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Obama GOOD or BAD?

Obama isn't just a bad a president but is ranking as one of the worst if not the worst in our history. We've never had a President who has cared so little about our nation. He's a poor leader who does everything based on personal and often radicalized agendas instead of representing the citizenry. We'll all be a lot better when he and his Democrats exit the white house.
Obama is crap. His healthcare stuff ruined the economy.
Cyber said:
Obama is crap. His healthcare stuff ruined the economy.

He ruined it long before that.  In his first year he tripled a national debt which at that time when he had inherited it had already been a record setting debt.  His cash for clunkers program was the first program to start his screwing of our economy.
Seraph said:
Obama isn't just a bad a president but is ranking as one of the worst if not the worst in our history. We've never had a President who has cared so little about our nation. He's a poor leader who does everything based on personal and often radicalized agendas instead of representing the citizenry. We'll all be a lot better when he and his Democrats exit the white house.
Seraph hit the nail on the head...unfortunately, I voted for the SOB twice - point of disclosure: I used to be a liberal until about 13, 14 months ago - so I really can't feign ignorance on the damage he's done to America over the past 6+ years... :(
Cyber said:
Obama is crap. His healthcare stuff ruined the economy.

our economy never recovered from the war. not to mention is healthcare if the only reason I have insurance why now.

Anyways, Obama wasn't great but he wasn't bad either. Though I don't think his replacements look any better.
Demon_skeith said:
Cyber said:
Obama is crap. His healthcare stuff ruined the economy.

our economy never recovered from the war. not to mention is healthcare if the only reason I have insurance why now.

Anyways, Obama wasn't great but he wasn't bad either. Though I don't think his replacements look any better.

His healthcare is the reason I don't have healthcare.  Ironically I couldn't afford the affordable care act.  I get meager care through the VA Hospital system,  for now,  but it won't protect me in any real case of injury or illness.  I can't afford dental either.