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Not a complaint since I don't do karaoke, but a question...

Thunder said:
But there is nothing fair about the offer if he drags me around town from one of his shows to another where he already knows that the SC and CB disc have been eliminated from the systems!

I wasn't born yesterday!

Yes, you must have been since you comments acknowledge that you are continuing to miss the most germane issue I keep making - a point that your intentionally want to avoid
pirate karaoke operators continue to exist here EVEN after SC had accused dozens of local operators

As to your main excuse for not coming, I clearly stated that you could pick the shows from a directory and I will take you where YOU want to go so long as the operator is PC based and has NOT settled with SC

Ironically, your excuses clearly demonstrate your awaking realization that you already know that SC's efforts have been useless in helping legit operators. That realization is now clear on your part because you stated that I would take you only to pirate shows that are void of SC AND CB tracks. Well, that statement just confirms your understanding about the true results of SC efforts and proves that I have been right all along about absence of any benefit that will be experienced by legit operators from SC's efforts.

In short the local pirates who have not been caught by SC by now have stripped their drives of SC and will never be caught by them and will remain in business at the expense of every legit operator. And those who have been "caught" and accused by SC are being helped financially by SC in order for SC to gain financial benefit from those pirates for themselves AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERY LEGIT OPERATOR, as well. GET IT NOW?
Well, I believe that is all open as of this moment since there hasn't been enough time to really tell what affect it is going to have!

But apparently it already is since many pirates have/are eliminating Sound Choice from their books and hard drives!

And I was just on E-bay looking at Karaoke disc! I can have the entire Chartbusters 450 sets for $129 I paid ($2200 for it), the entire All Hits set for $29 (I paid $229 for it), the SGB set for $19 (I paid $129 for it), Velvet Elvis set for $50 (I paid $450 for it) and I can keep going!

Sound Choice it would appear is the only ones that still hold anywhere close to their value! I wonder why?
Thunder said:
Well, I believe that is all open as of this moment since there hasn't been enough time to really tell what affect it is going to have!

But apparently it already is since many pirates have/are eliminating Sound Choice from their books and hard drives!

And I was just on E-bay looking at Karaoke disc! I can have the entire Chartbusters 450 sets for $129 I paid ($2200 for it), the entire All Hits set for $29 (I paid $229 for it), the SGB set for $19 (I paid $129 for it), Velvet Elvis set for $50 (I paid $450 for it) and I can keep going!

Sound Choice it would appear is the only ones that still hold anywhere close to their value! I wonder why?

You believe "what" is still open?....

Hasn't been enough time?

Aren't you the one that keeps telling everyone here how much business has expanded?

That you are getting offers you have to turn down?

Sound choice doesn't hold any more "value" than the buyer is willing to pay...
Even Kurt's "deal" didn't hold water very long when you can purchase OVER 6,000 songs for less than $300

The "value" means nothing in real life. It's possible to survive just fine without them so there is no "practical value" in over-paying for something you don't need or have to buy twice.

Eric's offer was very simple:
(A): Put up or,
(B): shut up.

It doesn't appear that you have the confidence or the fortitude to "put up" though I doubt that you honor the alternative.
Thunder said:
Well, I believe that is all open as of this moment since there hasn't been enough time to really tell what affect it is going to have!

But apparently it already is since many pirates have/are eliminating Sound Choice from their books and hard drives!

And I was just on E-bay looking at Karaoke disc! I can have the entire Chartbusters 450 sets for $129 I paid ($2200 for it), the entire All Hits set for $29 (I paid $229 for it), the SGB set for $19 (I paid $129 for it), Velvet Elvis set for $50 (I paid $450 for it) and I can keep going!

Sound Choice it would appear is the only ones that still hold anywhere close to their value! I wonder why?

I spent $129.99 for the essentials 1-6 Supercdgs.
c. staley said:
You believe "what" is still open?....

Hasn't been enough time?

Aren't you the one that keeps telling everyone here how much business has expanded?

That you are getting offers you have to turn down?

Sound choice doesn't hold any more "value" than the buyer is willing to pay...
Even Kurt's "deal" didn't hold water very long when you can purchase OVER 6,000 songs for less than $300

The "value" means nothing in real life. It's possible to survive just fine without them so there is no "practical value" in over-paying for something you don't need or have to buy twice.

Eric's offer was very simple:
(A): Put up or,
(B): shut up.

It doesn't appear that you have the confidence or the fortitude to "put up" though I doubt that you honor the alternative.
I have to disagree, even though I went another route than Sound Choice. I'd rather have Sound Choice's versions of my duets than what I have because they at least tell you who is singing what.
Thunder said:
....I was just on E-bay looking at Karaoke disc! I can have the entire Chartbusters 450 sets for $129 I paid ($2200 for it), the entire All Hits set for $29 (I paid $229 for it), the SGB set for $19 (I paid $129 for it), Velvet Elvis set for $50 (I paid $450 for it) and I can keep going!

Sound Choice it would appear is the only ones that still hold anywhere close to their value! I wonder why?

Not all that long ago, I KNOWINGLY and intentionally overpaid $99 to a local karaoke store for the Velvet Elvis. A customer of mine bought it virtually new at a flee market a few years back for $30.
And what's your point? Might it be that SC doesn't offer the Velvet Elvis set? Or that you have bought plenty of tracks not made by them? Or that there are plenty of other people buying tracks not made by SC?
Thunder said:
Well, I believe that is all open as of this moment since there hasn't been enough time to really tell what affect it is going to have!

But apparently it already is since many pirates have/are eliminating Sound Choice from their books and hard drives!

Really? Pirates are wantonly running shows without SC and CB tracks (while blaming it on the manu's) and you can't see the significance of that?

Are you really so blind that you can't see that this situation, IF NOTHING ELSE, helps to foster piracy even further? And if nothing else consider the ongoing impact you will run into as more people learn how much easier it has gotten to become a karaoke pirate

I am done with you. I know that you are NOT a stupid man, but you are clearly an obstinate man who develops unsupported theories devoid from the real world and holds onto them with a fervor that I associate with a person who has too much pride and not enough confidence to admit they are wrong!

With your latest offerings on this subject, Steve, you have NO THUNDER; you've been revealed for the bag of wind that you clearly are
ericlater said:
Really? Pirates are wantonly running shows without SC and CB tracks (while blaming it on the manu's) and you can't see the significance of that?

Are you really so blind that you can't see that this situation, IF NOTHING ELSE, helps to foster piracy even further?

I am done with you. I know that you are NOT a stupid man, but you are clearly an obstinate man who develops unsupported theories devoid from the real world and holds onto them with a fervor that I associate with a person who has too much pride and not enough confidence to admit they are wrong!

With your latest offerings on this subject, Steve, you have not THUNDER; you've been revealed for the bag of wind you really are

Again, the significance of that is I am running Sound Choice and Chartbuster!

Good I am glad you are done with me! It's not about me being right or you being wrong! It is about the pirates and the life and health of karaoke in general!
c. staley said:
You believe "what" is still open?....

Hasn't been enough time?

Aren't you the one that keeps telling everyone here how much business has expanded?

That you are getting offers you have to turn down?

Sound choice doesn't hold any more "value" than the buyer is willing to pay...
Even Kurt's "deal" didn't hold water very long when you can purchase OVER 6,000 songs for less than $300

The "value" means nothing in real life. It's possible to survive just fine without them so there is no "practical value" in over-paying for something you don't need or have to buy twice.

Eric's offer was very simple:
(A): Put up or,
(B): shut up.

It doesn't appear that you have the confidence or the fortitude to "put up" though I doubt that you honor the alternative.

Chip there is no point in going around and around with since you apparently only read specific portions of what someone writes!

Here I will quote you if that will help!

Hasn't everyone here expanded business?

All words in the above quote are just as you typed them, I simply copied and pasted them!

As for Eric's offer to put up or shut up! Here's is what I am willing to do!

If Eric will send me his name and address I will send him a signature card for a local bank here and I will open the escrow account and put in a deposit of $1500 tenative on his matching funds, the rules will be the same except that we will use Richmond Virginia as the area for the test and allow him to pick the venues to visit! Any problem with this?

Now Eric can put up or shut up!
Loneavenger said:
Is it the " Cavs Supercdg's that you bought and converted to normal mp3g's ?

Yes they are CAVS Supercdg's converted over to MP3+G Zipped.
Okay Im stepping in and saying the Velvet Elvis by music Maestro for the most part sucks Arse. Regardless I believe the topic of this thread is Not A complaint since I dont do Karaoke But...........what does this little pissing match have to do with the topic really? You guys act like a bunch of roughnecks in the wild wild west. If ya got a beef with one another either go private message with your comments or start a new thread with any challenges. Steve I love how you turn things avoiding the hard questions you really should take the Bar exam.
Mr Staley dd ya miss my post?

I said uhum............ Take it to private or stay on topic.. Would that be too much to ask? I also agree with Shut Up!! NOW!!
c. staley said:
You see? YOU are not willing to accept virtually the same deal from Eric... Why is that Thunder?....

Why are you so afraid of this?

All of your excuses for not accepting are just that; excuses and nothing more. You're spin on his challenge is nothing more than a diversion to deflect attention away from your refusal to accept Eric's challenge. There is nothing unfair about Eric's offer, especially since you are willing to offer the same with only a change in venue. So, if it's true that SC's efforts are truly combating piracy, what place is better to choose than right where SC has just made a "sweep?"

Eric is under NO obligation to even acknowledge your "offer" if you want to call it that, you need to put on your big boy pants, step up to the plate and either accept his offer and put up, or refuse his offer and shut up about it.
Here I will quote you if that will help!
Hasn't everyone here expanded business?

All words in the above quote are just as you typed them, I simply copied and pasted them!

I must admit you have me baffled on this one Thunder.... can you show me exactly where this quote came from? Or did you simply rearrange individual words from the post of mine above?

I for one would certainly like to see the original post as it pertains to the subject at hand and not out of context because I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere...
"Thunder" said:
Again, the significance of that is I am running Sound Choice and Chartbuster!
Ask yourself why any member of the community community of business people would care about the contents of your particular library or that of any distinct operator; we should be concerned about what is going on across the industry, as a trend, in all locations!

What you NEVER consider Steve is that your lone experiences has minor significance in regard to to what is actually going on in the overall world of karaoke. Your absorption with your own self-importance along with your pomposity leads you into missing the most crucial point. And that point is quite simple and it is a clear and undeniable truth for those who share the experiences I am having as a result of SC's efforts:

There are many legal and illegal operators who no longer are offering SC & CB tracks and that factor by itself facilitates the entry of even more pirates into the marketplace! And some would even go further and argue that this development even diminishes the quality/attractiveness of what is being offered at karaoke shows.

And while I can accept that this condition may not be prevalent by you as of yet, you continue to deny that it exists anywhere. Well, it is prevalent by me so that's why you have to put up or shut up by coming HERE. In your stubborn and closed-minded posture you obviously missed that most salient point!

"Thunder" said:
Good I am glad you are done with me! It's not about me being right or you being wrong! It is about the pirates and the life and health of karaoke in general!

And now it finally appears from this statement that you may ALMOST have gotten it. But in order for me to accept that I would have to take the dangerous step of giving you the benefit of the doubt about what you actually meant to say!

Did you perhaps mean to say in the above post that when push comes to shove that what IS IMPORTANT has everything to do with the life and health of LEGAL KARAOKE OPERATORS who have invested their money and their hearts into something they love doing and now have to face the additional challenges presented to them as a result of SC's misguided and self-centered strategy? Perhaps?
So would it be appropriate to now close this thread since it has been railroaded 100%? The buck stops here and now. Further derailing will close this thread. Start another or have this one closed. I am not playing.
Thunder said:
And I was just on E-bay looking at Karaoke disc! I can have the entire Chartbusters 450 sets for $129 I paid ($2200 for it)

Only 1-6 are that cheap (SCDG's at lower quality). 7-10 are still going to run you $600 ($150 each) on a good day.
Bazza said:
Only 1-6 are that cheap (SCDG's at lower quality). 7-10 are still going to run you $600 ($150 each) on a good day.

I didn't realize that it was only 1-6! but even so we are still looking at a cost of only $650 and my purchase was for the origional 1-6 for $2200 in CDG format! There is still a huge difference in price per song! 5 cents per song versus 81 cents per song!
Bazza said:
Only 1-6 are that cheap (SCDG's at lower quality). 7-10 are still going to run you $600 ($150 each) on a good day.

Hummmn... I cant seem to find SCDGS 7-10 they only seem to be CD+G format...can I have a link please... I may want to purchase them for the new system we are ramping up:triwink: