North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Has Died

You mean like Mussolini? Hung upside down by the people and beaten to a pulp? Who knows ... the situation seems to be pretty complicated, so it might take decades or centuries even until the government there changes.

China is North Korea's protective power and the USA would risk war with China. Also, North Korea's army is the world's 4th largest (and probably well equipped too ... at the expense of the people).

Also, North Korea possesses long range missiles capable of transporting nuclear bombs to every spot in the USA.

Meanwhile, the US nuclear arsenal is rusting away in its bunkers. I've heard somewhere they're probably not properly maintained b/c that would cost billions.

So, if there was a war between North Korea and the USA, especially when China is involved, then chances are that the USA would not only be destroyed but also be conquered afterwards. US citizens would have to learn Chinese, probably.

Yes, there's still a lot of injustice in this world.

If I had the (alien or very advanced) technology, I would transport all military in the world to a planet far away, where they have a cozy place full of flowers and rainbows, and all that would happen within the same millisecond, so no-one would have time to object.
why would china protect country like that ..
and lol at your idea .. no we should transport to that planet and let them bomb each other
why would china protect country like that ..

That was b/c of the Korean War, if I remember correctly, but China and North Korea are both communist dictatorships, so China supports North Korea.

Countries like the US still think they're a super power, but the only super power that currently exists is China.

The entire West is to a very large percentage dependent on China, we're like Babies suckling the **** of our mother. If China would stop supplying us with cheaply manufactured goods, our entire economies would break down. Analysts often claim that China was equally dependent on the West for exports, but they seem to forget that there's a large (and ever-growing) inner-Chinese market. Already, a lot of products are sold in China first, and only after a long wait they're introduced in the West.

and lol at your idea .. no we should transport to that planet and let them bomb each other

They'd probably make bombs out of mud and throw pebbles at each other.

Seems the modern, peaceful times have not reached everybody yet.
That was b/c of the Korean War, if I remember correctly, but China and North Korea are both communist dictatorships, so China supports North Korea.

Countries like the US still think they're a super power, but the only super power that currently exists is China.

The entire West is to a very large percentage dependent on China, we're like Babies suckling the **** of our mother. If China would stop supplying us with cheaply manufactured goods, our entire economies would break down. Analysts often claim that China was equally dependent on the West for exports, but they seem to forget that there's a large (and ever-growing) inner-Chinese market. Already, a lot of products are sold in China first, and only after a long wait they're introduced in the West.

They'd probably make bombs out of mud and throw pebbles at each other.

Seems the modern, peaceful times have not reached everybody yet.
LOL at mud bombs
and yeah im scared about this .. im not trying to be racist but china as super power with their alliance " N.Korea"
no way i can't stand the idea !! i just hope they don't be racist and repeat what they have done in the history..
btw, here's a list of countries and their (political) freedom level, assessed by an independent organization in the US.

the info graphic below shows that (political) freedom has increased all over the world in the past decades, but there's of course a lot left to be done! ;)

well glad the free countries are growing, hopefully Dictators open their eye and look at this report and realiza that they are going down no mattar what.