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No wonder stores can't stay open

Last time I was in officemax, I asked if they had any left-handed kid's scissors. Guy says, no, why would we have those? I say, for left-handed kids? He says, "Oh, you just should have kept slapping his hand until he gave that up and used the right one." And was totally. Not. Joking.

Sad but true .....people that were left handed were forced to not use the their left hand. They were told that they were doing it wrong....
Sad but true .....people that were left handed were forced to not use the their left hand. They were told that they were doing it wrong....

I went to Catholic school and was told it was Satanic!

Still lefty!
I have a CS-type job and sometimes people just aren't nice and that can take lots out of you.

I had closed, locked the door and was counting money and someone knocked on it and I told her we were closed. It was an older woman and she was like "oh, ok". Then I go back to the money and hear this loud banging noise. It's the daughter who tells me to "OPEN THE ****ING DOOR!" I explained that I was closed and basically got lots of "**** YOU! WHAT THE ****?" and more. No way was I opening that door because I was getting scared of that lady!

The rest of the day I was kind of shell shocked that someone could be that way. Maybe I'm too naive, but come on! They could come back another day, another time.
Oh and I wasn't defending the crappy service that Kathy got, just trying to give a different perspective.

DS #1 found that lots of places want someone 18 or older to work there now. So it's not even a teen thing as far as the bad attitude goes!
I find teens to be much friendlier than the 20-somethings or adults.

Anyway Mary my oldest has been working at Angelo Caputos since May (when he turned 17 and he is a cashier) and they give him plenty of hours and it's a really nice workplace. I know they are opening one in Carol Stream, maybe he could check there.
LOL.....we have our own special day. August 13th has been declared International Left-Handers' Day. The goal of Left-Handers Day is to increase awareness of the advantages (and difficulties) that come with being left-handed.......