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Need fundraising ideas

Our PTA does the cooks nite out and Chipotle gives much more than the others. I think it was 40 or 50 percent!
They have temporary hydrant meters. They screw on to the hydrant, then you run your hoses off that. It "counts" how many gallons you use and then you pay the water department.

Just call the "water department" or "public works" in your town. Tell them you want a "hydrant meter" for a car wash event. They can help you from there.
do you happen to know where they get them from?

Do you just hook a regular hose to the hydrant? And I know the department will vary by city, but do you remember who you call?

We called the city of the place we were using, They gave us a little meter they told us how to hook it up to the hydrant etc--it was pretty cheap

We also have done it at some places where they just hooked us up to their outside water and charged us a flat fee---pretty cheap (a bank did that for us)
You want a busy place to draw attention
We also had a car wash place donate a bunch of supplies--the towels, soap, brushes,buckets.

You can also call a car wash place--and sometimes they will cut you a deal--on so many cars--if you mention this person etc--or will have you sell tickets to their car wash.
Lots of different ways to do it
When I use to work, I had to do fundraising, here is what worked:
bake sale every month- brought in around 100 each time
car wash- donation only- got 600
yard sale- brought in over 1000, but very time consuming
*the candle sales etc, were just too much- parents really complained about sending kids out there to do that.