during races

Ah, another step towards ending the world's smoking population. I can never work out whether it is in the best interest of the other spectators or if its just a way to stop people from smoking. Wouldn't it be better to have a separate smoking area instead of stopping it altogether? I know this kind of thing deters my partner from going because he likes having a smoke whilst he's chilling watching a game.
Peronally I am not a smoker. I have tried it and dislike it a lot. To a non smoker, having smoke blown in your face is gross and ruins the event. So I give huge props. Good job for the ban.
It's a slightly strange decision given that attendances at tracks are down since the economic troubles started. Of course smoking in warm, still air in open air and the cigarette smoke certainly does linger. Don't smoke myself. The ban doesn't bother me personally but 'may' have a small effect on attendances.
About time too, Smoking should be banned anywhere were people gather. Why should non smokers have to put up with other peoples smoke being blown in their faces?
I'm not surprised really. I really don't like the idea anyways having to be next one to someone who is smoking. Most of the places though are basically open and it's a matter of which way the air is blowing. Are you going to say it's okay if it's not blowing in your direction? Smoking in public places has always been an issue of "freedom of anything." I do expect to see what will people do the next time they go to the next race and try to light up.
Finally! Hopefully smoking will be banned in more public places. I'm tired of covering my nose with a hanky everywhere I go just to avoid second-hand smoke.
It's about time they've done something about this. I get tired of going to public places and seeing nasty cigarette butts scattered everywhere.
I agree they should have banned it long ago, it's unfair to the non smokers who have the disgusting smoke blown in their face, not to mention the many dangers of second hand smoke. At the very least smokers have their own designated area so it's not like they can't smoke at all and it should at least clean up the stands a bit, entire areas are just littered with butts everywhere.
Peronally I am not a smoker. I have tried it and dislike it a lot. To a non smoker, having smoke blown in your face is gross and ruins the event. So I give huge props. Good job for the ban.

That's okay. Generally don't mind forcing their will on other people, instead of just removing their selves from the situation. I'm sure you cry just as loud as anyone else who likes to take away from something you enjoy doing. Land of the free, unless you do something what someone else doesn't like.
I think that is great! I am tired of smelling and being assaulted by second hand smoke.
About time too, Smoking should be banned anywhere were people gather. Why should non smokers have to put up with other peoples smoke being blown in their faces?

Being an non smoker myself I have to agree with this. Any place that doesn't at least have a cut off section for smokers is an issue. And for Nascar, people have no choice but to deal with it on those hot days in the stands.

I never understood the draw of smoking anyway
Now it takes the fun out of it. There should at least be a section for smokers.
<a href="http://badgesociety.com">Badge Society</a>
Wow, I wonder how the fans will react. I know there has to be smokers out there who also go to events. Maybe they will boycott this.
I'm glad they did this. It isn't good for anyone to inhale that smoke and contrary to popular belief not all Nascar fans smoke.

I think they did they right thing here by banning smoking in the stands.
That's okay. Generally don't mind forcing their will on other people, instead of just removing their selves from the situation. I'm sure you cry just as loud as anyone else who likes to take away from something you enjoy doing. Land of the free, unless you do something what someone else doesn't like.

You're not free to murder, steal, pollute or do anything that hurts other people. Don't be so ridiculous, smoking is hazardous to your health and those around you. It's not just that people to like it is HARMFUL to them.

You are free to do it in your own home, your car, or places that do happen to permit smoking.
Ah, another step towards ending the world's smoking population. I can never work out whether it is in the best interest of the other spectators or if its just a way to stop people from smoking. Wouldn't it be better to have a separate smoking area instead of stopping it altogether? I know this kind of thing deters my partner from going because he likes having a smoke whilst he's chilling watching a game.

I agree. A separate section would have been a much better idea. My significant other is also a smoker and he will not attend a race anymore because of this. Everyone has gross and disgusting habits that affect the general population, the only difference is you can see this one.

While I do not smoke and cannot stand the smell, I understand that smoking was allowed by the government and so taking it away is like breaking a bad habit and its hard to break a bad habit...especially for those who enjoy it.
It's a great move, they should have done it years ago. As a non-smoker, I find it unacceptable that I have to breather air filled with cigarette smoke during public events. Kudos to Nascar for taking this step.
It is most definitely a great move. I absolutely hate smoking with a passion and find this quite awesome. I've never been to a Nascar race, but we'll see if it truly gets enforced.