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NFL to penalize Redskins and Cowboys for front loaded contracts


Mastermind Talker
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NFL is taking away millions of dolllar of salary-cap space from Cowboys and Redskins for how they front-loaded deals during uncapped year.

Cowboys lose $10 million in cap space, Redskins lose $36 million in space. Can split it over 2012 and 2013 any way they want. More at ESPN.

All that money goes to 28 other teams -- $1.6 million each -- except for Saints and Raiders, who don't get any but don't lose any.


I would guess they were warned about it, if not then they don't deserve any fine. But I think they will try to appeal it anyway. $36 million is WAY too much.
Can't blame them for trying to take advantage of the situation. Even with the warnings, It's an opportunity to put yourself in a position to make the organization better. It just backfired them. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Even with the warnings, It's an opportunity to put yourself in a position to make the organization better.

But they knew there would be severe consequences. How is that putting themselves in a better situation?
LOL; the Redskins are so pathetic. They need any advantage they can get to move out of the gutter but if you need to resort to blatant rule breaking than you know your entire franchise is **** and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

For the glory it once had, it really is a piss poor organization and needs a complete corporate restructuring.
RGIII can't be stoked about going to a team with no high draft picks and a $36m penalty.

So much for rebuilding. :p
The eagles and the Giants are probably happy hearing this news competition wise.
Poor RG 3. Not even in the league yet and ALREADY he's going to be thrown into a mess.
I hope RG3 demands a trade once he gets drafted like Eli did. This poor kid is going to get prison raped until his first contract runs out.

By then he might be Vince Young who just got beat into submission and now is relegated to a backup. RG3 is definitely better than Young, so I am not comparing them in that fashion but the Redskins are a mess and this will not end well for RG3.
I hope RG3 demands a trade once he gets drafted like Eli did. This poor kid is going to get prison raped until his first contract runs out.

By then he might be Vince Young who just got beat into submission and now is relegated to a backup. RG3 is definitely better than Young, so I am not comparing them in that fashion but the Redskins are a mess and this will not end well for RG3.

Actually, wasn't Eli going to the Giants more his father's doing? I remember Archie Manning being REAL vocal with "my son WILL NOT play for San Diego".
Redskins stay losing.

36 million is a lot. It just is and they were warned too so that makes it look worse. I can't really talk too bad about the Cowboys. A few seasons ago they were just signing guys that nobody else wanted and got burned so they are just dealing with the consequences of that.
36 million is a ton! RG3 better hope Garcon finds some new life in Washington, because they won't be getting much more this offseason.
I just feel bad for all the players coming in this coming season that had nothing to do with any of this Redskins or Cowboy drama.
There seemed to have been a "gentleman's agreement" and those four teams broke it. In my eyes they made their own bed. Plus, my team getting some extra cap space is never anything to overly complain about.
I think its kinda stupid to penalize them for it but who I am to say whats right and wrong.

What? Why? They were told by the NFL not to do it, multiple times.

If your boss tells you not to do something multiple times and you continue to do it, you'd be lucky to only get a fine.
It wasn't the NFL that really decided it. Roger Goodell did not come up with the punishment, the other 30 team owners did. So when you own peers slap you this hard, it is hard to fight your case.