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Oil Spill Disaster

They need to get something figured out, that first video in post #18 is just sad :(
We're not getting gas at BP anymore, I know it's a small number, but if everyone did it, BP would be screwed.
Well, I hate what has happened. And the government really isnt doing anything about it. And then Obongo errr Obama, came here and started trying to credit for doing nothing. Bp should be sanctioned and fined. They are paying chump change compared to what they make and its going to affect the entire nation. Most people dont realize till it hits homoe for them. We supply 75% of the nations seafood, and now you cant fish, shrimp, crab, nothing. And the ecosystem will take years, maybe decades to recover. Not to mention local economy, and the marshlands.

Its a very sad thing indeed. And something needs to be done other than congress sitting on their hands and pretending like its not a national disaster.
We're not getting gas at BP anymore, I know it's a small number, but if everyone did it, BP would be screwed.

Uhhh...boycotting BP Gas will not do anything but make small business owners go broke. BP doesn't own many if any of the BP gas stations.
I'm sure you have a point there.
It just has suck written all over it

The point is there are 11,000 BP gas stations, and BP only owns a few of them, most are owned by small business owners. To effectively "hurt" BP one would have to boycott all things made from crude oil.

Major uses for crude oil:

  • Asphalt
  • Diesel
  • Fuel oils
  • Gasoline
  • Kerosene
  • Liquefied petroleum gas
  • Lubricating oils
  • Paraffin wax
  • Tar
  • Petrochemicals
Common everyday things oil is used to make:

  • carpeting
  • furniture
  • computers
  • clothing
  • toothpaste
  • shaving cream
  • lipstick
  • vitamin capsules
  • glue
Just to name a few items - actually I was surprised at this list of everyday things that oil is needed to be able to have when I read it in an article yesterday.
That was a very interesting article, thanks for sharing it. Since I deal with BS government "trucking stuff" all day everyday I have learned to look between the lines when it comes to stuff like this.

I understand the frustration and anger that people are having over this oil spill - but I don't understand the fight. I understand what the results would be if BP is forced under because of the "fight."

I just hope that this whole mess is cleared up soon, and at little cost to whomever is responsible, because even "if" the US decides to "go green" we are still going to have to have and use oil.
Is the leak still happening? I hear so much about the attempts to fix it but never hear if its fixed.
A possible solution could be using micro organisms to eat the oil.

We've been using this for decades here in Germany for water purification in water recycling plants.
Wow thats bad that the link aint been fixed. Its only a pipe thats burst aint it?
Hi) i heard that link is almost fixed, its good news, but i can't imagine how much time need US and BP to fix all that was done for nature?
As much as BP is to blame on this oil leak so is our government. Obama adminstration giving them safety awards. Obama taking million dollars for their campaign. Corrupt government officials getting gifts from BP to look the other way. I mean our current government has been over stepping there rights on how far the federal government can get into our lives. But the one thing the federal government is actually 100 percent responsible for it utterly fails.

All the hundreds of millions of our tax dollars were supposed to go into equipment to handle something like this. Its nowhere to be found. Three days in the disaster 13 countries offered equipment and tankers that could collect hundreds of thousands of oil a day to only be turned away by our government. WHY! Lousiana governer pleading to build birms only to be ignored. WHY! Lousiana governor gets private boats and that want to help to start skimming oil to have the Coast Guard force them to stop. Because they didnt go throught the proper channels. Yes BP needs to pay but many of our government officials need to see some jail time starting at the top.
I sent in to BP some of the suggestions used to change the problem slightly( cut the pipe off using shear) but they have not followed some other ideas of mine. This is a very complex problem because the pressures in the well are so high. It is possible that even a perfectly working blow out preventer would not have worked due to the pressures in that field. It is also a very hot field and the matrix the oil is in may not be well consolidated so some of it could be coming out with the oil. I do not know the amount of pressure but if it is true that it is so high it might rupture the pipe if it were possible to just shut it off then only the relief wells and cement injection will stop the flow of oil from the broken wellhead.
In the future no wellls of this size should be drilled into an unknown field a five inch hole would have a flow out of only 1/16 or perhaps less than this 20 pluss inch monster.
BP finally stops oil spewing from Gulf gusher

NEW ORLEANS – The oil has stopped. For now. After 85 days and up to 184 million gallons, BP finally gained control over one of America's biggest environmental catastrophes Thursday by placing a carefully fitted cap over a runaway geyser that has been gushing crude into the Gulf of Mexico since early spring.

Though a temporary fix, the accomplishment was greeted with hope, high expectations — and, in many cases along the beleaguered coastline, disbelief. From one Gulf Coast resident came this: "Hallelujah." And from another: "I got to see it to believe it."

If the cap holds, if the sea floor doesn't crack and if the relief wells being prepared are completed successfully, this could be the beginning of the end for the spill. But that's a lot of ifs, and no one was declaring any sort of victory beyond the moment.

The oil stopped flowing at 3:25 p.m. EDT when the last of three valves in the 75-ton cap was slowly throttled shut. That set off a 48-hour watch period in which — much like the hours immediately after a surgery — the patient was in stable, guarded condition and being watched closely for complications.

read more: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_gulf_oil_spill
A new twist to the story comes from this Slashdot article, describing computer or OS problems probably related to Microsoft Windows ... but it also shows how engineers were ordered to bypass safeguards that could've prevented the disaster. Interesting are also the comments to the Slashdot article, revealing more homemade BP problems and their reasons (Halliburton indicates involvement of Bush Jr, Carl Rove etc.) ... how can BP do such things? Building an oil rig for cheap, then being surprised when an accident occurs? I hope BP will have to pay every single dollar they caused in damages in this affair ... even if they go bankrupt. It can't be that corruption and shallow-mindedness have come this far ... people should be able to trust their governments and even their corporations ... FUD of any kind is not good for the climate people are living in.

A recent example from here in Germany: Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) (railroad company) recently had to struggle with incidents of passengers being nearly cooked in ICE trains at 70 degrees C b/c air condition systems were not working properly. Turned out they tried to save money at the wrong end: The trains themselves. Train maintenance costs were cut, so personnel was unable to repair the trains and keep them in proper operating condition. Such problems didn't exist before DB was privatized and tried to get into the stock exchange markets. Large corporations should always have those things in mind that are most important to them: Their employees and their customers, not their shareholder value. Customers lost once might never ever return.
Did this info that Haliburton, Bush, etc. who were involved come from the Huffington Post? I wouldnt trust what they write if I had a fun to my telling my to. Im not a Bush fan and think he failed us on our borders letting illegals in. Acting more like a democrat by signing every bill put in front of him by democrats, instead of the Conservative president we thought we were electing to just name a few proble,s with him. THAT SAID! I think Bush and Halliburton get blamed for things that are just silly. And this oil spill looks like one of them.

When its clear the safety awards for this rig and the corruption among government workers started more recently. And the millions given to Obama for his campaign to have all the above favors start soon after.

And even with your above examples I would take a company free of over government regulation any second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year. Then trusting anything government is doing or has done.
Read this, for instance ... and this ... and this ...

I shouldn't care about US politics b/c I'm not a US citizen, but you're still the most powerful and influential country in the world, so, many people watch what's happening in your country.

I'm sure the Bush administration was all nice, fluffy and with little smiling teddy bears all around ... sugar coated with icing on top!

I just realized my above writing is horrible when I post on a blackberry.

No Bush was nothing sugar coated with ice. He was a progressive hiding in Republican clothes. Like many other Republicans. But November is going to be a awakening for career politicians who want to rule over the people instead of following the Constitution. GO TEA PARTY! Our country is divided on why many didn't like Bush. For the left it was the war, cutting taxes (that helped start my small business) His way of fighting terrorism and treatment of terrorists. For the Right he drove us insane for open borders, appeasing to the left for signing every democrat bill. Expanding government bigger then it should ever be. Spending to much money. Making the entitlement population bigger.

Bush was the infection for this country that could have been cured afterwards. Our current government is the infection that is going to kill this country by doing all the above from Bush but at a rate 100 times worse.