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Need help- dog problems



My dog is peeing in the house. Same spot...almost nightly.

It's gotta stop... any suggestions? Cause we are about ready to cage him at night (and he'll cry)
Could you block him off at night & when you go out? In a room like the kitchen where there's no carpet.I have 4 cats(always had cats) We took out all the carpet in the house except in the family room (will do that soon) to avoid this problem.

You may want to go to the vet & make sure there's no bladder infection.I know that once they mark a spot...they will continue to go back there. The urine soaks thru & wets the pad underneath. I wish you luck.
Do you have an area that he can go? They sell some puppy trainer spray at Petsmart and probably other pet stores that let puppies know where to go. Otherwise, you have to put him out every hour or two so he can go. Eventually they get the idea that outside is where to go.

8+ years

We've taken up the carpet, so he's peeing on OLD tile floor but it's just so icky. Of course this starts after we sold an old dog crate at a garage sale last year.
We have several cats and 1 dog. Somewhere between 9pm and 4:30 am dog is peeing on living room floor.

I think we're gonna try putting cat food in bathroom and gate that door. Then dog in kitchen and gate that door.

Thanks for ideas...I love the pets but we have to get a better hold on this!
Oh poor boy. I thought it was a puppy. He might be going through some senior changes.

We got him from a pound but all the info they gave us about him was wrong. He has a heart murmur and they said he was 3 years- vet said at least 6 years old. You can tell he had some abuse in his life.

We decided a long time ago to just love him and give him the best home we can. I'ld love to close him in DS bedroom at night with DS but afraid he'll pee in there.

Looks like he'll be sleeping in the kitchen... cats are gonna be pissed!
Bad choice of words

Cat's aren't gonna be happy. Their food is usually in the kitchen...going to have to move animals and routines

Maybe he has a bladder or some other problem? Have you asked your vet about this?
What are you using to clean? You need to use an enzymatic cleaner like Simple Solution or Nature's Miracle. Vinegar and water, etc. will get rid of the smell for humans, but animals will still smell the urine odor and take it as a cue to continue going in that spot. Really soak the area with the cleaner....the urine smell will even get into the grout and you need 'combat' that. I bet moving him to another room for a while is a good idea, too. I'm no expert, but I'm sure that after a point it just becomes a plain old habit and not something guided by instinct.

What's his name?
Vinegar and water to clean. It's an old house and someday we will replace the flooring there. His name is Bugsy

We're moving his sleeping/no one home area. Keep your fingers crossed this works!
Vinegar and water to clean. It's an old house and someday we will replace the flooring there. His name is Bugsy

We're moving his sleeping/no one home area. Keep your fingers crossed this works!

:cross: Bugsy.......that's cute.
That's the name he had at the pound.. was a very sad place. We went to "look" for a dog and I had to leave cause it was so smelly/sad. But all night I thought about him so the next day we went and got him.

DS is an only child so Bugsy has been his buddy for years. Only time I've ever seen him try to get aggressive is when he thinks someone is hurting DS. No wrestling allowed at our house.

He was voted "most improved" at obedience school :lol:
Our puppy starting peeing in the house after we thought she was house broken. The trainer recommended the enzyme cleaner. Meijer carries it by the pet supplies. They even have one with a black light so you can see any spots that may have been missed in the past.

Our old dog then started dumping the garbage every time we left the house. He's 11 and never did that before. Now unfortunately, he is in the cage whenever we leave.

The cage might be the best option. Our puppy cried for about 3 nights and we just ignored it. They will stop crying if you don't react to it.
I would take him to the vets to rule out a UTI. My 10 year old dog started peeing in the house, which was very unusual for her. Ended up she had a UTI.
Vinegar and water to clean. It's an old house and someday we will replace the flooring there. His name is Bugsy

We're moving his sleeping/no one home area. Keep your fingers crossed this works!

Vinegar and water is definitely not enough. The enzyme cleaner is about $20 a gallon, but well worth it. Works wonders for vomit and other organic stains. We had a kitty with kidney disease and I was still able to salvage the carpet thanks to this stuff. You'd never know anything gross ever happened in that room now!

Even if Bugsy (very cute name...I'm picturing a bulldog, what is he?) has an infection and that's why he started going in the house, still go after the spot, b/c now it just smells like the right place to go, sick or not.
I would take him to the vets to rule out a UTI. My 10 year old dog started peeing in the house, which was very unusual for her. Ended up she had a UTI.

I second that.

Hell, I gotta wear a pad everyday, cuz If I sneeze........whoops!! :bowing: