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Night or Day shifts?


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Which do you prefer? (my guessing would be day, but you never know few people enjoy nights)

With my nature of work I have to do both. I don't mind a week of nights because you've got a set routine and doesn't **** your sleeping pattern up however it's the one /two days a week that I hate because then you loose the sleep which is way I prefer working days then you have a set routine and you don't come home feeling tired unless of course you've had a stressy day.
I like nights because they're infinitely less busy than the day shifts. I have time to sit back, read a book, stream some TV shows etc.

I prefer days though because I wake up early, go to work and get it over with and then I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want.
I like nights because they're infinitely less busy than the day shifts.
This, basically.

Although I guess it just depends on where you work really. I worked at a Subway and most of the time night shift was way less busy than morning or afternoon shifts but from about 5PM to 7PM it was still pretty busy. After 7PM though it died down a bit most of the time unless we had some special going on, then we got dinner rushes all night long. But during those months we had an extra person working night shift also so it wasn't as bad.

Me I always left at 9PM, then someone would leave at 10PM then the last person would lock up at 11PM and had to be out of there by 11:30PM.

Anyway, I've always been a night owl and my sleeping patterns were always geared more towards staying up late and not waking up until the crack of noon.
So day shifts never sat well with me because I was still sleepy and they were more busy. Not really a good mix.

But like I said, depends on the job. For some jobs night shift is going in at 9PM or 10PM and leaving at 6AM or 7AM. For me I don't think I'd feel comfortable doing that, esp. because I'd have to radically adjust when I take my medications. Also because I think those kinds of night shifts involve stocking products (in retail, that is) and I really don't like the sound of that.

Overall though, I'm good working a late shift. Of course I don't have a job but if I did I'd like a late shift. I just can't do mornings.
Hard saying now... I used to stay up until 6 AM and sleep until the afternoon when given the opportunity, but lately I get the blues if I don't get enough fresh air and sunlight.

I think a day shift would be more beneficial to me- more interaction with people, more sunlight, and the like.
i really don't know. i like the night, but i think i wouldnt be able to work night shifts.
My previous job had very strange work shifts. Depending on illness, holidays, general cover etc. my shifts ranged from 7AM-6PM, 6PM-10PM, 1PM-5PM, 9AM-1PM, and any mix of them. I didn't particularly enjoy the 7AM-6PM ones, though that was only on Sundays so it wasn't too bad...

I prefer evening shifts though. As a diagnosed insomniac, I struggle to sleep before 4 or 5 in the morning, which really hurts when you have to get up at 6 to get ready for work.
I have to work up until 8:15pm most days; it's annoying really, but I deal with it.
I'd much prefer a normal 9-5 job though. :(
Well, where I work it's open 6am-9pm.
I'd much rather prefer the 6am shift, because it gives me time to do sutff after work.
With nights shifts (I'd start at 12pm) I just to wait around untill work starts because I can't do anything.
I personally don't really care either way. I am a bit of an insomniac anyway, so I'll take what I can get.
I personally don't really care either way. I am a bit of an insomniac anyway, so I'll take what I can get.

Me Too! This is why I would personally prefer night shifts if it wasnt for my college's awkward timetable. haha
They both have their benefits based on your lifestyle. If you're relatively busy in the day with hobbies and friends, then night shifts are good. If you mainly do things or go out in the evenings, then day shifts are better for you. My mum always says I'm a night owl and I rarely feel tired in the evenings so I thought night shifts are better for me and they usually are but I hate finishing late, because I've always liked evenings to relax, not go straight to bed. Sometimes I don't even have time for a relaxing bath! So I guess day shifts are better because I can come home and relax all evening, knowing I've done a good day's work. :aww: