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Official World of Warcraft Thread


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World of warcraft

Discuss this awesome game! :DD Anyone who has awesome mounts post about them.

Also, people post about their best gear and stories in wow too.
RE: World of warcraft

Hello all, well WoW for me its 1 of the best games ever , and bout mounts? well i Have Crimsom deathCharger; Ashes of Alar or something like that ( XD)

Invencible (Rare LK drop : D)

Bout gear? wel...... not evry good bout gear only 3 wrathfull ): and PVE i got T10.5 :D

Take care and good gaming = D
RE: World of warcraft

I used to run a WoW private server with my uncle. It was pretty cool. I never played the actual WoW though.
RE: World of warcraft

The actual game itself bores me, I roleplay on it if anything. Well, it doesn't bore me now anymore. It's some what the other way around. I'm sick of Roleplaying and now play on a private server having fun killing NPCs, finding gear, etc.

I never really got to play Retail because I don't feel like paying for the game. Private servers are much more easier. At one point, when I began playing WoW, I started with a trial though.

So as of now, this game is amazing. Glad I found it.
RE: World of warcraft

I only play WoW because I moderate a server, I don't actually partake in playing though. I just monitor chat.
Everything about World of Warcraft goes here.
Post in here if you want to say something about WoW instead of making different threads.
RE: World of warcraft

Just discuss etc. about WoW in this thread --v

WoW is a game unique in it's own, in my opinion. While yes it does copy all sorts of stuff from other MMO's, it brought about its own feel and dominance. Role-playing, (not goldshire), PvP, PvE, play the auction house, etc. Only thing is the current face-roll of the forsaken in northern eastern kingdoms, and the lack of any alliance caring for Arathi. No you may not deploying the plague Sylvannus!
*end QQ*:D
WoW got old for me after I reached 85, so I decided to just stop playing, it isn't worth my time, it's just same things repeating over and over with new armor and different monsters, but the concepts never change, the only things that can feel somewhat dynamic is PvP.
My preferred game as of right now is Lord of the Rings Online, it feels new and unique even though the game itself is old, the graphics are good and the combat is fluent.
I have never played WoW, but I heard they came out with a new package that allows you to play for free until level 20.
I never heard of that @Redin.
I also agree with you Tall Ace. It's the same old stuff. Nothing much to do, that's why I do other things on it.
Eventually, I just get sick of looking at the game and move on to a different. Then come back to it.
Still, this game is fun at times. It gets very bland at times too.
redindex20 said:
I have never played WoW, but I heard they came out with a new package that allows you to play for free until level 20.

They did that. You can now play FOR FREE untill lvl 20 then you can just pvp pve whatever you want make a new toon etc.
I play on a instant 80 private server called Cruel-wow. I hate cataclysm but i loved wrath!
Cataclysm is awesome, I don't know how you could like Wrath better. :S But opinions are opinions.
@LittlePerson It could be that I am in one of the largest, (non-elitist) guild on the server. We always have at least 20-350 people online at a time. Always have a fair amount of them getting on vent as well. I especially like the part when I get to beat the snot out of them in Wargames.:)

@Tall Ace Not everyone has the same opinion about games as others. Some games just appeal to others, and I am fine with that. The WoW forums are abysmal and mind-boggling. It can actually lower your IQ significantly. All usually QQ or "Hug a <insert class/race here> which can turn into a perverted thread instantly. I bet soon there will be threads about "This games sucks I am unsubbing and going to Star Wars, peace noobs", just like what they did with Rift. :dodgy:
RE: World of warcraft

i'm very like this game :D
the graphic is awesome :)
Merged threads.

Anyway I don't like WoW at all.
I would rather not play it because i don't like games like World of Warcraft. It's not the kind of type i like to play.
I loved wrath of the lich kings. I'm playing a instant lvl 80 server right now ^.^
Great game and its ub3r awesome! Also vanilla many ppl said that was better but cata made it awesome!
XBL Enforcement Beefs Up


For the record I think this is an outrageously bad idea from experience alone but here we go. Xbox has said the Xbox One will segregate the rule-abiding folks from the griefers. The new system will push the "bad" players together, freeing up the airwaves for those that engage in sportsmanlike behavior. So if you are deemed a "bad" player....whether you are or not...you get shifted with everyone else who is deemed "bad". However I have to ask who makes that call? You have legitimate bad players who troll and cheat...but then again you get butt hurt players reporting those who legitimately beat them. I got reported on once for cursing...when I wasn't even talking to anyone else. I mean come on...grow up. So I have to wonder how Xbox plans to deal with that mess. What a horrible idea. http://tinyurl.com/p2gz6tg