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here's a change of pace.

should mentally unwell or unstable people not be allowed to procreate?

I think it'd take them 100 years to prove that the person will pass that specific thing on to their child.
obviously evidence does suggest that mental health issues are hereditary, but just like diabetes there's no guarentee either way as to whether it would be passed on genetically.

but also consider the parent's ability to raise a healthy functional child. would it be irresponsible for someone who is effectively disabled to consider trying to raise children?
I think you should start your war on bad children with the trailer parks first.
*L* indeed.
not that i'm declaring war, just curious as to people's opinions, but that does sound like a nice idea.
here's a change of pace.

should mentally unwell or unstable people not be allowed to procreate?


If that were the case only 20% of the population would be ABLE to procreate let alone have the "means" to go ahead.
If you want my unserious answer I'll say that I have yet to find a mentally stable person anywhere............

If you want my serious answer, then I'll say that anytime we start making decisions as a society about who is eligible and ineligible to breed then we take the first step down a VERY slippery slope. The Nazis were famous for this sort of thing in it's most extreme form. The US and some other countries also have a not so savory history of forced sterilization of the mentally retarded/mentally ill.

If it starts as a test of whether you are mentally fit to raise a child then the next questions could be are you physically or financially fit to raise children. Then it gets worse........
one side of me believes in the survival of the fittest. if "unfit" parents have kids, if the resulting offspring have the "right stuff", they'll be fine. If not, society will weed them out, and they'll just be another statistic (criminal, homeless, dead).

the other side thinks the parents SHOULD exercise some thought before bringing a child into their situation. If they're mentally unstable, they should consider that this trait *MAY* be passed on to the child, as well as taking into account THEIR ability to raise the child.
If that were the case only 20% of the population would be ABLE to procreate let alone have the "means" to go ahead.
You are to kind. I would have said a far lower number

To many people now have kids that shouldn't, WAY to many.

Now should mentally unwell or unstable people not be allowed to procreate as you asked, I would say probably not. Not because they may pass on mental or serious health problems but I don't think they can effectly raise the child and the child would need be taken away, putting the responsibility of raising said kids on the state/gov't and hopes of finding people wanting to adopt.

I guess, I don't know.

Leave me out of it :p
Think of all the things in our society people need to have a license to do. Having children need to be added to this list. Not just for those "mentally challenged" but for reasons beyond that as well.
There is no survival of the fittest today. We have our government here to make the stronger people pay for the weaker ones. We have the ADA. Our country spends billions so that a retard in a wheelchair can make it from one end of the country to the next and everywhere in between. He can sue everyone that gets in his way.

Is it because that person is fitter than the rest?
Oh, I also wanted to say that the way our society is, it actually promotes everyone getting more stupid. The people who do things right, go to school, get a good job, keep up with all their bills, aren't the ones having 10 children. The people who fail out of school, won't take responsibility, and are on every drug known to man are having 10 children.

Somewhere down the line, we've said that we don't want more smart people, we want more stupid people. I'm sure every commercial business will agree with that, (not openly...) and they're the ones paying the politicians.
i would feel bad for the kids of those people who are mentally unstable. it would be hard for them to take care of a kid.
If it starts as a test of whether you are mentally fit to raise a child then the next questions could be are you physically or financially fit to raise children. Then it gets worse........

i'm not planning on kids for at least a couple of years, but obviously i struggle with the idea of trusting myself not to screw someone's life up.
i'm not currently financially fit to raise children. well, technically i would be but i would like to be in a more financially comfortable position than we are at this time. i want to give them every educational oppertunity.
a few months ago i was feeling much more confident about the idea of being a parent but in the past 3 or 4 months i've seen a decline to the point where i'm seriously questioning myself. steve will tell you i'm parranoid and that i'll make an awesome mum, but i see him as wonderfully biased.
Oh, I also wanted to say that the way our society is, it actually promotes everyone getting more stupid. The people who do things right, go to school, get a good job, keep up with all their bills, aren't the ones having 10 children. The people who fail out of school, won't take responsibility, and are on every drug known to man are having 10 children.

Somewhere down the line, we've said that we don't want more smart people, we want more stupid people. I'm sure every commercial business will agree with that, (not openly...) and they're the ones paying the politicians.

this is one of my rants. people say society is getting smarter, what a bunch of crap.

the smart people are breeding smarter people at a rate that sees their own numbers decline. stupid people breed like rabbits, can't afford to / don't care about educating their children. as an over all resultant society is getting more stupid as a whole.
don't ask me to back this up with numbers as these are my own untested theories. :p