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Need fundraising ideas


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NW Indiana
I am an advisor for my sorority's mentoring/little sister group for teenage girls. There are a lot of events that the girls do that cost a nice amount of money, and things we want to do for then that cost money. We are not a 501c3 and technically can't become one. What type of fundraising ideas can you think of that we can do? This past week we went to our regional conference and some could not come because of financial constraints with their families, and I would like to at the very least be able to help offset those yearly costs.

So far I have:
Skating party
Bowling party
Car wash
Auctions/selling/raffle of toiletry baskets

In desperate need of more ideas. Plus I can't really replicate the ideas the larger organization uses for fundraising for fear of taking away from their profits
bake sale

We have no one to sale it too though :(. We don't have a specific school or location as the girls are from all over, and we have food including desert at our meetings for the sorority, so don't think we could sale enough to make it worthwhile there
bake sale

No idea what you have around there, but around here, some of the grocery stores have a little building outside that they use during the warmer months to sell hot dogs, burgers, etc.

Also, one grocery store has a one day sale about once a month. On these dates they get lots of business and allow various organizations to come in and bag groceries for tips/donations.
Collecting cell phones & inkjets is by far our most lucrative (we fundraise for baseball)

Cell phones are GRC Recycling (they pay the best, and pay for ANY phone, no matter how old)

Inkjets I do at Officemax or Staples and "buy" the rewards from the league, I am going to spend $ there anyway.
Thanks...the grocery store idea might work!
I already am collecting ink cartridges to offset cost for our school supply drive, but cell phones is a good idea!

Thanks and please keep the ideas coming....
local businesses around here sometimes do fundraisers. Culver's, Lou Malnati's, I think Colonial Cafe... they have a night where they donate a percentage of their profits that night to your organization. Sometimes they only donate profits from customers that bring in a flyer you distribute.

you might not have those restaurants in your area, but others in your area might have similar programs. here are some links I found for the restaurants my humane society has worked with:




You can also try selling World's Finest Chocolate bars. Try selling them outside the Ace on weekends... :snicker: that was always a jackpot when I was a kid selling candy.
Another idea with grocery stores - ask if you can set up outside and ask for donations. Saturday & Sunday mornings there always seems to be someone set up outside ShopRite asking for donations for an organization.
Have the girls out there with a few signs about the group and cans to collect $.
Cook's Night Off- Team up with a local restaurant so 10percent of their sales go to your group for the night

Golf Outing- TON of work, but 36 foursomes could net you about $10k.

Walmart- stand outside (with prior permission) and "sell" something. (We did World's Finest chocolate bars that I bought at the outlet in Orland for .50c ea & made "custom" labels with our team's name.) We set up for about 6 hours on a Saturday morning and made about $600...people usually give more than the $1 you're asking for.

Door-to-Door flower sales- we bought a TON of poinsettias at Aldi for cheap (I want to say $3? $4?) and sold them for $10ea. Did the same thing with spring flowers (tulips, hyacinths, etc), but from Busy Bee Nursery, had the girls go door-to-door selling the flowers & then delivered them once the ordering process was complete.
Cook's Night Off- Team up with a local restaurant so 10percent of their sales go to your group for the night

Our PTS for our tiny school did this last week with Culvers. They raised about $300 in two hours.
"Slave Auction"...We auction off our 8th graders to the highest bidder for 4 hours of work to earn money for their DC trip...the kids have babysat, cleaned house, done yardwork, housecleaning...the average bid ends up around $40...
"Slave Auction"...We auction off our 8th graders to the highest bidder for 4 hours of work to earn money for their DC trip...the kids have babysat, cleaned house, done yardwork, housecleaning...the average bid ends up around $40...

$40 for 4 hours of slave labor?! I'll take two!!! :bliss:
My idea is kinda long term but. How about teaching the girls knitting and crocheting. They can make hats, scarfs, etc that can then me put up for sale at craftshows, on websites, etc. Not only could you raise money but your teaching the girls great life skills
"Slave Auction"...We auction off our 8th graders to the highest bidder for 4 hours of work to earn money for their DC trip...the kids have babysat, cleaned house, done yardwork, housecleaning...the average bid ends up around $40...

i remember doing this at youth group when i was younger, it's fun for both the person hiring and the helper. I remember having a great time. I think we always were "auctioned" off as pairs
I love when my kids have gift cards for sale. I guess it is there biggest money maker also.
We called it a time and talent auction--figuring everyone has time or a talent to offer--baby sitting, lawn work, baking, cooking--stuff like that--that way they are involved and really feel like they can be part of it

Car Wash--we did it free will donation--went to the local bowling alley where there was a fire hydrant--the city just charged us for the water--which was about 10.00---they made over 2,000!!!

When I was in 4-H--and they might not let you do something like this now--but we did the bake sale--put kids in a car with different adults and went house to house to sell items

Candy bars sell very well around here--sell them for 1.00 and you earn 50 cents off each one

I too have seen the local supermarkets let them sell candy bars--or just donation jars with the pictures of what it is for

Also saw our Jewel support a local church--they let them put up a little jar at each of their registers and collect what ever amount they could get

Our school does well with Cooks Night Out--McDonalds, Culvers, pizza places etc--give you back 10%

Would you be able to sell those cards that give you back 50%---my girlfriends daughter sold them and they were a hot ticket--they were a fundraiser card--you could use over and over--with a lot of restaurants, sporting good stuff on them--it was a plastic card that was good all over the US__I think it was called the Valu Card---people liked them because they were good in other states--so out of state friends could buy--and if you were on vacation you could still use the card.

A craft fair could be cheap--you could do it two ways--if you have a home-then have the girls make items and sell them in your home
If you have a gym or somewhere like that-you can sell space for other crafters---
I had one church that let people use their great room---they charged the people 20 percent of their sales--no charge for the tables--so that people were more abt to go since if nothing sold you were not out anything
Also-have seen it where they just pay a certain amount for a table (they bring their own-if you supply it cost more)

This one would take more work--however many people have reported making lots of money--put on a 5K race and a kids race. If you can find a place in your area that has done one--you can reuse their route--the most expensive part is the t-shirts--or if you are in an area that charges you for police to guard the streets--
however--if you do a 5 K--you can time it yourself--or hire a timing company (try and get a sponsor to cover that cost--usually people can get the cost of most of the race covered with sponsors--the names go on the shirts--and you can usually find places to do them cheap)
Einsteins is really good at donating bagels--usually day old ones that people freeze and then bring it to the race--

For a teacher at our high school--the kids did a basketball game--where they just played against adults and kids---sold fund raiser tickets and did well.

Good luck!
I love when my kids have gift cards for sale. I guess it is there biggest money maker also.

do you happen to know where they get them from?

Car Wash--we did it free will donation--went to the local bowling alley where there was a fire hydrant--the city just charged us for the water--which was about 10.00---they made over 2,000!!!

Do you just hook a regular hose to the hydrant? And I know the department will vary by city, but do you remember who you call?