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Do you think there is a vast difference between old and new movies. In terms of tech, story, acting....
Well hell yeah, for one, the older ST, were much better than the newer ones, more plot, storyline & etc..... you know, more meat on the bones too.
yes old movies was much better you could follow the storyline today movies are garbage and its really nothing but reality tv smh i miss the classic movies
There is a vast difference between old and new movie. The actors, directors, and scriptwriter have different style now.
Has a car ever left you stranded?

It has happened to me twice. The first time my car overheated and broke down. The gauge on my dash wasn't working so it looked like everything was fine. The second time was my fault because I ran out of gas. It was a new car and I didn't know the cars limit. E is usually a good indicator (LOL) but I didn't want to stop because I was in a really bad area.

What about you guys?
Freshmen year in undergrad on my first winter break I was all packed up, and ready for a month off from class. I got 7 miles out of town when the car just didn't feel right. I pulled over and decided to inspect. I immediately noticed a flat tire. I opened the trunk looking for the spare tire only to find out there was none (used car). This wouldn't have been as big of an issue if I had a cell phone at the time. I ended up walking 5 miles to the nearest gas station to use a pay phone and call home.

I now have a cell phone and before I purchased my current car I made sure it had a spare tire.
No I can't say that I have. I have always been able to fix my cars to get it to run home. That was years ago though. Now my new car I would be done if it broke down. Though I have AAA so I can call them anytime.
ThePrologue said:
Freshmen year in undergrad on my first winter break I was all packed up, and ready for a month off from class. I got 7 miles out of town when the car just didn't feel right. I pulled over and decided to inspect. I immediately noticed a flat tire. I opened the trunk looking for the spare tire only to find out there was none (used car). This wouldn't have been as big of an issue if I had a cell phone at the time. I ended up walking 5 miles to the nearest gas station to use a pay phone and call home.

I now have a cell phone and before I purchased my current car I made sure it had a spare tire.
Surprisingly, quite a few 'new' cars don't have spare tyres as standard. Not a good idea really is it?