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NSA spying on EVERYONE that has a Windows OS?


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Microsoft admitted that it has NSA software in it since Windows 95, that means that the NSA can track what you are doing. And there are rumors that the Xbox One kinect will also be used to spy by NSA.

In this video, details are explained (With gameplay of Dead Space 2), what I want to point out is that in the system folder, there is a file called advapi.dll, because it's in the system/system32 folder, if you delete it, it'll break Windows, but I hope there will be workarounds made by hackers for it.

So, what is your opinion on NSA software on our ****ed computers and maybe the Xbox One?
People don't realize this, but being connected to the internet and demanding privacy is like doing private things out on a busy street, http wasn't made for privacy, in fact it's crucial to know who you are to work.

You could always use proxies and the like, but it's just like showering in public with a mask on, they still see you but don't recognize you.
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

What an ignorant and narrow-minded approach ...

You obviously didn't live in some specific countries between 1948 - 1989. You didn't have to "hide" something to fear at all. It was just enough for example sing a song or say something (your opinion) against regime to be punished, jailed, beaten and totally publicly disgraced for the rest of your miserable life. For example my grandmother was a baker's (capitalist's) daughter so she couldn't go school she wanted because capitalists were the enemies of the system. People forget very fast about the past ...
So if you take this knowledge seriously and you realize they know your OPINIONS by "watching" you and you can very easilly become "inconvenient" for the system. When the appropriate laws against "rebels" will come true you will have a very difficult time ...
This is called totalitarianism ...
Age: 24. No, I totally lived in 1948. The past is the past, and things are different now. Computers have multiple methods of tracking you, so it seems stupid for people to flip out over it now. We're watched wherever we go, generally. CCTV in the streets and inside shops, phonecalls that are recorded for "training" purposes (look, I can use quotation marks incorrectly too!) and countless other things.
I see both sides to the story; you shouldn't worry too much if you have nothing to hide as I doubt they care about whether or not you had a McDonald's for breakfast this morning. That said, we are all entitled to our privacy and as such should have that entitlement respected.

What I don't understand is why they can't just find a middle-ground when it comes to these security measures; surely it's simple enough to install the software but ONLY use it if you're trying to monitor a terrorist/murder suspect or whatever.

Anyway, to the government official reading this post...OH HAI!
I have no idea if this is actually your mindset or not, but I still very much value my personal privacy even if I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Partly yes, partly no. I'm just of the opinion that if you want true privacy, there are things you really shouldn't be doing/using. Computers, phones etc. track you, track what you're doing. By knowing that and continuing to use that technology, you really don't have a place to claim "****it I want my privacy!" Generally, I've found that people who hate the corporate agenda, government watchdogs and all this other conspiracy theory crap are against it because of the simple fact the things they want to say and do are not right. Like some people think it's a breach of their privacy to be tracked when they download illegal files, it's nonsensical.