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oh yeah baby! BYE BYE BUSHI!


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nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah
hey hey hey

exit polls are confirming in most battlegroundstates that bush is the LOOOOOOOSERRRRRRRR this time!!!!! :laughing6
oh yeah!!!!! i am so happy that they tyrant is gone. no more blood for oil and no more war for the wrong reasons! we can get this country turned around finally without the BS the republicans force feed us threw their bought and paid for media outlets.


don't let the door kick you in the **** jorge!
It's 12:15 AM EST, and you might want to edit your post Demokrat :eek: . It looks as though Bush is going to win, and the Republicans are going to wind up with a Senate Majority. It is not over yet, but I certainly do not think either side should be boasting just yet. :)

:laughing6 :laughing6 :laughing6
The only reason why Bush won because half the people didnt want Bush the other half didnt want Kerry. To bad we didnt have a good Independent canidate running I am sure we could have had a really messed up election. Ross Perot would have had a good amount of votes this time.:icon_salu
Bash Politics

I know there are a lot of people unhappy with last week's election results. I personally voted for Bush. I felt very bad, tho for Kerry as he was giving his concession speech, as I realized how devastated he was. I firmly believe that a big minus for his campaign was his "lovely" wife, but that's fodder for another conversation. One thing both men are very positive about is that this country needs to come together and both parties need to show support of each other. What a face we put out for the rest of the world to see! All of these "celebrities" - actors, actresses and musicians who have stated that if Bush won they'd move to another country. Don't be asses, for God's sake! I see no mass exudus or border problems from these people, so why make such a stupid statement? We have to go back to the basics - there is no better country in which to live. Go ahead - try another one!
You guys hear what osama said when bush won?

"****! Back to the cave for 4 more years..."
the real reason bush won was becuase of his ties with diebold and the votewatchers in ohio they purposely left mostly democratic countys waiting with to few machines to vote on for hours!!! people got tired and went home i mean would YOU stay around for 10 hours waiting to vote people stayed on line all day only to be turned away at the last minute.

that is why bush won. he cheated. again.
Demokrat said:
the real reason bush won was becuase of his ties with diebold and the votewatchers in ohio they purposely left mostly democratic countys waiting with to few machines to vote on for hours!!! people got tired and went home i mean would YOU stay around for 10 hours waiting to vote people stayed on line all day only to be turned away at the last minute.

that is why bush won. he cheated. again.
I LOVE THE DEMOCRATIC EXCUSE'S...... Bush won cuz Kerry is and Idiot face it....
I really do love when the conspiracy theorists get on a roll...
I think that one came from Randy Rhodes. I heard her going off on a tirade the other day about it. Then again, when doesn't she go off on a tirade! :laughing1

Demokrat, I try my best to remain neutral, but I am going to have to tell you that you are wrong this time. Your guy lost, and that is ok. In life, sometimes we lose. The sooner you except that, the easier your life will be. Making excuses and silly conspiracy theories just prolongs the agony. For Pete's sake, Dan Rather on PRIME TIME tried his best to fry Bush, do you really think for a moment that if what Randy said was true Bush would have gotten away with it? Kerry, maybe, Bush... NO WAY IN HELL!

Again, I hate choosing sides, but, I had to put that in this time. Oh, and Hillary in 2008? Not a snowball's chance in hell my friend. Not going to happen. She is unelectable. ;)

Wow, that "idea" is laughable. Its sort of funny how you blame it directly on Bush too. Was Bush the one making the lines long? For christ's sake, JUST ACCEPT A DEFEAT! This new generation of liberals is really irritating at times.