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OK, this one IS a Luddite post....

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When someone's tags are completely messed up and needs time to fix, that is a person's problem, NOT a computer problem.

It's kinda of like using CDG's and then putting them back in any open slot and not worrying about putting them back in the right place. Would it make sense to then blame CDG's because it's so hard to find the right one?

Like ANYTHING, when it's done right, it may take a little more time in the beginning, but the results are worth it. I moved to computers a while back. I made a lot of mistakes with tagging early on. Because of learning from that, I had NO problems at all with tagging karaoke files and tagging with files for my Denon 2500. A lot of people had trouble when tagging with the Denon. Am I more computer savvy than them? No, I just learned the benefits of tagging properly years ago. Today, no time, thought or effort is given to tagging files.

Some of the other "issues" you see are also because with computers you have A LOT more options and flexibility. There are additional software programs people have tried to improve their show, trying sound cards to offer some options.

If CDG players had the options of adding sound cards, changing display options, and different outputs, you can bet some KJ's would be tinkering with those too. But some like myself do very very little tinkering with the computers. While there are probably other things it can do, I pretty much stick to the basics, thus, VERY little time fixing and tweaking things.

I think the mistake is thinking that any time someone uses a computer, there are tons and tons of hours on a regular basis just to use the basics, which is completely incorrect.
2) With this on the other hand, you've gotta be kidding. I've gotten replies in this thread about how no one seems to have any problems, yet there ARE HUNDREDS of posts on this forum alone describing all sorts of time consuming problems. Heck, in this SECTION of the forum. Just scroll back and read. They ARE there. Here's a time user-upper, for instance:

I keep counting to ten with each step of this stupid process that I'm going through just to get my tags right so I can then import them into the new Karma karaoke program....apparantly if you use an underscore in your mp3 tags...like I have for years, they will not appear in the right columns.

So I'm SURE there is a way to do this in Tag & Rename and someone tried to help me on another board but when I did it, my artist/title columns got all screwed up and the underscores were still there. Cripes! I'm ready to pull my hair out. If anyone is familiar how to do this (or even using Media Monkey which I didn't see how to do this at all there) then let me know...I'd love to talk on the phone so I can get this done right and I'll make the call to you....does that save $ anymore?
Kevin Kelly
Starlight Entertainment

In a matter of just a 5 minute phone call I had him download MP3TAG which is FREE and set a few parameters and let his computer work on it overnight.... resulting in file naming that is easily imported.

Easy solution if you know where to look... and had nothing to do with a PC problem or a Programing problem and didn't require hours in front of the computer to solve.


Yesterday, 10:02 PM #2

Mike Foxx

I use a program called STAMP ID3 tag editor
I believe it has a way that you can do MASS corrections...
but my tags are so messed up I cannot use it.
so yeah, you gotta go thru and change them one by one.

but it's free and it's simple to use.
(of course, be prepared to bore yourself to tears if you have to fix a lot of tags)

The problem wasn't in his tagging that where everyone got confused... it was the file names themselves his tags were fine. We used MP3TAG to read the tag information and rename the files accordingly overnight.


However, no biggie. I was just asking. Request that this thread be closed.

See my answers above in blue.

I don't think the thread needs closed but if you insist I will. Just let me know.
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