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OMG Its soo hot here



Ok right now i get 35c idle and 41c load with my cooling setup
92mm Tornado
Barton 2500 @ 3000 (10.5 x 200)
ambient 30c
ItS HUMID!!!!! and parentals wont turn on ac
Who else feels my pain?????????
it's hot here.

but 41c

you'll live.

mine's running 50 c with a 32 cfm panaflo + an SK7 and 31 case temps.
****, and you still keep it that cool. My P4 runs at 50C full load with an ambient temp of only under 20C.
dude, the reason im complaining is i have a $45 heatsink and a loud powerful fan!!!
Btw im @ stock vcore
This is nothing compared to the heat wave we were having in Los Angeles a few days ago. My temps were like 50*C right after startup. I had to close the windows too becuase the fires were burning and making me choke. Now we have some rain and my toes are cold. At least my temps are nice.
You gotta love Colorado temps. All this week up until Thursday it was around 80F, then all the sudden WHAM! 30F and below for yesterday and today, CRAZY stuff man.
lol loosers... heres my toasty p4 ;)

14*C :D


Hey u need to resize for ppl that have 56k. Plus just seeing temps doesnt need the whole desktop, also i doubt the temps unless you are in like alaska.
also if i cut it down i couldnt of put my big **** OMG!!! >

couldnt of i :(

oh brb time for cake :)
psh i have a slk900a with a 56cfm zalman and my 2500+ oc'ed to 2.3 1.85vcore and my idle is like 43-45 load is like 50-52c and its pissin me off! ahh it seems hot i dunno why i thought my slk and as3 would do the trick...
Do any of you guys use case fans?

With 5x34cfm fans, a YS tech 48CFM adjustable fan (on CPU HSF), andSLK-800A, I get 36c load when everything is full blast (running folding@home).

When everything is on low, I get 46c load.
i have a slk900u with a 92mm 47cfm alum fan , 120mm @ 900rpm top intake, 2 uv orange exaust in back, 2 uv orange intake in front. Idle 37 Load 41
along with my slk i have 2 120's and a dual 80's on the psu. i'm oced to 2.3ghz i dunno if it should be that hot!! AHH
sk8 said:
i have a slk900u with a 92mm 47cfm alum fan , 120mm @ 900rpm top intake, 2 uv orange exaust in back, 2 uv orange intake in front. Idle 37 Load 41

It is the UV that is what is giving you such good temperatures.