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? on hurt ankle


Part Of The Furniture
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I was walking with my son on Wed, fell and twisted my ankle
I wobbled home--and practiced R I C E

Yesterday, I did my crossing guard job and came home and rested (so it can bear weight)

Today, it hurt to even try to put on my shoe--it is swollen three times the normal size--however it does not hurt if I am standing, and I just walk slower.

Should I go to urgent care and have it checked out--or is this something that just might take time?

I am suppose to work timing 2 races this weekend--and though not worried about timing--I am worried about carrying equipment.
IF I wasn't scheduled to work this weekend I would not go to urgent care-I would do the same thing as I am now, just resting it and taking it easy--However--with working--there is walking involved---depending on how far the race sight is from registration--etc.
Do you think I should let my boss know my ankle is sprained--or should I go to urgent care t make sure it isn't fractured.
The swelling is worse in the morning---I have pain if I try to move it left or right--but no pain if sitting or just standing.
Depends on your insurance. I have sprained ankles enough to know that what you are experiencing is typical for a sprain.

Anyway, if you feel you can't get thru the weekend, call off. But going to Urgent Care won't make you more ready for working the weekend, you know?

I would suggest wrapping with an Ace Bandage, using ice, and elevating the foot. The more you elevate it, the better it will feel & heal faster.

Good luck!
We do have health insurance. Only cost 25 to go to urgent care--
I can't call off on a weekend--I can let the boss know what happened--and see if she can reschedule people-
I think I could do part of the job--but not the entire thing
I can type in registrations
I can time people (depending on how fast they all come in)
I am afraid if I move equipment I might move my foot wrong and hurt it more
I have had sprained ankles before and never really worried--I don't know if I am concerned because of work--or if maybe there is something wrong
I can move forward-not side to side--yesterday walking was not good-today it is a little better-but the ankle is more swollen.
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it
Go to the urgent care Kathy, it's important to take care of yourself! Hope it heals up quickly!
Just sounds like a sprain to me (although I do know how painful they are). I would pay the $25 to have Urgent Care wrap it up properly. As far as work, I wouldn't carry equipment...........you could hurt it worse.
you may think its a sprain but it may be something else it only costs $25 to get it checked ot id go with that
could be a stress fracture, too, kath

i had a stress fracture in my foot once, thought it was just a sprain

that is, until i went into a jacuzzi. NO IDEA that i would need to crawl out of the hottub in pain.

went to ortho dr and xray showed stress fracture, which i apparently "walked" on for a good 2 weeks or so.

go to the dr. that is what insurance and healthcare are for.
Went to Stratford Convenient Care
They did x rays
The doctor says she sees some kind of hook on the x rays--not sure if it is broken or an old injury, so wants to treat it as broken
Said they put some kind of weird cast on it--soft with an ace bandage--you can not get it wet or take it off--
Then gives me referall to ortho
Said radiologist will call tomorrow with more info
I am not to put any weight on it--use crutches
Well--crutches are a PITA
Am not a happy camper--had to call off on crossing guard--because of stupid cast thing
Will lose income for Monday--when I see ortho guy (hoping IF and I stress If they agree with doctor at con. care--I can at least get a walking cast--this is driving me nuts)
I am working this weekend for the races--but will be in a chair--a little worried about crutches getting me to the timing place--but will work around it!
Thanks for all the advice
I hope you heal quickly and are back on your feet soon :foryou:
Glad you went in, but sorry it may be broken. I hope you're better asap. :flowers:
Wow! Only 4 people suggested she go to doctor and get it checked out, and SHE DID (unlike some other stubborn peeps). :sheep1:
Wow! Only 4 people suggested she go to doctor and get it checked out, and SHE DID (unlike some other stubborn peeps). :sheep1:

:fart: FYI I'm down to only a few "crazy pills" and the pharmacy won't refill without a doc visit (well it has been a year). SO the last few days I've been taking only 1/2 a pill too ween myself off if need be............read in case I don't make the appointment. Man I'm a ****.
Kathy, OUCH!! I hope you get a clear report and heal quickly. You are much too mobile to be hobbled up with crutches.
:fart: FYI I'm down to only a few "crazy pills" and the pharmacy won't refill without a doc visit (well it has been a year). SO the last few days I've been taking only 1/2 a pill too ween myself off if need be............read in case I don't make the appointment. Man I'm a ****.

What did I miss---if you need to go the doctor please do. I am very stubborn, and I think I knew I had to go--but really did not want to go.
I have sprained my other ankle many times--but I didn't care--I even sold girl scout cookies in the neighborhood with it swollen etc (thank goodness for a sympathetic husband) but this time was different (and yes I am a lot older now) this time--the pain was severe--and I iced right away and stayed off it (except for crossing guard and volunteering at the school-where I could sit down)
Anyway--I recommend don't be stubborn check it out--they did say with my x-ray it is possible it is an old injury that I ignored showing up on the xray --but since it is something they have to treat it like a break)

Thanks again everyone!! Hopefully the 2 races I am working at this weekend will go well!! If I can get through them that will be good.
dd was getting very impatient--since she was with me at cc. She heard them say a radiologist will read the xray and call me on Saturday,
She talked me into call them to day for results
The x ray people said it had been read but I wasn't checked off and they didnt know why--so they transfer me to a nurse
Nurse says-she isn't sure--she goes through a few screens--reads me results but isn't sure if it doctor or radiologist--she thinks radiologist
Chip Fracture in ankle
Very swollen

She seemed to think they would just keep me on crutches- I said I know that will not happen--I won't allow it--they can give me a walking cast or boot--I will not deal with these crutches any longer--I have a very active first grader-
she says to make sure I tell that to the ortho guy--and be firm
Monday--I have my appt in the afternoon--so please pray that IF and I stress IF he reads it the same way--that he will agree to a walking cast--I am not a person who can just sit around and do nothing----and I have an entire new respect for people on crutches and people with disabilities---these are a PITA. They hurt your arms-and then your other leg starts to hurt---from putting pressure on your hips (yes, I worked today--and just trying to stand on the crutches while waiting for a chair--HURT--not the injured foot but my hip) Yikes I am OLD!!!!
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I'm an RN and worked in an ortho office for 10 years and I have to say that most fractures are treated in a non weight bearing cast. Not very often that I put on walking casts or boots. So just don't get upset and freak out and demand a walking cast. Take the ortho's recommendation not your desire even though I can understand your frustration with the crutches, etc.
What did I miss.

It appears that I developed an axiety disorder within the last few years (anxiety attacks suck). My doc thinks I have GAD so I've been on a generic Zoloft for a year now. Apparently he wants to see me again now before he'll renew the script.